Black Aggie

When Felix Agnus put up the life-sized shrouded bronze statue of a grieving angel, seated on a pedestal, in the Agnus family plot in the Druid Ridge Cemetery, he had no idea what he had started. The statue was a rather eerie figure by day, frozen in a moment of grief and terrible pain. At night, the figure was almost unbelievably creepy; the shroud over its head obscuring the face until you were up close to it. There was a living air about the grieving angel, as if its arms could really reach out and grab you if you weren't careful.

It didn't take long for rumors to sweep through the town and surrounding countryside. They said that the statue - nicknamed Black Aggie - was haunted by the spirit of a mistreated wife who lay beneath her feet. The statue's eyes would glow red at the stroke of midnight, and any living person who returned the statues gaze would instantly be struck blind. Any pregnant woman who passed through her shadow would miscarry. If you sat on her lap at night, the statue would come to life and crush you to death in her dark embrace. If you spoke Black Aggie's name three times at midnight in front of a dark mirror, the evil angel would appear and pull you down to hell. They also said that spirits of the dead would rise from their graves on dark nights to gather around the statue at night.

People began visiting the cemetery just to see the statue, and it was then that the local fraternity decided to make the statue of Grief part of their initiation rites. "Black Aggie" sitting, where candidates for membership had to spend the night crouched beneath the statue with their backs to the grave of General Agnus, became popular.

One dark night, two fraternity members accompanied new hopeful to the cemetery and watched while he took his place underneath the creepy statue. The clouds had obscured the moon that night, and the whole area surrounding the dark statue was filled with a sense of anger and malice. It felt as if a storm were brewing in that part of the cemetery, and to their chagrin, the two fraternity members noticed that gray shadows seemed to be clustering around the body of the frightened fraternity candidate crouching in front of the statue.

What had been a funny initiation rite suddenly took on an air of danger. One of the fraternity brothers stepped forward in alarm to call out to the initiate. As he did, the statue above the boy stirred ominously. The two fraternity brothers froze in shock as the shrouded head turned toward the new candidate. They saw the gleam of glowing red eyes beneath the concealing hood as the statue's arms reached out toward the cowering boy.

With shouts of alarm, the fraternity brothers leapt forward to rescue the new initiate. But it was too late. The initiate gave one horrified yell, and then his body disappeared into the embrace of the dark angel. The fraternity brothers skidded to a halt as the statue thoughtfully rested its glowing eyes upon them. With gasps of terror, the boys fled from the cemetery before the statue could grab them too.

Hearing the screams, a night watchman hurried to the Agnus plot. To his chagrin, he discovered the body of a young man lying at the foot of the statue. The young man had apparently died of fright.

The disruption caused by the statue grew so acute that the Agnus family finally donated it to the Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C.. The grieving angel sat for many years in storage there, never again to plague the citizens visiting the Druid Hill Park Cemetery.

O poveste trista

Aseară am întâlnit pe sora mea Lidia care locuieşte cu familia în Siberia şi a venit pentru vară la Moldova. După ce am întâlnit-o la gară cu celelalte două surori ale mele şi copiii noştri, am mers cu toţi la noi acasă, am luat masa şi apoi am început să ne amintim despre copilăria noastră grea. Am avut un prilej să pun multe întrebări şi să aflu de la surorile mele lucruri care nu le-am ştiut până acum cu toate că vorbim de multe ori la acest subiect. În baza amintirilor mele şi a celor povestite de surori vă voi povesti cum a fost moartea mamei noastre.

Era sfârşitul primăverii anului 1980 şi aveam 8 ani. Se apropia sfârşitul anului şcolar. Într-o seară tata a venit iar bea acasă, a bătut-o tare pe mama şi pe noi copiii şi cu mare greu am reuşit să fugim cu toţii la bunici. Mama lucra la ambulatoriul medical din sat în calitate de infirmieră şi în fiecare zi continua să meargă la serviciu. Acolo l-a bunici, mi-am făcut un bun prieten pe nume Sergiu Prida, şi ne jucam în fiecare zi. Eram cu el de aceiaşi vârstă. Înţeleptul Solomon scrie în cartea Proverbelor: „Nebunia este lipită de inima copilului, dar nuiaua certării o va dezlipi de el.�? (Proverbe 22:15) Nu a ocolit nebunia nici inimile noastre de copii. Într-o zi ,după ce am găsit pe drum câteva capete de ţigări consumate, am fost ispitiţi să încercăm cum este când fumezi şi am făcut acest experiment în timp ce şedeam la poarta lor. A „tras el un fum�? cum am auzit că spuneau cei mari şi apoi am făcut şi eu acelaşi lucru. Chiar în timpul când eram pentru prima dată cu ţigara la gură, am văzut cum din capătul drumului, a apărut şi se îndrepta spre noi mama mea care venea de la serviciu, dar mai devreme ca în alte zile. Repede am aruncat acel capăt de ţigară şi aşteptam să se apropie mama. Era o femeie deosebit de frumoasă şi, în ciuda tuturor suferinţelor şi chinurilor la care a fost supusă de tatăl meu, avea o ţinută energică şi plină de viaţă. Era îmbrăcată într-o haină simplă pe care erau imagini şi text scris mărunt în legătură cu Olimpiada care avea să fie în oraşul Moscova în acea vară. Toţi aşteptam acest eveniment şi mai ales pentru faptul că focul olimpic avea să treacă şi prin satul nostru, în drumul lui din Grecia spre Moscova. Mama se apropia repede de noi şi eram foarte îngrijorat ce să fac ca să nu miroase fumul de la ţigările care numai ce încercasem să fumez pentru prima dată şi în felul acesta să mai adaug la întristarea şi suferinţele ei. Când a ajuns mama aproape, m-a mângâiat pe cap, m-a luat de mână şi în timp ce ne-am pornit spre casa bunicilor mi-a spus: „Hai să mergem, Vasilică, puiul mamei. Se pare că mama s-a îmbolnăvit mai greu ca altă dată…�? Spunea aceasta pentru că totdeauna a suferit de dureri la stomac şi este uşor de înţeles când mă gândesc la suferinţele care le îndura sistematic.

Nu cu mult timp, înainte de a afla despre boală, surorile mele îşi amintesc cum vecina noastră Eugenia, venea timp de mai multe zile la noi acasă şi căuta să discute cu mama. În cele din urmă i-a spus că a visat-o mireasă şi i-a mai spus că acest vis are o tâlcuire rea şi nu înseamnă decât faptul că se apropie moartea. Nimeni nu ştia Evanghelia la noi pe stradă şi, din punct de vedere a relaţiei cu Dumnezeu şi a cunoaşterii voii Lui atât familia noastră, cât şi celelalte familii puteau fi descrise cu aceste cuvinte ale Scripturii care spun: „… în vremea aceia eraţi fără Hristos, fără drept de cetăţănie în Israel, străini de legămintele făgăduinţei, fără nădejde şi fără Dumnezeu în lume�? (Efeseni 2.12) Erau cu toţii sub controlul superstiţiilor şi, cum vom vedea mai departe, apăsaţi de puterile întunericului şi a diavolului.

Boala mamei a început să progreseze foarte, foarte repede. Îmi amintesc cum a început să vomite absolut tot ce mânca. Unchiul nostru şi fratele mamei mai mic Gheorghe, a intervenit repede şi a luat pe mama la spital căutând să o ducă la cei mai buni medici, dar nu aveau nici un efect tratamentele oferite de medici şi boala progresa foarte repede. Mama era adusa acasă şi iar, la foarte scurt timp, era dusă iar la spital de către unchiul nostru.

Surorile mele mergeau în continuu, aproape zilnic la spital, la Chişinău, apoi la Hânceşti şi în cele din urmă la spitalul din satul nostru. Mă luau des şi pe mine la spital şi, în lumea mea de copil, credeam că dacă mama este la spital, şi dacă merge la aşa multe spitale şi petrece aşa mult timp acolo, se va vindeca definitiv şi în curând.

Nu-mi amintesc să mă fi luat vre-o dată tatăl la spital să o vedem pe mama aşa cum nu-mi amintesc să fi mers el singur la spital. El nu o vizita pe mama şi nu arăta grijă pentru ea. Dar îmi amintesc cum mama, când zăcea acasă pe un pat, la umbră, în faţa casei noastre, într-o zi am văzut cum mama a început să vomite sânge şi eu mă speriasem foarte mult. Era de acum toamnă, erau ultimele zile din August şi eu tocmai venisem de la scoală unde primisem noile cărţi pentru clasa III. Am venit la patul mamei şi am început să ne uităm cu ea în cărţile mele şi cum eram curios să cunosc totul, priveam, îi povesteam mamei şi ea îşi mângâia suferinţele ascultându-mă pe mine. ( Iar au început să-mi curgă lacrimile) Ce dulci au fost acele clipe petrecute cu mama mea şi ce mult aşi vrea să le experimentez din nou. Nu au fost însă prea lungi. Tot atunci, în aceiaşi zi, îmi amintesc cum a venit acasă tatăl şi a început să o bată pe mama în timp ce ea zăcea în patul ei. Eu nu-mi amintesc ce motiv a invocat el, pentru că totdeauna motivele lui au fost fără nici un fel de motive, dar cruzimea care am văzut-o atunci a adăugat foarte mult la ură care o purtam în inimă pentru tatăl meu. Mai apoi, de multe ori am hrănit gândul răzbunării cu amintirea acelei zile. Când venea sora mamei Maria în vizită la mama, sau oricine din rudele mamei, tatăl totdeauna făcea ceartă, striga şi parcă ar fi fost gata de fiecare dată să înceapă şi bătaia. Iar de la o vreme nici nu le mai da voie să vină să o viziteze pe mama.

