A Pushing, Stealing, Cutting Ghost?

I don't know if this is necessary, but if this information is needed, I am a female seventeen year-old. Next year is my last year of high school. Well, first of all, I've always hated ghosts. I don't care whether they are the "good" kind or the "bad" kind. I have never wanted to see one let alone confront one. Unfortunately, my hate for them only comes from the fact that I fear them so much. I don't know much about ghosts or spirits, heck, I can't tell the difference between the terms, because the more I learn about them or watch them on YouTube, the scarier and more real they seem. (However, my friends seem to get real kicks out of seeing me nearly shiat my pants, hence the reasons why I have watched ghost videos on YouTube.)

Anyway, as much as I'd like to deny it, I think I really have had some ghostly experiences. It started when my family had purchased this old house, it was our first house that we've ever lived in since we've been so used to living in a townhouse. I think it was about 2007 of summer, because that was the year I was entering high school, and my family bought this house because of its location. This was in Alberta, Edmonton of Canada by the way.

After we have settled in about a couple months later, strange things begin to happen particularly around the second set of stairs that led to the family den. The family den has our computers and the TV, so my family went down there a lot. My sister fell down those stairs for the first time, and naturally we were all worried for her. However, when she got up she looked perfectly fine. While my mom gave a mini lecture about being more careful, my sister just went along to play.

I remember counting those steps after falling down those stairs became something like a routine. I'm not sure if that's quite the word for it. What I'm trying to say is that those stairs were frequently tripped upon. There were ten steps. The second time my sister fell down those stairs again something like a week later. However, each time she tripped down those stairs, she wouldn't get hurt.

My mother has fallen down those same stairs at least five times. For me, it must've been well over ten. However, we were never seriously hurt, which made me feel a little uneasy. I don't even get a bruise. My brother and father never fell on those stairs though. I had brief thoughts that it may have been a ghost, but dismissed the idea because the thought of my brand new house being haunted scared me so much.

My family figured it was the carpeting which made the staircase leading to the family den such a nuisance. So after having our share of falling down the steps, we eventually became very cautious when going downstairs to watch some TV or use the computer. Even so, we continued to trip.

That's not all either. I'm a bit of a pack rat, so I still have all the stuffed animals my friends had given me when I was a kid. (I still like stuffed animals.) However, when I saw one of my favorite stuffed dolls go missing, I began to panic. I hate losing anything I own, and I usually place my things somewhere specific so I knew exactly where they were. On top of that, this doll was given from a precious friend of mine, and it was extremely beautiful; one of my prized dolls. Though my siblings knew better than to touch my collection, I harassed my brother and sister to tell me where my doll was, but they swore they didn't touch it. I even asked my parents and they said they hadn't touched my room. After searching the house for a few weeks, I eventually gave up.

Some months later, I found my doll on the floor in plain sight, placed near my wardrobe. Now, I place my stuffed dolls at the top of that wardrobe, so yes, I had checked that area many many times, but it was never there until that day. This REALLY had me freaked out. And that's when I started to think that something from another world was screwing with me. I had to sleep with the covers over my head that night.

After about a year and a half of living in that house, my parents decided to split. My dad stayed at the house, while the rest of us moved to Toronto, Ontario, living in a condo. It's not that sad for me, I saw it coming a long time ago, and it happened pretty naturally. Moving out of the house was also a bit of a relief. But again, strange things started to happen after we settled in our new condo.

My mom recently purchased a very good quality potato peeler, and I know it's weird, but she must've really liked that thing. (It's that, or it was very expensive.) However, it went missing the next week. My mom is a neat person. What mom isn't? So yes, this was unusual. She began to harass me and my siblings where we had left the peeler, but since we're generally too lazy to peel carrots or potatoes for food, we told her we didn't touch it. I figured maybe moms have their moments when they lose something, so I didn't think much of it...

... Until my mom bought another peeler. When she couldn't figure where the potato peeler went, she went out to buy another of the exact same kind. But again, this peeler went missing. That peeler was huge with a nice handle and a shiny sharp blade for peeling, so I couldn't figure how something like that would've gone missing TWICE. My mom was extremely frustrated when this happened again. She searched everywhere, and could not find her peeler. She talked about how forty dollars went down the drain, and decided to purchase a cheap one. Strangely enough, this tiny cheap peeler stayed.

It's been a few months since we've moved into this house, and I'm finding small cuts on my hands in the most random places. They don't look like paper cuts though (I would know if it was a paper cut, since I draw a lot), and they don't hurt very much, but they are certainly annoying. I'm not sure, but these nicks look like they could have been made by fingernails or something. I mostly find them on the sides of my finger or the under-sides/belly of my fingers. The reason why I believe they look like fingernail scratches are because of how the skin sticking out is curved; like they had a really sharp nail, dug into my skin, and decide to peel it half-way. They've healed now, but I'm still getting strange cuts I've never noticed before.

Also, I don't know if this would be of any relevance, but I find myself waking up around 3 AM all the time. (Sometimes a minute or two earlier) I asked my friends about it and they told me it was jet leg from changing time zones, but its April now, I've moved to my condo in December. Because of this, I'm extremely drowsy at school and can hardly stay awake.

So why am I posting this? I came across this website by chance, and oh lordy, am I going to have nightmares for weeks on end. Though, your experiences are strangely addicting to read, and it seems there is helpful feedback as well. Since you guys seem to be experts in this field, I want this to be confirmed:

Is my family being haunted by a ghost?

And if so, can I get rid of it? I get deathly afraid of being around one... I know it's not causing any real harm, for now at least, so at the moment I feel safe. However, my family and I really don't need any more of this. There's already so much frantic commotion with my mom going to university and me trying to make up for the term I have missed, so we really don't want to lose any more of our things or get cuts that will bother us when writing an exam. I'd like ANY weight off our shoulders right now.

One more thing (if needed): my mom meditates, so she is a very spiritual person, though she doesn't believe in ghosts. Me and my sister are just afraid of paranormal things, but we don't meditate or anything like that.

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