Another Story Of Unexplained Hauntings

Previously,I explained some unusual happenings that occurred in our home, and out of it. Some of the other things that took place, which, if you remember, occurred more frequently a month after my brother passed on. It happened almost all the time for approximately three to four months after his passing.

My oldest daughter worked night shift, and she usually got home between 12:30 and 1 a.m. It normally took her awhile to unwind once she was home. Most of the time she would take a shower and then watch TV in the living room until she got sleepy. She told me one day that while she was up, our pictures on our mantel started moving. She was kind of in shock and she said she got upset and shouted "Uncle, stop it now!" She said that it did stop and she was glad. She said a lot of times she would hear steps in our hallway, and she would try to ignore it, and at times she would wake me up. On one occasion when she woke me up, I went into the living room with her and she said "Mom tell Uncle that we love him, but he needs to stop scaring us." I did say out loud that we love him and to let me know if he needs help with anything. That one night it sounded like someone banged real hard on the back of the TV. I asked my daughter if she heard it. She did.

For several months our door-bell would ring, and when we would check, no one was there. I told my husband that maybe it was kids playing tricks on us, but he said they can't run that fast. My granddaughter, who was 20 months old when my brother passed, ran to our front door one day and was trying to open the door. We asked her what she was doing. She said Uncle wants to come in. She was so determined to open the door, that we finally did for her. My daughter said that sometimes when she would be driving, my granddaughter would be playing in the back seat. A few times she would talk out loud. This one time, my daughter and the babies dad heard her say "No Uncle, I don't want to play any more."

I had finally decided to go back to work after a few months. I think it was September. I work in the health field, so I have to wear uniforms. I change my uniform everyday, and on my days off, I wash all my work clothes. The day I did laundry I was putting all my uniforms in the wash, and on one of my shirts, a hospital name tag was on it with my brother's old room number. There was no way that could of been on. I wore that shirt to work, and I would of noticed, or someone would of, because I have to wear a badge at work. I was so shocked. All my uniforms always are cleaned before going to work. I showed my family and they were just as much shocked as me.

Things have slowed down a bit, though, on occasion something happens. I want to share with you now some things that have occurred recently. A few weeks ago, I was leaving my home, when I went to open my front door. It felt like someone was pulling the door knob back, and it happened twice. It really felt like when I was opening the door someone was closing it. I have a picture of my brother in my dining room. It was him receiving his first communion. He was twelve at the time. Well, one day my grandson got a hold of it and broke the frame. I took if away from him. I then had set it aside. About after a week I was looking at the picture, thinking that soon I have to buy another frame, when I heard a very soft womans voice say "I'm sorry." I was very stunned.

My mother passed away on March 2, 2008. If you note, my brother was July 2nd. When she passed, I told my family let's see if strange things happen a lot again. They didn't like in the past. The woman's voice I heard recently was not my moms voice.

Another incident that occurred was, I was standing in my kitchen one morning drinking coffee. You can see my front door right out the window. I saw a woman, and it looked like she walked out my front door, but the door was shut. I rubbed my eyes, and I even ran out the door, but she was gone. Two days later same thing happened. This time she was walking into my home. The door never opened. I saw her reach for the door knob. I remember she was wearing a sweater and she was dressed very nice, but casual, and she had a purse with a strap over her shoulders. She had light brown hair that was curled all the way around, her hair was a little above her shoulders. I didn't see her face very well, only the side of her each time. I told my daughter about it and she thought it may have been my mom. I don't know, because my mom was 67 years Old when she passed, and this lady looked young. I don't remember my mom having that kind of hair style.

I had a good friend that passed away in October. We hadn't seen or talked to each other for a long time. One day her daughter finally some how got our number, and called us. She told us what happened. The service had been two days prior to her reaching us, so I didn't get to attend, and I was hurt. She was sixty years old. She always had such a sweet voice. I wonder if maybe the woman I saw was her, and the voice I heard.

I do believe that when a loved ones spirit does stick around, that it does open the door for other spirits. Every once in a while, when I sleep, I can feel someone pushing up on my mattress. My husband feels it to, at times. Now this other thing is going to be kind of hard to write about. One morning I got up and I went straight into the hallway bathroom to take a bath. I didn't notice anything on me at the time. After my bath I was drying off and getting ready to put my robe on, when I noticed scratches all over my stomach. It looked like someone took a razor blade and just scratched in all kinds of directions on my stomach. I got dressed and I was very upset about what I saw. I showed my husband, and he said "My gosh, it looks like someone cut you all up." and I even showed the rest of my family. I asked him if he thought something got into our bed. He said he would of been cut up to. I do know that I had a dream that someone was scratching my granddaughter on her stomach, and I was screaming in my dream, though that was two nights prior to me having those scratches. I don't have long nails. In fact, they are very short.

I had another dream the night before Halloween. In my dream, I saw my mom and brother and they looked the same. I was sitting on a couch and there was a man next to me. The house had walls that was a very bright white, and my mom was trying to tell me something. I couldn't understand her. Then she screamed out my full name, to pay attention, then she said where they were, everyone stays young. Then she handed me a phone, and the number three kept on popping up. Then she grabbed it, and gave it back. Then it was the number four. I'm not sure what she was trying to tell me, though my birthday starts with 3-4. It's March 4. Also my son's cell phone starts with those numbers. I also remember, in the dream, my mom and brother both laying down on their stomachs with their heads turned side ways. I thought how unusual for them to lay down like that. Then I remember hearing my mom crying, saying she missed me, then I grabbed my brother's hand and I kissed it. Then I told him how much I loved and missed him and mom. Then I woke up.

Well, that following Wednesday my youngest son had a wrestling match at his school. My other kids and I went. At first the kids wrestle, then the coach blows a whistle, then they have to stop. Then one of them has to get on the floor, on his stomach, with his head side ways. And they wrestle again for a while. Did you get it? Same way my mom and brother did in my dream. I think my mom was really trying to tell me something.

Shortly after my brother's passing, I had a dream that we were both standing outside near my front door. It was very foggy and he looked very healthy. I asked him if he was OK and he said yes. I then asked him if he saw GOD yet. He said "No, not yet, but I will" then I said "Where are you then?" he said "I'm in a waiting place. We all go there." and that was it my dream ended. It seemed so real.

I need to stop here. There's so much more I would like to share. It's just very hard to continue at times. Will write again soon.

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