Childhood Terror

I should start out by saying that I have experienced paranormal activity since I can remember. This particular instance is the first that I can actually recall in full detail.

I was about 4 years old and would have nightmares through the night. I would wake up sweating, sometimes crying because they frightened me so bad. What would scare me even more is what I would see when I would open my eyes. Mind you, I was fully awake at this point. I would always see just across the room a floating head (of sorts), usually with a skull or demonic looking face in the middle. It was generally white and misty. I would squeeze my eyes shut, trying hard to get it to go away, and reopen just to have it still there and staring at me.

I remember then focusing on this being, making sure that it wasn't just a shadow or something in my room making that shape. I realize it sounds ridiculous that a 4 year old can have the much insight, but I had always been mature for my age. I would pray and pray, but nothing would happen. Eventually, I would become so terribly overwhelmed with fear that I would begin to scream and bang on the wall that separated mine and my parent's room, begging my dad to come in the room with me.

He would drag in there, push me over, and lay in front of me on the twin bed so that I was against the wall. At times, I would peek over to see if the being was still there, and 9 times out of 10, it still was. My dad was unaware and just went right to sleep.

At any rate, this being still haunts me. It definitely isn't as frequent as when I was younger, but I'll know when it appears. The presence in the room will be so strong and so dark that I begin to shake, but can't physically move to turn the lights on. I become paralyzed with fear. If anyone has any ideas on how to send this terror back where it belongs, that would be awesome. I have tried to several rituals, but it always comes back no matter what. I'm tired of being scared, and tired of being terrified of the dark.

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