În disperarea noastră căutam toate soluţiile posibile pentru vindecarea mamei. Şi pentru că în sat erau multe cazuri de magie neagră pe care lumea le numeau vrăji, nu era exclusă nici această cauză. Sora mea Lidia a mers să vorbească cu soţia fratelui mamei Gheorghe pe care toată lumea în sat o cunoşteau şi până în ziua de azi şi-o amintesc cu numele Maria Dmitrievna. Ea nu mai este în viaţă, şi a decedat tot în urma unei boli, la o vârstă destul de tânără. Maria Dmitvievna era medic pediatru şi era o femeie de o bunătate şi fineţe de remarcat. Mama avea o dragoste şi afecţiune deosebita pentru ea, dar şi ea ţinea foarte mult la mama noastră. Deci, Lidia a mers şi a întrebat-o pe această mătuşă a noastră, dacă nu ia făcut cineva vrăji mamei noastre ca să se îmbolnăvească şi să moară. Atunci, Maria Dmitrievna i-a spus Lidiei că va crede aceasta doar dacă o va spune o femeie din sat, pe nume Ioana la care a şi trimis-o. Lidia a mers la acea femeie şi când a ajuns i-a spus cine este şi din ce motiv a venit. Femeia în vârstă, care tot făcea magie, după ce a aflat cine este sora mea şi motivul venirii ei, i-a spus că mama este bolnavă de moarte şi nu se va vindeca. Şi ca să nu se îndoiască cumva sora mea de cuvintele ei, i-a dat un mănunchi de ierburi uscate şi i-a spus când merge acasă să le pună într-un vas cu vin să le fiarbă până se va evapora jumătate din vinul turnat în vas. În timpul fierberii acelui lichid va veni să o viziteze pe mama persoana care i-a făcut vrăjile.

Ajunsă acasă, Lidia a pus la foc acea iarbă după instrucţiunile primite. Soţia bărbatului care locuia chiar alături de noi, era temută de toţi oamenii de pe stradă tocmai din pricina că practica vrăjile. Ea nu venise nici odată la mama să o viziteze, cu toate că mama era bolnavă din primăvară şi când se întâmplau evenimentele era toamnă. Această vecină deci, în timp ce fierbea iarba, a luat pe soţul ei şi a mers la vecina Eugenia ca să vină împreună cu ei să o vadă pe mama. Când au ajuns la uşa casei noastre, vecina care a venit prima dată arăta foarte agitată şi speriată. Au întrat în casă dar ea nu a putut să stea în prezenţa mamei mai mult de câteva minute, apoi a ieşit şi a plecat. Soţul ei a rămas împreună cu Eugenia şi au întreţinut o discuţie cu mama. Surorile mele au rămas îngrozite de cele văzute. A doua zi au mers la mătuşa Maria care era pediatru şi ea a spus: „Se va întâmpla aşa cum a spus bătrâna Ioana…�? Prin aceasta recunoştea că medicina era neputincioasă în faţa puterilor întunericului. Cât de mult aveam noi toţi nevoie să cunoaştem pe domnul Isus şi puterea Lui? Inimile noastre erau zdrobite de groază şi disperare.

În adânca disperare care ne aflam, surorile mele căutau soluţii şi le căutau acolo de unde nu puteau să vină nici odată. Ele nu cunoşteau Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu şi puterea lui Hristos. În satul vecin Boghiceni era un vrăjitor bătrân de care ştiau toţi din împrejurimi. Sora mea Lenuta, care atunci avea doar 15 ani, a mers la acest vrăjitor ca să afle cauza bolii mamei, dar mai mult ca să ceară ajutorul pentru vindecare. Ajunsă acolo, acel bătrân a pus-o să aducă multă apă de la fântână până a umplut mai multe poloboace. Aceasta era plata pentru răspunsul care urma să-l afle de la el. La urmă i-a spus că mama va muri şi nu există nici o scăpare. După trecerea anilor, am aflat că acest vrăjitor a fost implicat direct în distrugerea familiei noastre. Deci, cum puteam să aşteptăm soluţii de la unul care ne-a ruinat familia?

Acum realizez că mergând la vrăjitori, făceam păcat şi nelegiuire înaintea lui Dumnezeu care spune în cuvântul Lui: „Să nu fie la tine nimeni care să-şi treacă pe fiul său sau pe fiica lui prin foc, nimeni care să aibă meşteşugul de ghicitor, de cititor în stele, de vestitor al viitorului, de vrăjitor, de descântător, nimeni care să întrebe pe cei ce cheamă duhurile sau dau cu ghiocul, nimeni care să întrebe pe morţi. Căci oricine face aceste lucruri este o urâciune înaintea Domnului, şi din pricina acestor lucruri, va izgoni Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, pe aceste neamuri dinaintea ta. Tu să te ţii în totul totului tot, numai de Domnul Dumnezeul tău.�? (Deuteronom 18:10-13)

Deja mergeam la şcoală şi într-o zi când mă întorceam acasă, m-am oprit să beau apă de la fântână. A venit o femeie cu căldarea şi mi-a spus să mă grăbesc acasă pentru că mama mea a murit. Nu ştiu cum a rezistat inima mea de copil la această veste şi cum nu mi s-a oprit pe loc. Am început să alerg plângând şi disperat spre casă aşa încât am ajuns foarte repede. Când am întrat în curte, tatăl sta la masă singur şi mi-a spus că mama nu a murit. Cred că prin experienţa aceasta Dumnezeu mă pregătea pentru ce avea să urmeze.

Mama continua să stea la spitalul din sat şi cu fiecare zi tot mai mult şi mai mult slăbea. Boala progresa foarte repede. În fiecare dimineaţă mă sculam şi mergeam repede pe la ea şi de acolo mă duceam la scoală. Aveam pe inimă o aşa stare pe care nu o pot descrie în cuvinte, dar care este foarte apăsătoare şi această stare era continue. După lecţii mergeam iar la mama şi ea se bucura totdeauna mult de mine.

Într-o zi de duminică, am mers de dimineaţă la un verişor al meu să ne jucăm şi la invitaţia lui, ne-am pornit să vizităm pe un alt verişor al lui, dar care nu-mi era verişor şi mie. Drumul nostru trecea pe lângă spitalul din sat şi eu, crezând că verişorul meu nu va dori să mă aştepte dacă voi întra să văd pe mama, am mers mai departe fără să întru la spital. M-am gândit… de fapt nu m-am gândit… Dacă mă gândeam realizam preţul acelor clipe care le mai aveam să le petrec cu mama mea. A doua zi de dimineaţă, am mers ca totdeauna să o vad pe mama. Când am întrat în cameră, am văzut în ochii mamei lacrimi şi durere şi doar m-a spus că avea să se bucure mult dacă întram să o vizitez. Totdeauna m-a durut pentru durerea care i-am pricinuit mamei în acea zi şi acum, când sunt şi eu la rândul meu părinte, realizez şi mai mult ce rană i-am făcut atunci. Ce mult aşi da să se întoarcă înapoi vremurile, dar aceasta nu se poate întâmpla nici odată. De aceia trebuie să ne numărăm bine zilele, să ne gândim bine acţiunile şi să preţuim timpul care ni-l dă Dumnezeu să-l petrecem cu cei dragi. Dacă părinţii tăi sunt în viaţă încă, poate le faci o vizită azi? Preţuieşte clipele scumpe pe care le poţi petrece încă cu ei.

Boala înainta repede şi mama îşi trăia ultimele zile pe acest pământ. Tatăl nu mergea să o viziteze şi ea a trimis vorbă ca să-l cheme la spital. El nu a mers de odată, au mai trecut multe zile până a mers la ea. Când a venit, mama şi-a cerut iertare de la el, aşa cum ştia că trebuie să o facă toţi creştinii înainte de moarte, să-şi ceară iertare de la toţi oamenii. Tatăl însă nu şi-a cerut iertare cu toate că avea cele mai multe motive să o facă şi faţă de mama, şi faţă de noi, şi faţă de fraţii şi surorile mamei. Surorile mele au fost martore la ultima lor discuţie. După aceia, mama l-a rugat pe tatăl să ne poarte de grijă şi a rugat să împartă pământul care îl aveam în aşa fel ca toate surorile mele să poată avea case alături, dacă vor dori soţii lor şi să putem rămâne o familie. Tatăl a promis că se va îngriji de noi toţi şi a plecat. Nu a avut răbdare să stea mai mult lângă mama şi să petreacă mai mult timp cu ea tot aşa cum nu şi-a ţinut nici una din promisiunile făcută mamei înainte de moarte.

