A Magnet For Invisible Harrassment

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The following sequences of events are non-fictitious and have happened to me. These experiences began when I was around 5 years old and have continued to this day. I have learnt to live with them. There was never a time in my early childhood when I did not experience something unexplainable, often with the only explanation plausible, being a supernatural one. I often awoke to strange sounds, like somebody was moving their hands on my bed spread, or playing with my bedside lamp or walking around in my room (sometimes for hours). I was always too afraid to get up and have a look. To switch a light on would require courage I did not possess at such a young age (and still do not to this day); it was much easier to bury my head under my covers.

In my early teens, my family moved from Italy to Australia. My personal experiences continued in the first house we lived in. When I was around 13, they seemed to intensify. I often would wake up in the early hours of the morning and feel something was in the room with me. Looking around the dark room, I would sometimes see a dark shape suddenly move. Sometimes towards me (prompting me to close my eyes and whimper) or sometimes it would sit on a chair in my room. I would spend those early hours awake and terrified, praying for daylight to save me.

One particular night, when these episodes were at their worst, I had gone to bed early that night leaving my bedside lamp on (which had become a nightly ritual.) I was shaken awake by a rumbling sound which seemed to stop as soon as I opened my eyes. My lamp was switched off. I tried to switch it back on but it would not turn on. I discovered a moment of bravery and had decided to leap for the main light switch as quickly as I could. Just as I was about to launch myself off the bed, I froze. A man was standing in my bedroom looking at me. He was older, perhaps in his 30's. He looked angry and agitated. I couldn't scream, instead I buried my head under my covers. I realised that the panic had made me freeze. My bed cover was removed slowly from under me just as I suddenly found the strength to call out softly. Each time my voice grew stronger and stronger until I was yelling loudly. The man in my room kept looking at me unconcerned. My light switch suddenly came on and my father and mother both stood in the doorway looking at me. Needless to say, the man was gone.

My father the next day tried to convince me it had been a dream. I tried to convince my father that in order for it to have been a dream, I would have needed to have been asleep which I certainly had not been.

These episodes still happen, though not as frequently. Perhaps around once every few months I will get a nightly visitor that scares me. If my partner is with me, I usually manage to elbow them as a signal to switch on the light!

I've been told that these visits are by entities or other worldly beings that have a message for me.

I maintain to this day that I am not in the slightest bit interested and will not be until after I've died. Yet still they come.

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