Apparition at Time of Death

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This story isn't mine, it is my great grandfather James', who told my grandfather, who told my father, who told me. My family on my father's side are devoted Christian's so I have no doubt that my great grandfather was telling the truth about what he believed he saw.

Due to this story having been told by word of mouth over four generations I am somewhat short on details but the general gist of the story is still the same.

I can't be sure of an exact location and date other than in James' house in Victoria in 1949.

Late one night, James got up to go to the toilet and in the hallway he claims to have seen an apparition of his father, Thomas, my great great grandfather. It was impossible for Thomas to have been there in person as he was over 90 years old and living in New South Wales.

Again, I am short on details so I cannot say for how long this apparition lasted or how James reacted and I can't give a detailed description of it other than that it looked like Thomas.

The following morning, a relative of James', a brother or sister (he had a lot) came to the door and told him that his father (Thomas) had died the previous night. To this James replied "I know, I saw him last night, he died at ??? o'clock".

Again, sorry I don't know what time he saw the apparition or the time of Thomas' death, so I don't know if the two events occurred at the same time.

Well that's the story, and just like my father before me, I'll be sure to pass it on to my children.

1 Response to "Apparition at Time of Death"

  1. Tech Blog says:

    The face in the water

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