First Paranormal Experience

He first paranormal experience I had was when I was in the 4th grade. My Mom and Dad split up and we moved to a new house. Up to this point my older sister and I shared a bedroom. Needless to say it took me a little while to get used to having my own room.

When I would go to bed at night I could swear I heard footsteps going up and down the hall just outside my door way. When I would go downstairs and tell my mother, she would tell me it was the baseboard heat making the noises. I tried to tell her I new the difference in the sounds, but she didn't want to hear it.

One night I was sleeping, when my foot brushed up against something at the end of my bed. I woke up and looked down there to see an older man standing there looking at me. He was kind of short and older looking. He was wearing a blue "Dickey's" outfit like a repairman would wear. He stared at me for about 30 seconds with a soft smile on his face. He slowly faded away and I heard his footsteps go out my door and walk up and down the hallway 3 times then stop. During this I was scared but not scared.

I now knew where the footsteps came from. Every night after that as soon as I went to bed he would start at my doorway and walk up and down the hallway 3 times and stop at my door. About 4 years later I took over my sister's bedroom at the other end of the hall. I listened the first night going to bed and he was right there to pace and protect me.

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