Crying Out For Help

So I am afraid to submit story just in case I invoke them to come after me again. Since a child I have seen weird and wonderful thing, but I don't want to cower forever I want the facts and I want to know how to protect myself.

First memory ever, I must have been about two years of age. The house was filled with smoke and I sort of totted over to my mother who was standing at the window looking out. Our house was situated behind the town tennis courts then and what I saw was burnt into my memory. A bunch of cloaked men, humming words I didn't understand and they had burnt the star of David or something similar, satanic star I don't know, into the thatch roof of the rondavel and watched it burn down. That's my first memory ever!

All through my life I have had experiences, mostly unpleasant. Sleep paralysis being one of them, being held down in my bed, awake inside and the feeling of something feeding on my soul, entities floating above my bed at night, air would feel thick, battling to breathe... I even got to a point of how to use energy against others but could only use it once threatened enough or protection of others then I could release it but otherwise forget it- my ex husband used to get possessed and his eyes would change, weirdest thing ever, it was like the soul had been removed for that time being, no life in his eyes.

I see things all the time yet not as in person, almost like distorted energy and then my mind can see the detail - I can't explain it and I don't know why - I have tried to go to mediums to see why this happens, some refuse and others say they can't read me, I once went to a angel card reader and I pulled all the trump cards, she said this never happens and I have more power than I can imagine and I need to use it but my question is - FOR WHAT AND HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF?

I have a little girl entity in my house, she runs around and laughs and breaks things but sometimes she lashes out and grabs my feet when I sleep. My boyfriend bought me a St Christopher which I wear all the time even when I bath and that has worked. Yet lately I feel the darkness coming back. The air goes thick in my house and I can feel it watching me and the thing is that this thing follows me wherever I go or move so what I am asking for is help?

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