Ghosts, Dreams, And People's Attitudes

I'm 19 years old and ever since I was little I've been having dreams that come true, see people that are not there, and know just by looking at someone who they truly were and behaved. As I got older I began seeing people.

Back then I called them angles, now I know they're ghosts. Recently this year while I was in the hospital I kept seeing a ghost of a woman with brown hair past her shoulders and about 5 foot tall. At first I thought I was just seeing things because of the medications. But when I got home I saw her more.

Every time I saw her she was smiling. Then I had a dream of a young woman that died in a hospital waiting room. A week later, the death I saw was in the news. I see her also. To put it all together I see 4 ghosts. My great grandma, the woman with brown hair, the lady from my dream, and a 10 year old girl who I've never seen before.

I found out the woman I was seeing is actually my boyfriend's mother, she died last year. I just can't figure out why I'm seeing her. When I saw her the first time I didn't even know him. And what about the other woman and the girl? Why am I seeing them also if I don't know them?

I don't know if this goes with this subject, but I'm able to tell if a person is nice, mean, shy, etc, etc just by meeting them. I don't know how. It's like I can see past their 'mask', if that's what you want to call it. Like, they can be smiling when I meet them and I can tell if they are truly a nice person or if they are just being nice.

When this happens its like someone is telling me the persons true...appearance. I guess you can call it that.

Can anyone help explain all this?

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