A Fast Shadow On A Well Lit Street

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Location: In Caboolture, QLD Australia.

I often walk around my local neighborhood late at night. I generally enjoy walking at night just because it's heaps cooler than during the day and also because there's no-one around I just feel like I can wander about and think. I normally go out for my late night walks at about 10pm to 12 midnight and sometimes I don't come home until 4 in the morning. This one night I had left earlier. I was angry or sad about something or other but I can't remember. It wasn't anything serious I am sure it was just something that had happened during the day.

In any case when I was walking I started getting a feeling like I wasn't safe. I was constantly looking over my shoulder and expecting to see something and I was walking fast and concentrating on my surroundings. As I said before I generally like to relax and enjoy myself so this was a bit of a let down. However I had about a year and a half ago previously had a run in with some wannabe gangsters in a park in Morayfield. I started thinking I was feeling like this because I could sense that someone was around or something. Eventually I just realized I was being paranoid and I tried to put it out of mind.

After this I realized that no matter what the rest of the night I would be thinking about it and I wouldn't be able to just relax and think about anything else so I headed home. By this time it was only about 10:30pm so it was still very early by my standard walks. I started walking home and I was very nearly home. I was on a long street. On the left was the small street that had my house nearly directly at the end of it. I turned left and started walking. When I was about 30 meters down this street I got the feeling that I wasn't safe again and I glanced back over my shoulder.

I saw a pitch black shadow fly across the street, going from the direction I had come from and continue down the street instead of turning left. Now this street isn't a dark street. It is well lit with many lights on the direction I came from. If I kept going toward down the street I would have been in a patch of shadow because straight ahead if I don't turn there is a run of about 50 meters without streetlights. This shadow moved from the light side of the street towards the dark unbelievably quick. It was about 3 feet high and it seemed like it was a few feet above the ground. It didn't really have a shape it was just a black shadow and as I said it moved fast as hell.

At first I was a little relieved because I knew it wasn't some gangster person waiting to beat the shiat out of me and then I started thinking that if it can move that fast I can't out run it. I started walking a lot quicker and made it home without incident. It wasn't a dark night, there wasn't any cloud cover and I was on a well lit street. I am normally a skeptic for these types of things and I never really believed we could see ghosts or spirits or anything but I must admit that I can't explain this and it freaked me out a bit. What I also find strange is that while I was scared I was also slightly calm, like I wasn't worrying.

I suppose that could have just been the craziness of the moment but in any case I'd love to hear from anyone who has ideas on what it could have been or if they've had anything similar.

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