A Black Shadow Man

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When I around six or seven years old, my mum and I moved out from a townhouse into a unit. I still live here with her today.

I'll explain how my unit block is set out, so you can get an idea of how I saw what I did. From the footpath, you have to walk down about twenty steps. There are paths and grass areas. The actual unit block itself is in the shape of a semi circle, three stories high with a pool and barbecue area in the middle.

Being a little girl, I used to play with my skipping rope, kick a ball around, swim in the pool, you know the usual things. I can still vividly remember what I would see.

Every time I looked at a corner, or a tree that had a big stump, anything really, even in my house, I would see a shadow in the shape of a man, dart behind/around the corner of whatever I glanced at. It was if he didn't want me to see him, or he was shy.

This continued on for a few years until I was around ten, and then I gradually stopped seeing him. I haven't seen any of these shadows since, only what I've posted in "Something In my Hallway." When I did see them, I never really thought anything of it, I just got used to it I guess.

What do you guys think this was?

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