În următoarele zile, mama de câteva ori a fost foarte aproape de clipa morţii, dar pentru că surorile mele începau să plângă tare lângă ea, nu putea să moară şi îşi revenea înapoi. În dimineaţa zilei de 25 octombrie, mama a cerut surorilor mele să iasă din camera ei şi să o lase singură. La ieşirea lor, mama a început să cânte şi a plecat din viaţa aceasta cântând. Ea a vrut să trăiască frumos şi a trăit frumos, chiar dacă a avut mult de suferit. Pentru mine înseamnă foarte mult faptul că mama a murit cântând şi prin aceasta ne-a dat la toţi copiii o lecţie cu privire la atitudinea corectă faţă de viaţă şi faţă de moarte. Ea însă a fost singura care a cântat în acea noapte. Toţi restul am plâns. Eu eram mic şi dormeam acasă când am auzit încă de departe, de la pod, bocetul disperat a lui Lidia şi Lenuţa, care au venit dimineaţa tare acasă. Eu nu am văzut şi nu ştiu care a fost prima reacţie a tatălui meu când a aflat noutatea straşnică, dar rămâne să aflu încă. Când m-am îmbrăcat şi am venit la bucătărie, tatăl meu sta la masă singur, mânca liniştit, aşa cum o făcea în fiecare dimineaţă. Nimic, nimic diferit… M-a chemat şi pe mine, se pare că, să mănânc cu el. Surorile însă erau total distruse şi dezorientate. Trebuia să înceapă pregătirile pentru înmormântare. În lumea mea de copil, eu nu am realizat de odată tragedia care se întâmplase. Îmi doream să am insigne frumoase, dar nu le aveam şi atunci, aşa cum eram şi am rămas visător, am hotărât să-mi fac eu singur insigne şi am adunat tot felul de bucăţi de plastic sau de metal care arătam măcar cât de puţin ca şi insignă şi în dimineaţa aceia m-am sculat şi am început să mi le cos la haina mea şcolară. S-a apropiat cineva din surorile mele, m-au mângâiat pe cap şi mi-au spus să las pentru altă dată ceia ce făceam şi m-au trimis la magazinul din centrul satului să cumpăr ceva, se pare că pâine. În timp ce mergeam pe drum, am început să realizez tragedia pentru că toţi oamenii care mă întâlneau pe drum mă priveau îngroziţi. Presupun că îşi închipuiau ce ar fi fost dacă erau ei sau copiii lor în situaţia mea la acel moment. A început să mă apese o groază, să-mi umple inima şi pe timp ce trecea mi se făcea tot mai groază. Unica noastră sursă de grijă şi dragoste, unica persoană care ştiam că ne iubeşte nu mai era. Înainte nu vedeam decât ÎNTUNERIC, fără lumină, fără nădejde, gol şi straşnic. În acele trei zile până la înmormântarea mamei, groaza aceasta creştea foarte repede şi este greu să descriu ce înseamnă aceasta, nu pot găsi cuvintele care ar putea să redea măcar cât de puţin acea stare.

În ziua înmormântării, eu am plâns toată ziua şi tot drumul până la cimitir, iar când au dat sicriul mamei în mormânt plângeam disperat şi doream să merg în mormânt cu ea. Tatăl m-a luat de mână şi m-a rupt de acolo ca să mergem acasă, în timp ce bărbaţii au început să dea pământul peste groapa în care se afla sicriul mamei. Eu nu mă puteam opri din plâns şi tatăl mă ducea de mână, mergeam toţi spre casă şi tatăl mă certa ca să mă opresc din plâns. Nu am putut să mă opresc până acasă. Ce s-a întâmplat mai departe în familia noastră, urmează să vă povestesc, dar cât ţine de mine, după moartea mamei, în următorul an eram obsedat de gândul sinuciderii şi al morţii. Fiind doar un copil de 9 ani, cel mai mult îmi doream să mor, la aceasta mă gândeam mult şi numai prin mila Domnului nu am întreprins nimic rău în privinţa aceasta. Nu puteam să privesc nici odată în ochi la nimeni, şi când mergeam pe drum la scoală, sau de la scoală, dacă venea cineva în întâmpinare şi ne întâlneam cu privirile, eu nu puteam să-mi stăpânesc lacrimile.

Dumnezeu, însă, nu ne-a părăsit pentru că, aşa cum spune Sfânta Scriptură: „El este Tatăl orfanilor, Apărătorul văduvelor, El, Dumnezeul, care locuieşte în locaşul Lui cel sfânt. Dumnezeu dă o familie celor părăsiţi, El izbăveşte pe prinşii de război şi-i face fericiţi; numai cei răzvrătiţi locuiesc în locuri uscate.�? (Psalmul 68:5-6) Despre felul cum ne-a purtat Dumnezeu de grijă mai departe şi despre oamenii care i-a folosit El în vieţile noastre, urmează să vă povestesc.

Magic Lantern

Magic Lantern
FBI-ul a recunoscut existenta spionului sau cibernetic numit Magic Lantern - un virus care a fost dezvoltat de serviciul secret american pentru a recupera toate cuvintele parolelor internautilor. In fine, FBI a recunoscut existenta unui asemenea proiect, prin purtatorul sau de cuvant, Paul Bresson: "Magic Lantern este un proiect satbilit." Dar a spus ca acesta a ramas la stadiul de proiect.

OZNurile lui Geos

Sunt  pe Luna

Nu ni se mai poate ascunde la infinit acest fapt: OZN-urile sunt nu doar pe orbitele Terrei ci si pe Luna. Astronautii le-au vazut! De ce se evita altfel debarcarea oricarei alte misiuni pe satelitul natural al planetei noastre? In 1963, maiorul Gordan Cooper a vazut OZN-urile de pe orbita. Cred ca aceste vehicule extraterestre si echipajele lor ne supravegheaza”, a declarat el nelinistit.

In 1965, Ed.White si James Mc Divitt (primul american care a intrat in spatiu) le-a observat si fotografiat. In acelasi an de la bordul capsulei Gemeni s-au zarit OZN-uri. Neil Armstrong sustine chiar ca extraterestrii ar avea o baza umana si ca suntem avertizati de a nu ne apropia de satelit. De aceea se evita oare? El a spus: "Va spun ca exista alte vase spatiale acolo, aliniate pe Cordura indepartata a craterului! Sunr pe Luna pe cale de a ne supraveghea! Exista prea multe marturii ale unor specialisti (nu s-ar putea spuen ca nu stiu ce vad, nu credeti?), pe care nu le putem ignora. NASA stie exact ce se afla pe Luna si ca ei exista. De ce nu vrea sa stim?"

Masurile de securitate au fost luate. Aceasta remarca a suscitat insa vii intrebari. Daca nu exista nici un fel de amenintare, de ce trebuie protejata o baza? De cine? Conform unei depese a agentiei Reuters, purtatorul de cuvant al NORAD, Frankie Webster, a refuzat orice fel de discutie, asupra naturii masurilor de securitate. Mai tarziu a urmat un val de anomalii datorate unei deficiente a programului de satelit.

Daca imaginile nu au fost decat o simpla deficienta tehnica, atunci de ce s-a dat alarma generala in tot sectorul Cheyenne Mountain? Raspunsul a fost: procedura automatica de securitate, radarele NORAD-ului sunt capabile de a detecta si de a identifica obiecte de marime foarte mica. Totusi, nu au fost capabile de a identifica obiecte de 40km in diametru!

Aceste radare au fost utilizate pentru a verifica imaginile satelitului Geos-9. Daca nu au detectat nimic anormal, in acest caz de ce atunci atata agitatie? Ne vine greu sa credem ca NIKAD a dat o alerta generala si a trecut la DEFCON-4 (primul nivel de alerta inaintea unei eventuale riposte nucleare) doar pentru niste paraziti informatici. Intubarea este: Ce a intrat in atmosfera noastra la 17 aprilie 1997?

Jerry's Brother And Jerry's Possible Real Name

All right, it's me CenterCore again; it's been a long, long time for me posting anything here. But I have a recent experience I must share. Well, a couple actually. If you're unfamiliar with my experiences simply click my username to be taken to my profile where you can see my other stories.

It's been well over a year for me having anything post-worthy. I've been relocating, and being very busy with life. Anyway...

I'm here in a new house, but in Denver, CO, only about 30 - 45 minutes from my hometown where all my past experiences have taken place. The last house I lived, with my mother (which has since been sold and she's moved out of state) was where the most "Jerry" activity took place. Well, recently, here, I've begun having a few run-ins with the little freak like old times. Only this time, he's not alone.

First, however, let me backtrack and give another little bit of info I never spoke of because it slipped my mind until not long ago...

In my hometown, every year, there is an event known as the Art Fest. Artists come, sell their work, blah blah blah. But my parents, when I was a young child, had a framed picture advertisement for this event. They've had it since I was at least 4 or 5. This picture was not normal. What was the main portion wasn't important, but at the top, two rows of black checker tiles ran across, four of which having a small picture of William Shakespeare. My parents kept it hung by a corner window at our old house I grew up in (where my first Jerry encounter happened) Creepy? No. But this is.

My parents eventually moved this picture to the head of the stairs leading down to the basement (a place that ALWAYS gave me the creeps when I was there alone as a kid). This is where things got weird. In fact, when I think about it, it was only when this picture was hung there that I got creeped out in the basement...

Every other time I would look at this picture, something would be different with the Shakespeare images. Sometimes there'd only be one. Sometimes there'd be an extra, demonic-looking face in one of the black squares. Sometimes they'd all be gone. That NEVER happened when the picture was hung by the window. What was it about the basement? Was there some sort of evil energy down there that manifested itself through the picture and was able to move about more freely when it was close by?

We had two dogs back then too. BOTH dogs, on many occasions, broke out into a terrified whimper looking at the basement door. NOTHING was wrong, but EVERY time they did this was when that picture was hung there. What it was about that picture, I have no clue. I remember one of our dogs being asleep in the family room; peaceful, happy, content; all of a sudden, she simply jumped up as if awakening from a nightmare, glared at the basement door (which was closed) and simply began growling at it. She didn't even get close; just sat there, growling at it. She did that for what seemed like two whole minutes before finally sneaking past it to leave the room.

