A Life of Haunted Houses

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I'm 17 and I've never written anything before, so sorry if it isn't all that clear! It's all true and it kind of scares me! It started when I was 2 or 3, my parents, brother and I lived in this dodgy old house, I can't remember where, the people before us were into occult and stuff. Every night I would sit up and refuse to sleep in my room because I could see people in my room, I can't really remember, it's what my dad tells me, I used to pull my mattress out of my room and lay it out in front of my parents room, made perfectly. I can't even move one now let alone when I was 3. My dad would ask me in the mornings and I would say "the bad man keeps talking to me". Everything stopped for years until I was 13.

It was holidays and mum was home and I had just woken up, I was just laying there when I froze, I heard someone scream "oh god help me, please help" thinking it was my mum, I jumped out of bed and ran to my mum to ask if she was ok, all she said was "no, I'm fine, I didn't hear or say anything" so, a little freaked out, I went back to my room and back to bed, about half an hour later I heard "hey didn't you help me" and that's when the freaky stuff started happening.

One night, my friend was sleeping over and we were just sitting around laughing with the lights out when I saw something in the corner of my eye, I looked straight at it, it looked kind of like a shadow, but there was no light to cause one and it was darker than the room I was in, it was just moving across the wall, I instantly asked my friend if she could see it and she couldn't. It was heading to the hallway, when dad walked in to tell us to quiet down. He instantly noticed how cold it was and we were told to go to my bedroom.

About a month later, I woke up in the middle of the night to find a dark figure standing over me, my room was slightly lit because of my stereo and it was CLEARLY there, I screamed and hid under my blankets and didn't come out until morning, once again, nothing happened for a couple of months.

This time, when I woke up, the man was there again at the end of my bed, but there was a little girl in front of him, in a white victorian style dress, she looked really upset and I instantly knew she wasn't bad, but the dude behind her was. I went back to sleep hoping they would go away.

When dad and I moved in the house, the very first morning we moved in dad heard a "hello", not really thinking he said hello back. When dad came in to say goodbye (he was going to work), he asked me what I was doing out of bed so early and I didn't know what he was talking about. After he left I heard a "hi" in a guy's voice and I thought dad came back for something so I thought nothing of it. During the year we lived there, we saw a load of orbs and things moving, later we found out a family had died in a bus accident and they had lived in that house before us!

We've moved house again (yes we move a lot) and in the current house I'm at, it's the worst. Its an oldish country house, pretty crappy looking, but clearly has a history! We moved in about 3 months ago now and since the first night there, I have been seeing things. Almost every night, I see an old man walk across my room. He's there but he isn't?, sort of like see through. He has a big bushy beard and looks amish. He gives me a nasty look every time he comes past my bed. Lights that are off get turned on frequently, same with doors opening all the time.

It could be 10000 degrees outside but you will have to wear a jumper inside because its freezing, and it's not air conditioning because we don't even have a working heater right now. And things are always moving around the house, I'll put my guitar in the lounge room and it will be in the kitchen in the morning and I know it's not my dad because guitars are like gold to him and I have also seen the little girl again a few times and I'm not sure why she is following me.

Dad doesn't see anything really, but I do all the time, my nana was the same, she still sees things to this day, I'm not sure what to do, how to get rid of them or how to help them, I'm starting to get sick of being scared half to death every night!


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