Ghost's Playing With My Lights

Lately my parents have been yelling at me for leaving my bedroom light switched on. But the problem is that I don't leave them on.

This started last year. I was getting ready for school when I heard someone whisper my name. I thought it was my nana but she was downstairs and when I asked her, she said she didn't say anything. So I started to get freaked out. Since then my lights have started to do what they do now. When I leave for school I switch them off and when I come home I get yelled at for leaving them on.

A few weeks ago I was straightening my hair in the bathroom. I had switched off my bedroom lights. I then heard kids laughing followed by a woman's voice saying, "Come on now kids don't go in there." I thought it was my nana watching T.V so I went to check but the T.V wasn't on. I went in my room to see if my T.V was on but it wasn't but my light was on. This freaked me out a lot.

What happened last night scared me even more. I have a bunk bed. By my bed I have a touch lamp on a shelf. When I went into my room to show my friend something the touch lamp was on. You have to touch it hard because it is broken and I haven't used the lamp in a long time so this really scared me.

I have tried to tell my mom that I don't leave the lights on but she does not listen.

So if you have any idea of what might be happening please tell me.

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