But back to the subject, that picture came up before my mother left the state when she was cleaning the house out. This was a while back now, but I remember stumbling upon that picture, and INSTANTLY getting the CREEPIEST feeling you could ever imagine. Just this spontaneous feeling of true, utter fear. I couldn't even look at it. What is the deal with that picture? I may never know, because it's with my mother now, but I told her and she said she wants to get rid of it now. I may never know what that was all about.

But ever since then, I've been having nightmares, all of which revolve around Jerry, and now, this other male figure who seems to be working in conjunction with him now. I've NEVER seen this other entity before. But he's several inches shorter than Jerry, a little heavier, and with short hair. Jerry is apparently clean-shaven, tall, scrawny, and wears a tank top and camo pants. This other figure, I can only tell, wears a t-shirt and baggy jeans. I can't make out anything else.

But it's not just dreams, either. Not only have they begun manifesting in my dreams, but the other night I awoke to see both of them standing at the foot of my bed. There's a dim nightlight across from me in the room, so all I could see was their silhouettes. They were motionless until seconds later; both of them took off at what seemed like mach speed, to either side of my bed. I moved my head quickly, and when my eyes adjusted, there was no one else in the room.

So, last but not least, there was this little revelation the other day, AFTER that night; I was sitting here, doing whatever... I don't even remember what... But whatever I was doing, I for some reason typed the name "Miguel"... Something on Wikipedia, I don't know; that's not the important part. The MOMENT I typed "Miguel" (and of course it won't happen NOW) I heard that all-too-familiar cough. I froze. I typed it again. THAT time I heard a creak in the hallway, like someone walking out there. I hadn't heard anyone come up the stairs (my father and his girlfriend were here) and you can hear people WELL when they step up the stairs.

I spoke the word "Miguel" out loud. And instantly I got a chill up my spine. I mean like a CHILL, of fear, not of being cold. Then I felt this presence literally RIGHT BEHIND ME, like, within touching distance. I turned to look, saw nothing, but heard almost this little breeze; like this subtle wind blowing in the room. Needless to say, I did not say the word "Miguel" again. Whatever that was all about, I have no clue. Could that be Jerry's name?

All I can say is, I'm still at a loss. Every time I think I've got this whole ugly episode figured out, something even stranger happens. Who this other entity is now, I have no clue whatsoever. I have NEVER seen these two people in my life, except haunting me in my own home from whatever hell they come from. I haven't seen a face on either one (well, I've seen Jerry's one time, but not this other guy's). This other guy, let's call Bobby.

So there we have it. I'm once again being harassed, after a year of thinking I was finally free of all this. Anyone got any suggestions? Talking to Jerry/Miguel has no effect. Just makes him worse. But I don't know about the other one.

Jack Where Are My Keys?

My family has a history of unusual encounters so I was not surprised when I began experiencing things that were out of the ordinary. As a child, I was more afraid of these encounters and so I closed myself off from those around me. I really became aware of a presence when I was around 14. I would practice my violin in my room and I would feel a distinct presence directly behind me. It was obviously male to me.

This continues to this day although I have not played my violin consistently since I graduated from high school. It makes me feel uncomfortable but I think that is only because they stand very closely behind and I can tell they are intently focused on me.

My mother has mentioned that she has seen her grandfather on occasion and although I never met him I just feel that it is likely him.

Last year my family moved into military housing built in the early 50's. This was an old duplex so any noises I attributed to my neighbors. There was constant electrical interference in the house. Speakers would buzz for no reason and my lights would flicker.

I know this could be explained by old electricity but that was not the only thing I experienced. I would often see shadows out of the corner of my eye and I was always drawn to looking at certain areas of the room.

My son's room was always very uncomfortable. Whoever was there did not like me there. They seemed to will me out of the room. My son had a horrible time falling asleep in that room and would wake up screaming as if he had been scared awake. The spirit didn't intend to harm us, just didn't like us in the room. My cat always acted strangely in that room as well. He was drawn to it unlike any other room in the house.

While I was in the old house I noticed something that I think I've been blocking out for a few years. I have attracted my own trickster ghost. He loves to hide things, like my keys and such. I always thought I was just forgetful (which I can be) but I've noticed that if I ask to have the things I've lost back and wander around a bit more, my things will turn up in a place I could have sworn I've already looked.

I don't know why but the name Jack just seemed to pop into my head. When I know Jack is around I have this sense that he is almost laughing. I never hear anything but I've always been sensitive to emotions, typically with the living. My husband actually thinks it is kind of creepy how empathic I am. I like Jack. He feels like a friend although I've never known anyone named Jack my entire life.

In addition to these experiences I feel strange cold spots.

It Won't Leave Me Alone, Am I Being Paranoid Or Is It Real?

I am now 24 and since I can remember I have been having these weird experiences. I am blessed with being able to hear, feel and see spirits. In our family I know I am not the only one but it seems that I am the only one that is affected by it or that it only seems to be happening to me. I normally see a full dressed figure with details but I can never make out any details on the face.

1* when I was around 5 or 6 years old, the house we stayed in was haunted, the room I slept in specifically, in the corner near closest to the window I would hear men laughing as if they were having a party or something, the taps in our house would go on at night as well as the bathrooms taps, the kettle would randomly switch on. We moved shortly after it started getting even worse. The lady that stayed next door to us, her son got shot by accident in their house and one year later on the same day at the same time their daughter shot herself but she survived she is Only blind, but they would tell my mom that they would burn these photos of demons or something and the photos would not burn, so I believe that there was something in their house which then affected our house as we would always visit each other.

2* we stayed in a church house and one night I woke up to find a man standing at the foot end of my bed wearing the exact clothes my grandfather did that day (my grandfather was very much alive and kicking), for some reason while the man was standing there I couldn't scream, move, breathe or do anything, it was as if I was paralyzed, only when he vanished was I able to leave the room, I went and looked if it was my grandfather but only to find him sleeping. My mom said it was my guardian angel, but I have never seen him again only that once and why was it as if he was holding me down?

3* 4 years ago I moved in to my aunt's house and for some time I noticed then when we sat in the lounge, there would be a tall man standing in the kitchen watching me and if I moved into the kitchen he would move down the passage to the bathroom and with me going back to the lounge he would stand in the kitchen again, if I was to go and bath he would be in the bathroom watching me and believe it or not he would have these glowing green eyes, one night the power went out in our house and as I came out of the bathroom this man was standing in front of me and would not let me pass him and it felt as if he was lifting me off the ground, mind you it was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I asked my aunt about him and she said he never goes away he was always there, when I moved out of the house he left as well. This man was only one black shadow no figure or that.

4* I have a baby now who will be 1 in 1 week. The house I am staying with my boyfriend and his parents must be haunted, when sitting in my boyfriends mom room, I keep seeing a man with a dog and cat going into the bathroom, the cat enters first then the dog then the man, from the knees down this man is floating like on a cloud into the bathroom, I never see them leave but always enter and the dog and cat run in on four legs, I mean once or twice might be my mind playing games but not every 5 minutes of the day, with that when I'm in the kitchen making my baby's bottles I can see in the kitchen window (we have an open plan kitchen) an old lady standing watching me from the other side of the lounge, she is in full detail, I see her hair in a bun, how old she is and all that, the man I see in full detail but never his face. The man always walks from the beginning of the passage to the bathroom and when I'm in my boyfriend's mom's room he goes to our room. The lady stays in the lounge, when I am in the passage the hole that leads from the house into the roof, I feel like there is someone watching me from there all the time.

I mean they say baby's can also see these things I mean my baby would often look at something and point and start smiling but there is never anything there when I look, I see funny marking like faces (demons) on our Windows the outline of it being there which Only I can see, when we touch a mirror especially my baby, I wipe it clean and come back the next day to find the hand mark in exactly the same place and I know my baby hasn't been there again.

At night when we sleep I never get to sleep throughout the night because it always feels as if someone is in my room watching me, I even sleep with the TV on because it is as if this thing is waking me up to feel its presence or that.

Nobody else seems to be having this experience because it never happens when they are around its only when I am alone and I am really starting to believe that this thing is after me or having something to do with me. I mean when I make my baby bottles for the night I keep hearing something falling in our room so obviously I think my baby has fallen off the bed, (I do this when he is sleeping) but when I go and check he is fine. This never happens if my boyfriend is in the room only if I am alone. It's like this thing is calling me towards it (keep in mind I said it moves from the passage to the bathroom, to our room. I have to walk from the kitchen down the passage to our room)

2 days ago, I was sleeping when I was woken up only to find that this thing was floating around in front of my bed just back and forth the whole time, I kept hearing a popping sound coming from the other 2 bedrooms next to ours. And once this thing left our room, the popping sound stopped. The man, dog and cat have like a black shining around them, the lady has a grey colour.

What should I do because my family think I am mad. I don't care about me but I am worried that it is going to try and harm my baby or try and possess my baby. I mean I go to church so why hasn't it stopped.

Sorry this is so long but I need closure on this please if anyone can help me or give me advice.

