A Ghost Saved my Life

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When I was about 4 years old, my nan was looking after me and her house was a really nice one, except for downstairs. Downstairs made you feel terrible, there was definitely something there. My mum, me and my aunt all felt a presence and felt as though we were being watched.

Being 4 years old I was very wary of going down there. So this day I was riding around upstairs on my little plastic bike and nan insisted on my staying away from the stairs. The stairs were extremely steep and my mind is a blank from the time where I was riding around until I somehow found myself facing the stairs. I remember looking down the stairs and thinking how did I get here?

Then I felt myself being pushed and there I was, hurtling down the stairs on this plastic bike. Based on the laws of physics, the bike should have tumbled over throwing me off it face first. Yet somehow I remained balanced though thinking back it seems impossible how I could have done so. Not only this, with the speed I was going down the stairs I should have been thrown straight through the glass window which was only about a meter from the bottom stair. As I reached the bottom I felt my bike and me stop dead as though someone had caught me.

So it seems as though someone made me go to the stairs, pushed me down where I could easily have been killed... but then I was also stabilized and saved from breaking my neck while hurtling down the stairs and then caught at the bottom and stopped from flying through a thick glass window. Perhaps there were two people there, one trying to hurt me, one trying to save me? I don't know, what do you reckon?

Also found out after nan had moved that 2 owners of the house had died.

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