Black Noise

I am CenterCore, and I encourage you to please explore my previous stories before continuing just to give yourself a better understanding of what I've experienced.

A little brief bit of history here, first of all; I just went through a rather tough time in my life and am only just now beginning to cope with it. I'll only say it's affected me greatly.

The other night I experienced something that has effectively given me a whole new look on the supernatural. It is highly connected to my prior experiences and is beginning to give me insight to the fact that I may in fact be visited by my own out-of-body spirit, which is tougher to explain than it is for me to understand. It hit me like a speeding train; this sudden feeling like I was being pushed. Not necessarily "pushed", but something was holding me in place and influencing my movement. I saw the all-too-familiar silhouettes of "Jerry" and "Miguel" in the background, and all the while I heard this pulsating wringing, which just kept increasing in volume. My breathing became shallow, I was sweating profusely, and my vision got all obscured. I don't know how else to describe it other than to say it felt like I was being possessed. Somehow, this dark spirit of mine seems to have been trying to take over my body. Which is understandable; I was in a volatile state, and became more susceptible to "Jerry's" interference. I could see "Jerry" and "Miguel" closing in on me, and I kept muttering, "Stop... Just stop..." but I couldn't speak above a low whisper. My every movement was restrained and tough to make. Even talking became a chore.

I don't remember much after that. I just sort of blacked out eventually and when I came to, the room was dark, and I was breathing very heavily, like trying to catch up as I couldn't breathe at all before.

Very unsettling experience and it's had me a little on edge. I've never quite had that happen before, not like that. Not to where I feel literally "threatened". But that's exactly how I felt that time.

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