Supernatural / Sezonul 1 / Episodul 1

Supernatural" este povestea lui Sam si a lui Dean Winchester, doi frati uniti de acelasi destin: ei calatoresc prin tara cu misiunea de a gasi si a ucide cele mai infricosatoare creaturi ale intunericului, de care oamenii au auzit doar din legende si superstitii. In timpul acestei lupte cu raul, Sam descopera multe lucruri despre sine, despre care nu stia pana atunci. Incurajati de propriul tata sa se avante in aceasta aventura pentru a gasi creatura care le-a ucis mama cu multi ani in urma, cei doi frati declanseaza o adevarata vanatoare a demonilor. Vampirii, varcolacii si fantomele sunt doar cateva dintre creaturile cu care Sam si Dean se confrunta. Pe parcurs ei vor fi ajutati de catre ingeri, arhangheli si lupta lor impotriva fiintelor intunericului se va extinde si va capata dimensiuni "biblice", fiind in permanenta o batalie intre bine si rau, ingeri si demoni.

Is This A Warning Or Nothing?

Not too long ago I posted my story about Himiko. I am still 18 at the moment and about a few weeks ago something started happening. Before the experience, let me give a few background information.

I am living in a house that's around 200-300 years old. There have been people to have died there without an explanation. This house is also a haunted house. Now I have always been able to see, hear, feel and speak to spirits. I do use an ouija board and I know of the danger. The main thing is that spirits are afraid of me at times.

Recently I been seeing lots of new spirits. They seem to be running from the spirit world I been told by some spirits. This could be a result of a couple of things happening. First there could be too strong of dark energy. Secondly some believe our world and spirit world are colliding (or fusing).

Well like I said, I have been talking to new spirits. There is a certain spirit that keeps saying and spelling certain words. It keep saying "kur nisno ligua deqir mushia" Himiko, me or the other spirits do not know what that means and can't seem to find its meaning. I feel as if this is some sort of warning.

This is all true. I would really like to hear what you people think and if any one knows the meaning of this.


Is A Ghost Following Me? Need Help

This is the first time I have ever written or talked about these incidences, but I was scared enough today that I realized I need some other people's opinions.

I went to college in Philadelphia and lived in a very old home with a number of other people. We knew the history of the house, and a number of my friends had experiences with the paranormal. The most I had was hearing odd sounds when in the home alone and the feeling of being watched.

After I graduated I moved to another city close by, Wilmington Delaware, to an old home. At first it seemed fine, but after 2 years things started to happen in the kitchen, where utensils and food would be thrown from the counter top when we left the room.

I also had a dog whose toys would be placed oddly in the home without him being there. Then a friend moved in and things started to happen to him. Lights would turn off after he left the room, the washer and dryer would turn on when he went into the basement. Just odd things.

I also had other things happen to me at this time. My dog would start barking at nothing, doors would close (I would chalk it up to the wind etc...). My other roommate saw a shadow and some odd reflection in the mirror and then my dog would bark at my room and suddenly the door would shut when I wasn't there. We jokingly named the 'ghost' Charlie.

I then moved home to my parents. I started having very vivid dreams of my grandfather who passed away a few years back. He was telling me about things to come and that he wanted me to tell certain family members things that he regretted etc... Most of the stuff I had no clue happened but apparently a few of my aunts and uncles said what he told me was valid.

Soon after that I moved to Philadelphia Pennsylvania with a few friends (one who briefly lived with me in DE). This is when things got weird. It's only been a few weeks but stuff has begun to happen. The house feels ok, except for the third floor (where I live). There is a bathroom on this floor which is where stuff began to happen.

The first event occurred 1.5 weeks after moving in. One of our roommates noticed that on a random night at around 3:00 AM the bathtub was turned on, he thought someone was in there so he ignored it. The next morning when he was leaving for work at about 7:00 AM he went into the bathroom and the water was still turned on. To date no one has claimed responsibility for this.

A few days later I was out with another roommate and the house was empty, when I got back everything in the bathroom was thrown into the sink or into the bathtub, if it was on the side of the bathtub then it was now inside of it and the same with the sink. We had the windows open that night, and although it wasn't windy rather quite a stagnant night, I assumed that was the cause.

The next odd event happened when my brother was over for a party, less than a week later. Since the house is on a very slight angle, every time the bathroom door is left open it will slowly shut. However when my brother went in to use the bathroom the door opened if not completely shut. That same night I used the bathroom but it would slowly shut when I went in.

However the most disturbing thing happened today. I stayed home from work and took care of some chores. I thought it would be a good idea to get settled into the bathroom so I started to clean it. I was almost done when I began to empty a drink into the sink. I placed the glass back onto the counter and just stood there for a minute thinking of what to do next.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, one of the light bulbs in the track lighting above me suddenly just shattered all over me, cutting my hand. I had no lights on being that it was the middle of the day and the bathroom has a skylight, I didn't shake or make any hard vibrations rather I was just standing there, and there were no loud cars or buses coming down the street.

Honestly I have no clue what's going on but this is getting creepy. My mom has a history of 'seeing things before they happen' but not me. I just want to know what's going on. Do I have a poltergeist? Am I making this happen? And most worrisome, is a ghost following me?! What should I do?

FYI... I am a male in my mid 20's I've read this stuff mostly happens to females.

Invisible Forces, Voices & Noises

I'm Althea and I just started on here. I'm not all that sure what I have been experiencing. Ever since I was young, I could see many different things that no one else could see. I saw people and they would tell me their stories about how they died and about their lives. I will always hear voices as well. Lately, the activities have been increasing in many ways. Here are a few things that have happened to me.

I've been touched by invisible forces, heard voices; hear noises going down the hall, having the microwave turn on by itself, same with the lights in my closet, and many other weird things. I seem to attract whatever it is wherever I go.

There is at least one ghost like thing that is in our house. Her name is Elizabeth. She was alive in the 1800s and died on our property while her family was trying to move north to find new land to settle on. She died from a disease that she got from picking flowers in a field near our house. She was buried where my closet is now.

The reason I know all of this is because she told me this. I've seen her and felt her touch me. She doesn't want to hurt anyone but I don't really know what she wants. Anyway, I have also felt like there is also an evil that lurks everywhere I go. I'm not really sure where that comes from either.

My parents think I'm crazy because they don't believe in stuff like this and they haven't had the same experiences. I just wanted to find a place where people like me can help others with things like this. If anyone can help me understand these things, please leave a comment. Thanks!

Introduction Of Ashes

I remember the few first years of moving into my new home with my mom and my brother (the home in "Modern Home Haunting"), I always experienced terrifying experiences that no one seemed to believe that were happening. Me and my family aren't a religious type, but I am certainly a believer of another world out there for that world tries to speak to me all the time.

One time my mother took me to the doctors because she thought I needed medication to calm myself down... Even though I can already be a stressful person, she didn't think that I was acting normal. I still switched back between parent's houses so I wouldn't endure the torture all the time.

One time I almost experienced a possession... With terrible nightmares and blackouts I wasn't sure what was reality or not. The spirits in my home had me thinking I was insane at one point, and that maybe the only way out was suicide. I never turned to any self-mutilation because I knew I was stronger than that, and I was stronger than the spirits haunting my home. I always had one companion ghost though... His name is Ashes.

When my parents first got separated, awful things were happening in my life and talked to absolutely no one for a while, and I told the air that I needed somebody here with me. Just that day I picked up a pen and pad and started to draw and write. It was a picture of a white wolf with black on one side of his fur and he told me his name was Ashes. He used to be a massive white wolf that died in a fire which I found interesting because all of my life I was so scared of fire, which included the stove, the oven, bonfires, fire on television anything that was hot.

He followed me wherever I went and comforted me and we grew to have a strong bond. Ashes was always there to be right beside me, trying to protect me from the other spirit's at my mom's house. I remember the scariest time at my mom's house was when the powerful spirits were able to block my connection with him for a while, and after a while I was convinced that Ashes wasn't even there and that I had no hope in my life. The overwhelming sadness in the house seemed to compliment the overall feeling of misery as my mother was having a hard time taking care of her emotional well being.

The haunting started off playful, so I thought it was Ashes trying to brighten my mood, for he is such a noble jokester. Things would go missing in the house for no apparent reason. The disappearing items became such a nuisance my mom and my brother felt some need to blame it on someone, and I was the person to blame because I always brushed off the missing items thinking it was Ashes.

When I started to get into trouble for missing things, I thought that he would apologize and stop. He didn't. I remembered my awful experience, when I was down in the basement alone, when we first looked at the house and I shivered. Maybe the spirits in the basement were doing this. From that the experiences got stronger and a bit more intimidating... Now I know better than to assume spirit activity is a positive playful one from Ashes. I've learned that spirits can be deceiving and can be cynical if you're not careful.

All comments are welcome.

Imaginary Friends

I wonder if anyone would be able to give me some advice on my story. I am unsure if it's real or subject to an overactive imagination.

Roughly at the age of 3, I began speaking to 2 imaginary friends. I am now 20, but I remember these friends as clear as day, looks, clothes and personality. I called them by names, Stevie and Marlin; my family knew nobody with these names. I remember having discussions with them and even setting my Granny's home on fire because Stevie asked me too.

I remember the last time I spoke to them, I was around 5. My Father was sitting on the chair in the corner and my mother on the other side, I was speaking to them and Stevie was sitting on top of a speaker (attached to the Hi-Fi) My father turned to my mother and said that he was concerned and I had to stop speaking to thin air. I told them I couldn't speak to them anymore and never spoke to them again.

I experience Déjà-Vu all the time, and experience very strange dreams.

Roughly around 3 years ago, my cat passed away. I had nightmares for 2 nights and on the third night I was watching television and I am around 95% sure I saw my cat sitting in front of the bed this appeared for roughly 5 seconds before I blinked and it disappeared. I presumed this was my eyes playing tricks on me, but I am unsure.

