Cursed Family

First of all my girlfriend and I moved into this house about 4 months ago. It is a old house built in about 1915! When we first got here everything seemed nice and pleasant. But there is a bedroom which is connected to the master bedroom. That gives me a strange feeling! I have 3 cats and always keep the doors to that spare bedroom closed, because whenever that room is open our cats go in the room and crap everywhere! They always use their litter boxes and never go crap anywhere else in the house!

Also about a week or 2 ago I had my niece over; who is about 1 year and sum odd months old, when my girlfriend and I tried to make her go into the spare bedroom she just would not step foot into the room and started crying. Once not near the room 2 secs later she seemed just fine. I don't know what is going on!

ANOTHER thing happened last night which made me subscribe to this site! First off my sister-in-law's mother died 2 days ago. (don't know if this has anything to do with anything.) But just last night while I was upstairs asleep, or trying to sleep, my girlfriend was downstairs in the living room watching TV and browsing the internet. (by the way the lights were off!) She said that she was just sitting there when all of the sudden she heard some thing. All of the cats were in the living room in her sight. The noise kept happening and then the cats looked like they were staring at something! One of the Cats hair started to stand up on her back. My girlfriend then called my name and heard me respond from upstairs. My girlfriend was wondering what was going on so she got up and flipped on the lights to find out that the cats food dishes made their way from the kitchen to the front door area. (not very far to kitchen to front door, about 15-20 ft.) She then came upstairs and told me what had happened.

I do believe her because one time at my mothers house which is old too, my mothers dog had died. A couple of days later my girlfriend and I were sitting in the living room when no one else was home and it was silent as can be, we heard my moms dog whining just like it did a few days ago when it was alive. I have always had some what weird stuff happen. I have older brothers that have had a lot of crazy stuff happen to them. (seeing stuff, things moving, hearing stuff!)

My question is - is the house I am living in haunted or is it just me? IS MY FAMILY CURSED? I have always thought that my family and I were haunted, we always have to worst luck in the world and the bad stuff only happens to my family and no one else. Crazy questions always cross my mind that I do not like to think of. (did one of my ancestor sell their soul to the devil? To curse this family. Am I crazy?)

PS. My father had committed suicide and I think that his sprit lives in my mother's garage. A place where he spent a lot of time. Working on cars, stuff like that. Even thou the event did not take place there. Sorry for rambling on but bad and weird stuff has happened to me and my family members alike. So is it the house? Me? Family? I need answers! ASAP. If anyone knows or as had things like this occur let me know.

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