Floating Above The Surgical Team

I was eleven years old when my appendix burst. It was the worst pain I had ever felt and I felt hot. The nausea would come in waves and my parents didn't understand what was happening to me. I was sick, really sick and no one seemed to take me seriously.

When I started having seizures, my parents realized the severity of the situation and they rushed me to the doctor. It was back in the day when you see the family doctor for everything. As soon as he saw me, he knew I needed to get to the hospital, right away.

In less than half an hour, we were loaded up and off to the nearest hospital. I was scared, sick, and hallucinating. I was told my fever was pretty high at that point.

The doctors said I was septic and rushed me into surgery. I remember falling asleep almost right away. I found myself hovering over the doctors. Yes, I was floating above my actual surgery and I wasn't scared. There were Angels with me and they made me feel so safe. I could see other beings in the room but they weren't clear like the Angels. They seemed to float in and out of the room.

I remember asking the beings around me if I was dead. They smiled really big and I could hear a beautiful music in the distance. I wanted to go there but they told me I needed to wait. They said, "It's not your time yet, you must be patient". It sounded like their voices had blended into one beautiful musical voice.

I watched the surgery as though it were happening to someone else. It didn't scare me and I watched with a kind of detachment. I heard every word that was said and I saw every last stitch they placed in my body. They cut me from hipbone to hipbone and it didn't bother me to see them trying to clear away the damage. I saw them flushing out the area around my intestine. I stared with curiosity at the black tube sticking out of my mouth. I felt happy. It was a strange place to be in and I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't care about the body on the table.

I remember the Doctors talking about my irregular heartbeat and my dangerously low blood pressure. I heard them talk about my short stature and how I didn't look like a girl, who was about to turn twelve.

The Angelic beings floated around my body and they stayed close by. The two nearest my floating form was the hardest to see. Three Angels were floating above my body on the table. I think they must have been my Guardians but I can't say for sure.

Before I knew it, the Angels and the other beings said it was time to go back and I didn't want to go. It felt like my Soul was being sucked back into my physical body.

Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. When I could talk, the Doctors were amazed at my story. I told them I was floating above the surgery and hearing every bit of their conversations. I remember a few other Doctors entering the recovery area-to hear my tale. It didn't seem like that big a deal to me at the time.

Now I know how special it was but it wasn't to be the last time. I will have to save those stories for another time!

I don't fear death. It is just a small part of the journey.

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