Three nights ago, I was walking up an ally way in the streets of old Edinburgh, and I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and nobody was there, I carried on walking and the footsteps continued behind me, I became cold and teary and goose bumps appeared, I turned around and again nobody was there. I hurried up the path and I felt fine after this.

Please give me advice.


I'm Not Alone

I believe I have an extraordinary sense and ability of being able to see spirits around me at any time. I even have memories that date back as early as when I was 7 years old and having feelings of a "presence" around me or "angels".

Anyway- I'm not only able to sense they are near me, but I also see silhouettes of people walking around my house. Sometimes they peek around the corners of the walls after I pass a room, looking at me and watching me. A lot of times I get the feeling that they are trying to play a joke on me or tiring to scare me. The only way I can describe the formations are if you were to look straight at the sun and then look away and blink a couple times... That "outline" of energy is what I see almost every single day. A lot of times they are just hanging out- moving around usually from room to room-, but sometimes they do taunt me and I have actually caught myself speaking to them out loud. Just things like, "c'mon get outta here." or something like that, under my breath.

Sometimes while lying in bed I get a presence like they are right in my face staring at me and it wakes me up every time my heart is pounding. Other times, they stand back away from me and just watch me lay in bed. They seem very curious about things. I have seen an image of a little girl running around the house as well. I can't see details, but I see that the energy is down closer to the ground and I see a silhouette of a dress.

I'm glad I am not the only one though that sees. That brings me a lot of comfort and that's why I joined this website. I always feel so alone in this and if I tell anyone they are going to think I am totally crazy. I told my fianc� recently though and he was a little freaked out, but he was interested in exactly what I see and how I see it. I was so happy he didn't get too weirded out and saw me through it.

Usually at my weakest points in my life they start coming up more and more trying to scare me. It totally sucks. I believe in good and evil spirits. I just don't understand the ones that want to joke around with me? Are they the evil ones or just hanging around angels? I have no idea, but usually they all make me feel nervous most of the time.

One time I was at my son's nursery and saw a bright glow of light near his crib and that was the only time I knew there was a good spirit there that wanted to bring comfort. Other than that, these spirits are a pain in the butt to have around. Really, they are! It has gotten to the point now where I just ignore them most of the times because it's aggravating.

I need to hear you can relate with me with some of this. I need support because I just feel like I'm going nuts sometimes!

I'm Being Followed by a Ghost

I was in the 3rd grade when this happened to me and I will never forget it! I was in class and needed to use the rest room so I ask for permission from my teacher and went downstairs to the bathroom. When I walked in as I was passing the stalls I caught out of the corner of my eye a black shape about the same size as myself. I was terrified! I stopped and went to look back and there was nothing there. I left immediately.

A week or so later I went with my class to wash our hands for lunch. I had to go to the bathroom so I went into the first stall while everyone else went on to lunch. I could see on the floor in the stall next to me a pair of tennis shoes and jeans, I thought it was my buddy so I reached out with my foot to kick at his foot, just messing around, I kept reaching but could never get to the foot, I looked back under once more to find nothing there and I had been in the bathroom by myself the whole time.

Soon after having these experiences I started seeing more and more. But not just at school at home too. I live with my mom and little brother. We had been in the house for a few months and I started hearing whisperings and seeing both black and white images floating in and out of the bedrooms, but always disappearing at the doorways.

Then one night I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep when all of a sudden I felt like something was laying on me and I couldn't breathe. My mom came in and tried to help me, she prayed with me and gave me the bible to keep under my pillow. Whatever it was left me alone for the night but seeing the shadows continued.

A couple of months ago my mom had to have surgery on her neck so we had to move in with my aunt and uncle. I swear this thing or things moved right along with me! I'm still seeing the shadowy figures and hearing things.

Is it possible for something to follow you? Because that's what I feel like is happening. I'd really like to tell it to leave me the heck alone but for some reason I don't think that that is going to help. Any suggestions?

I Think I'm Being Followed

I have had many different unexplainable things happen to me since I was a child, as early as 5 years of age. I was in a car accident then in which my mother was killed, near Carp, Ontario. We were on our way to see her father, my grandfather, in the hospital in Ottawa as she'd just received news that day that he was diagnosed with cancer. That was in January of 1970. That summer, when I was in our house, I heard my deceased mother calling me from outside.

I went out the door and she was sitting on our swing set and I remember being so happy to see her. (I don't think I understood the concept of ghosts then.) She talked to me for several minutes, and I remember distinctly her asking me how my middle brother was. We were gently swinging back and forth under the weeping willow tree. I heard the back door (screen door) slam shut and looked over and when I looked back she was gone.

Her father that we were going to see in the hospital, died later that same year in November from lung cancer. I went to live with my grandmother (his wife) seeing as how girls weren't allowed to stay in homes back then without women. My two brothers stayed with my father. My grandmother and I moved from their big house into an apartment in Almonte, ON and I had my own room with two beds in it.

I always slept in the steel three-quarter bed, and I woke up one night and saw my grandfather, he was like a much defined fog of himself, wearing a ring in which a huge bright light was shining from. I froze, couldn't yell or scream, felt like I had something stuck in my throat, pulled the covers over my head, and then he was gone. I told my grandmother about it, and she told me that their two sons had been fighting over my grandfather's ring which had a diamond in it, and one of them took it off of him in the casket.

Since those early experiences, I've had many different experiences, but with no-one that I recognized. When my ex-husband and I lived in a rented farmhouse outside of Perth, Ontario, it seemed to really escalate. The taps in the kitchen would come on full force by themselves (witnessed by others at a dinner party we had on New Year's Eve), I could hear someone walking up the back stairs from the kitchen to our bedroom at night. Specific footsteps, not just creaky boards.

There was a handprint left on the frost on the upstairs window, for which there was no way up on the outside of the house. We didn't stay a month before we called the owners and told them that we were leaving. The neighbor that pulled me out of the ditch there one night, after listening to my stories, told me that the old couple who had lived there both died in the house, within a month of each other.

A farmhouse that I owned near Forester's Falls, Ontario also had a few occurrences in it. My children were terrified to go to bed by themselves and my daughter didn't sleep all night any night that we lived there, she always woke up crying and screaming. The lights in the upstairs hall would flick on and off by themselves. The dog, our Rottweiler, would jump up from a sound sleep, and with hackles raised, would stare into that hallway and growl and bark.

I saw a man, dressed from the period of around the turn of the century in that hallway one night and he made me aware of his feeling of being lost and I knew that he was trying to get to Forester's Falls. The day we bought the house, when we tried to unlock the door with the keys, something was pushing on the other side of the door when we tried to open it. The people who lived there before moved far away so I couldn't question them about it.

The house that my husband and I built where I live now, near Cobden, Ontario, seems to have people arguing in the basement. For the longest time they would wake me up, like clockwork, every night at 3 am and I would wake my husband and ask if he could here them, but he would just roll over and go back to sleep, claiming that I was 'crazy'. I couldn't make out what they were saying from the second story of the house, but I could distinctly tell from the tone of the voices that they were arguing.

As we were building our home, I'd already started the garden here, and it was on a Sunday afternoon that we came for a picnic here. I was checking for potato bugs and someone pushed me very hard from behind and I fell to the ground on my hands and knees. I laughed, thinking that it was my husband, but when I turned around and looked there was no-one there.

We built a wrap-around porch on our house, and have huge windows all around the house, and on several, several occasions, I've had him go outside to see who it was that was walking by the windows, but now he refuses to listen to me, because not once did he see anyone.

One month ago, in the middle of the night, he also woke up with me, when we heard a huge bang inside the house. He was panting, asking me if I heard that. I said yes, and he whispered, it sounds like there is someone downstairs, but when he got up and looked, there was no-one, and no tracks on our driveway in the fresh snow the next morning either.

I've had the feeling of panic when I come down in the basement, where the kid's bedrooms are, all though, they're all adults and have moved out now. A few times I've seen shadows, or thought I had, race across the hall in front of me as I round the corner for the laundry room. My heart races, but I force myself to keep going and try to ignore it.

It just seems so strange to me that everywhere I've lived there's been some kind of 'happening' there.

I Love This Spirit

Now to those who wonder why I think that this spirit is protective of me read this story.

This morning I was so tired that I sort of faked taking my shower (don't worry I'm wearing deodorant, so no need to worry Dan the man still smells nice) Anyway, my mom found out and began yelling at me really loud. Now I love my mom, but she goes way overboard so many times. So keeping that in mind, she was screaming at the top of her lungs at me I was like "whatever", and at that she picked up a spoon and threw it at me.

Now this is the weird part. I began to move out of the way, but as I did, that cold feeling rushed over me and I closed my eyes to prepare to get hit by the spoon, but I opened my eyes and the spoon was at me feet. That spoon was going to hit me, I saw it coming. Now at this point I'm used to whoever this spirit is, so in my head I said thank you, and left for school.

Now for those who are worried about me and my mom, were good now. I know it was the spirit, because there is no way it would have just fallen from coming right at me like it was.

I kid you not about any of these events. I know for some reason this spirit feels a need to watch me, and make sure I'm ok.

I have no idea why.

Hunter Or Spiritualist?

This is about my background leading into future demon hunting, and revenge for the past.

