Dark Spirit Always Near

My first encounter was when a child living in Jacksonville, NC and felt a strong presence each time I entered the house. There was one room particularly strong where the spirit would pull you out of the bed or shake you violently at night and the spirit was often visible in the hallway at night. Doors would slam shut and there would be tapping of glass windows. The spirit remained after several attempts by pastors to remove it. To the best of my knowledge the property was not of any historic importance. (My parents are of the Christian-Baptist faith).

After high school I moved across the state and presumed that the spirit would remain behind, but this is not the case. I have since moved 2 more times and each time the spirit is still with me. I have seen it take on different forms, but most commonly is a transparent dark cloud like entity. I always feel as though I am being watched by this spirit. I can hear the spirit going up and down stairways at random times and the cats behave oddly when the spirit is strong.

As of late, I have felt the spirits presence in places other than the home as well. I fear the spirit will become violent or cause ill will.

If anyone can help, I would be very grateful.

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