Sometimes I can feel something watching me. I don't know what it is, but I can always tell where it is. It makes me nervous and paranoid. Even if I'm with other people, it'll come. It doesn't feel like a good thing. It scares me. Like it's playing with my head until I finally break. I can see things out of the corner of my eye a lot, just little shadows running around. I can't quite figure it out, but I need to get rid of it. That's what this is about. I'm pretty sure it's going to come out all over the place, and I apologize for that. I believe in spirits, and demons, and a lot of other stuff. I'm being followed by something, and I'm going to find it and get rid of it however possible.

I'm the apprentice to a deceased hunter. I was being taught to hunt by my father, although I didn't know it at the time. He used to take me with him sometimes, not on actual hunts, but deer hunting. It's funny, I looked up all the places he took me, and you can't hunt deer there because there aren't any. I was only six when it all started. He taught me how to move through anything without making a sound, how to use the four kinds of guns he owned, how to listen and really hear the things that you'd think are just normal noises in nature. He told me about the supernatural whenever he could, and taught me how to figure things out from scratch. He'd give me puzzle after puzzle and I'd solve them. He always played favorites with my brother and I, but to be fair, my brother was never very fond of him, either.

My father moved into a house in Buffalo with my mother. I hated that house. It was haunted by a little girl named Mary and something else. I would always talk to Mary. She was my best friend, but she would never leave the house with me. I remember times when I'd wake up in the middle of the night and all my toys would be floating. It sounds fake, but it gets weirder. I was in the basement with my step-brother when a brick flew right at his head. Me being eight, I ran upstairs screaming. I'd have horrible dreams of things you'd think would terrify a child. Yet, I was never afraid of them. The only time I got afraid, I went to my father and he gave me a small black bible. Why he made us live in that house, I'll probably never know. But I'm glad we moved out. I can't even find the place on Google maps. It's like it just disappeared. I know they condemned it after we said we wouldn't take it back, though.

When I was ten, my father started going up to the alter at church to pray. The Monday right after Mother's Day of 2003 he died. They say it was suicide. It's taken me until now to figure it out that's not how it happened. He didn't kill himself. I knew that I should've stayed home that day.

I left my school books by the door so I could call and have him drop them off, but I never did because it was too late, and I knew it. The night before, he was talking to my mother and step-mother, talking in circles, saying things he knew only I could understand. It was his last puzzle for me, and it took me six years to put it all together.

I'm the daughter of a hunter. I will hunt when the time is right. I don't fully understand everything, so a little guidance would be nice. I know there's a lot more I have to learn before I can go out and stare into the abyss. I just wish I had more time. Anywhere I go, I feel something watching me, even in my own home. I keep three knifes and a katana by my bed at all times. It's just difficult because I can't take them outside. And I still have those dreams. Most tell me I'm describing a nightmare, but that's not what they are to me. They're just extremely vivid dreams to me. My shrink says I'm completely normal. Not even depressed, just slightly stressed with a side of insomnia.

Some will think I'm insane, some may say it. I have my beliefs, and that's all. Once I can go, I'm gone. Off to fight for what they took. Some say they believe in angels, but say they don't believe in demons and spirits. You can't have one extreme without the other. All the women on my mother's side of the family up have some kind of spiritual gift. My great grandmother knew everything about anything in her family's life. She knew the exact day my mother would have her first son and the day he would die. She knew my mother would marry my father. She knew the exact time and day she would die. Every now and then, my mother and I can smell roses and cigars, which means my great grandmother and her boyfriend are around. Yes, she had a boyfriend. My mother's cousin has something to do with dreams. And apparently it's not good at all if she has a dream of you. What scares me is that when I first met her, she looked me in the eye and said, "You're the one I've been having dreams about." I asked her to tell me about them and my grandmother ran up and stopped her. I never stop wondering what they aren't telling me.

My mother has visions. Not very often, but she does. I don't know what I have, if any at all. The closest thing I can think of is that whenever I close my eyes, I see eyes everywhere. Just eyes, that seem to move around and change into more eyes. So many I can't seem to keep track. It's really odd. And I get migraines as well. I'm not old enough to be having migraines like that: where you get dizzy, then just fall to the ground in agony, but what can I do?

I come from a family of spiritualist Christians on my mother's side, and army men and hunters on my father's side. Which I'm supposed to be, who knows? But I will do my best to explore both possibilities. Maybe I'll get lucky and be a little bit of both.


Let me first start off by giving some background information. I an 18 now and this happen a long time ago. I always believed in spirits. I was 7 when this happen. I had not used any Ouija board at this age. This story takes place at my school at first.

I was at my school after school with my friend Kari. At one point, Kari told me to look down stairs and she would look up stairs. I was walking and I started hearing footsteps behind me. I thought it was Kari so I looked behind me. There was nothing there. This happens to me about 3 more times.

The last time I looked behind me, I saw a girl about 12-14 in front of me. This surprised made me fall backwards. She held a hand out to help me up, but she wasn't able to grip a living person. (Meaning I went right through, and almost fell frontward. She then keep asking, "Can we play"? So I agree and got less scared.

Her name is Himiko. She always seems to be following me now. We talk a lot. She is Chinese and fun to talk with. When I first met her, she didn't know she was dead. I feel bad for her not knowing why she didn't know. I only wish I could find more about her.

This is all true. Not one single word of this is a lie.

I hope to hear what you guys think.

Thanks for reading.

Helpful Ghosts

A friend put me on to this site and urged me to submit so here goes apparently my experiences as she puts it may be interesting.

Well I guess really I have had ghosts (spirits or whatever) my whole life (as long as I can remember anyway). It's kind of like I have people standing behind me all the time whispering to me. I have two university degrees (working on a doctorate right now for my third all in business) and really these 'people' have helped a lot with that. They whisper me the answers to exams, they whisper me encouragement when I am down and tired. They have saved my life on one occasion. I had a friend who was going on a snack run from the beach and he asked if I wanted to come and they were literally screaming at me not to go and I didn't and he had a car accident and died.

General knowledge is fun especially when I can trot out expertise in a field that I have never studied, know intimately the contents of books I have never read and am seemingly infallible. I am multi-lingual just because I literally have someone constantly translating for me in my ear and telling me how to say what I want to say.

They have helped my career no end. I'm an HR manager and I am considered extremely good with people, perceptive and politically astute and its largely because there is always a voice whispering what people really think or what really happened or what is going on behind my back in my ear and offering me constant advice.

Have I ever seen them? No. I catch flashes in my peripheral vision and I can feel hands on my shoulders and on my back very frequently. I seem to have good fortune when I get nudged to do something unparticular and get steered away from the crappy stuff.

I have never heard a name from any of them but they just feel friendly and I guess really I don't know what being lonely feels like. Its like I always have someone there letting me know for a fact that I am never alone and that no matter what I am loved. I have never gotten the feeling that I am wished any harm just that no matter what I must succeed and that I am loved beyond belief.

I have an aunt who says she is a medium who told me that something is talking to me but she didn't know what. I do know a few things about them though firstly that at least one are very old. I know because when I was quoting once a lecturer commended me on my knowledge and said that he had never had a student who actually spoke middle French. I don't actually speak it I was just saying what I was told to say and it's a fairly rare language by today's standards and several people have recognized that the Latin vocabulary that I have is far from the Latin taught today. I hear 12 separate voices on a regular basis with a couple of others who 'drop in' from time to time and I can recognize that when I do feel a touch which voice it belongs to as it were. I know that when I directly talk to them they talk back so I can ask questions; float hypothetical's and so forth. The other thing I know for a fact is they obviously learn. I mean I learn myself but I get advice on new items, articles of legislation things I should know and get told about current events.

I was trapped in an awful relationship for a long time (I had gotten a girl I was seeing pregnant) and they told me I had to do the right thing but then 5 years later they said it was time to leave now and that I was good and honorable and that it was time to go where I was meant to go and I left my wife and was in no relationship for a little while then the girl I met at university and had dreamed of your all those years turned up and now we are in a relationship.

I have read many scary encounters on here (I had a browse), many perplexing encounters and everything in between. I have never been spiritual person but in all honesty if it's actually true and I am not just slightly odd then I have nothing but good things to say about ghosts. They make me smile, the comfort me when I am alone, they look out for me and they do anything to help me.

My friend said to let you know that no one of my immediate family is deceased (apart from one grandparent) and I can't think of anything to account for having a group of ghosts with me but what I can say for sure is that I hope they never go away because if I lost that feeling of never being alone then I don't know what I would do. I have lived throughout Australia and Europe and they have never gone away except once for a very short while when my family and I went to Tintagel in England and they told me that they couldn't come to a certain place but it would be alright and that they would be waiting for me.

He Is Me

It's CenterCore again... Wondering where to start. Well, first of all, just to get up to speed, check out my other stories. If not, you may not understand what I'm talking about.

At any rate...

Well folks, it's official; Jerry is not anchored to one particular place or area. I'm here in Illinois, and I had a close encounter last night. Also, I was tired at the time. I heard that all-too-familiar cough, and then began hearing noise after noise. I was the only one in the house, and it was getting late. I heard feet shuffling in the house, somebody out on the porch, and kept on hearing random things throughout this house being messed with. I even took a short video, but got nothing, otherwise I'd post it.

It didn't take long before I got tired of it and put headphones on. INSTANTLY, the noises out there stopped. I checked, and the dead silence had resumed. I never saw anything this time, just heard noises.

Now, the main reason for this post is to discuss a theory I'm beginning to develop about who and what "Jerry" really is, though I have no speculation on this other spirit he's teamed up with (see my most recent post besides this one for that story).

Okay, have you ever heard of a Tulpa? I've begun researching this concept, and I'm beginning to give credence to the idea that "Jerry" could, very well, be a manifestation of my own thoughts. But here's the catch; it seems that the less active MY own consciousness is, the MORE active HIS is. I have, in effect, actually given life to what seems to be a doppelganger of myself, because from the few times I've seen him, and the one BRIEF time I caught a glimpse of his face, he seems to have the exact same build and height I do. Only, he appears dead and pale, and is clean-shaven.

A number of things seem to trigger these "Jerry" encounters, and it's taken me this long to figure this out. "Jerry" only ever seems to appear when I'm NOT expecting him. It could be anything; depression, stress, boredom, fatigue; ANY situation where my mind is predisposed to any feeling other then 100% alertness. But it doesn't happen every time. Or if it does, I simply don't catch it. I think "Jerry" is, in fact, NOT a ghost, which leads me to believe perhaps this has been the wrong site all along to share my experiences about him. He shares no characteristics of a normal "ghost", and seems to work in cooperation with my own subconscious. And I think he possesses an intellect and similar mindset that I do. He is tricky; he isn't exactly everybody's best friend. He works in mysterious ways. But yet he has somehow outsmarted me all these years to the point that it has taken this long for me to fully understand him and how he works.

Basically, "Jerry" is me, or rather a different side of me. He has the ability to BE heard by others, but only when he chooses to be. "Jerry" has never been trying to gain anything from me; advice, help, anything. He messes with me. He, in his way, "entertains" me. I think he is the physically manifestation of a lot of things, the aforementioned "boredom', "stress", and 'depression". Only he is a physical being, whose consciousness is strengthened by my lack thereof.

Now, I do also have a theory of the other spirit. I think that entity IS an actual "ghost". I believe this "Jerry", my own manifestation of myself, is able to commune with the spiritual side of the world. This other spirit's identity, I don't believe, plays any true significance. The important thing is, in a way, I can communicate with the afterlife, through "Jerry". I know I'm making no sense, and it's so hard to explain what I'm trying to say. The best way I can put it is, "Jerry" is me, but the spiritual version. It's as though he is my very soul, but the strength of his (or, MY) ability to separate from my physical body depends upon the percentage of my mental activity.

His cough is that of a smoker; I WAS a smoker. It all fits, really. "Jerry" is really ME.

A few commenter's in past stories have actually made this very suggestion to me, and now it's making perfect sense. I, essentially, have control over what "Jerry" does. I think, the times I have found items or objects misplaced or lost, it's my own doing. "Jerry"s own doing. This physical form I've created is actually manipulating objects in real-time, for lack of a better term.

So, tell me; is there anyone out there who can potentially give any justice to anything I've just said? Is "Jerry" in fact MY OWN spirit, able to dissect from my body and move freely about? Or is this bogus explanation merely evidence that I've truly lost it? I'd LOVE some feedback, especially from those who are familiar with my experiences. If I'm right, then I've just solved this whole mystery at long last.

Hauntings in Jacksonville

My name is Clay. I am originally from Jacksonville, FL. I moved into a condo in Jacksonville with my family when I was eight. The house was empty except for one of the bedrooms. My bedroom closet had a Ouija board left in it. The previous owners wife liked to play with the Ouija board but for some reason she left it behind.

I started schooling and came home regularly and was home alone for a few hours until my older sister came home from school followed later by my mom. Strange noises from up stairs started happening like someone pacing around. I would yell hello, and start naming off anyone who could be upstairs and no one would answer and the pacing would stop. The noise would occur often after school and would change way it would sound.

One time the noise was of someone running around almost from room to room, and would end with a door slamming somewhere. The scariest moment was when the pacing started briefly then ended with what sounded like a bowling ball dropping to the floor. At the time my sister was three and I was playing and having her chase me around. I ran upstairs thinking she would follow while chasing me and a girl was coming up the stairs but it wasn't her, this girl was around the same age but her clothes were a blue dress almost like what was worn hundreds of years before. It didn't take me long to realize the girl wasn't my sister and the girl vanished through the wall as if it was a hallway.

Over time the noises occurred but I was young and got used to it living in the house for so long it was almost normal, and I never knew why when I told people they didn't believe me.

A few years went by in the house and surprisingly no noise was heard, the ghost seemed to just vanish as if they never were there. It wasn't until September of 1999 when the apparitions returned after not being around for a couple of years. My bedroom where the Ouija board was discovered when first moving in six years earlier had a ghost in the room with me. This one is the only one that really freaked me out worse than any other paranormal event in the house.

I was laying in my water bed and I got a paranoid feeling that there was something standing next to me. In the dark room there was only a street light that gleamed through the room. I saw what looked to be a hooded apparition no face all black, about six and a half feet tall and the form came through real good when it passed the window where the light passed around it. It appeared to be gliding over to the closet which was on the other side of my feet right side of the room. Then I glided back over to where it began, which was four feet from my face, then it glided back to the closet, then I watched it start to glide to where my door is (again opposite side of my feet but left side).

The problem is that my feet was hanging off the end of the bed and the apparition had to go through it to get to where it was heading and I watched it move across towards the wall by the door and I was to scared to move and right before it crossed my feet I hid my face under a pillow and my feet went from feeling the room temperature which was warm in my room eighty degrees to a freezing bitter cold then back to the room temperature. I then got up and ran out of the room not caring if the apparition was still there or not. For some reason now I have a foot phobia where before I wasn't bothered by feet, maybe there's a connection? I also sleep under a pillow, been like that ever since.

It started getting worse for everyone in the house. I went from being the only one that could hear the ghost, and I seen two apparitions already before my younger sister encountered a ghost in the same bedroom I stayed in before I moved to Connecticut. The door in the room was closed and something cracked it open, then my sister heard a little girl's voice say "Amanda come play". Amanda looked, rolled over and asked my older sister Alison who she shared a room with "did you hear that?" in which Alison replied she did.

I moved backed for a year and the ghost were still present in the house. I heard almost every night loud pacing up and down the stairs. It lasted for several months, I eventually had to yell shut up so they would stop and I could get some sleep. I told my mom about what I hear every night on the staircase and she shrugged it off as she did with all my other stories.

One night when she was home by herself she heard something running up the stairs, she thought it was an intruder in the house and she said she laid there helplessly waiting for the intruder to break into her room, but nothing happened and there was no one in the house.

Some time before that when my mom stayed in one of the three rooms in the house (the one next to the Ouija bedroom) she actually saw an apparition at the end of her bed. Sitting at the end of her bed was an old woman looked of Native American decent glaring at my mom, then she disappeared, then my mom did something like sit where the apparition was and said out loud "this is my house now this is my room" then went back to sleep.

She had the house blessed however, shortly after the staircase incident, unfortunately it didn't work because the doors would open on their own, sounds of walking around in my room was happening on a regular basis, thank God no apparition to go with it! There were pictures taken in the house that has orbs in it, though no apparition was ever caught on film in the house.

We now live in Connecticut where my mom is originally from. We moved to apartments called Mohegan Park apartments located in my hometown of Norwich, which is located minutes from both the Casinos here in Connecticut. Nothing happened in the apartment. There was no apparitions, no poltergeist, no walking around, or voices calling your name. It felt good to live in peace. We moved in those apartments in 2002 and lived there until 2006.

I moved out on my own and now live at another apartment complex in Norwich. The problem is that for the last two summers I have been fascinated with the supernatural, remembering what happened in Florida. My friends like to drive through back roads supposed to haunted by ghost. One road in particular is Hells Hollow road. The road is located outside Plainfield,CT. I took pictures off a lot which is located off the road while hanging out with friends and a very defined fog of a small person with a decomposed face was in the picture with us, and in several pictures which sparked my interest in ghost hunting.

I've went to several graveyards and experienced different feelings each time. My interest stuck with Hells Hollow. I've heard what sounded like Native tribes in the woods making noises with their mouths. I have also seen a large dark floating figure float from tree tops across the sky and into other tree tops (and I am positive it wasn't a bird). A woman named Maude was murdered about three-hundred years ago there accused of being a witch, as well as a young Native girl and her family by British troops in the same area. I took a picture in Hells Hollow, and the picture shows thousands of orbs and what looks like Native Americans being slaughtered or tied up. I still have this picture.

I also visited Maude's grave and took pictures there late at night and took friends and my cousin from Florida there and video tapped the event. A few days later while driving home from work I felt this pushing on the back of my seat. I got out of work at midnight. My friends thought it was weird, and a few nights later we hang out in a circle lot for a few minutes, then we got out open the trunk to get something from the back. Keep in mind both doors were left open. As soon as we opened the trunk something invisible ran from the trunk pushing objects aside then my driver side door slammed shut.

Since visiting Maude's grave and taking pictures of Hells Hollow trying to capture ghost this past summer, strange things been happening at my apartment. The trash can with a hinged lid appears to be hit by something and move back and forth until it stops. Doors pop open on there own and then close themselves. When I sleep at night I wake up feeling nervous and I feel like something is watching me. I feel like something is watching me, and tries to invade my mind with fear and anxiety that there is something around the corner. Vividly loud, evil looking beings enter my mind sometimes before I open a door as if I am being warned or just being attacked mentally to put me in fear.

I am fascinated by the paranormal after my experience as a child as well as what I experienced searching for them. I found that what I was interested in from my past was probably evil of no good, and by ghost hunting, I might be bringing that evil back into my life. I try to understand what I can't explain, and are they following me?

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