Pictures on the Wall

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This happened to me and my ex-best mate mid 2006. We lived above a tattoo parlour on the main road of our town. (mind you, that parlour has had nothing but bad things happen to it since it opened. i.e water pipes bursting and electricity cutting out even though every other store's electricity was working etc). Its something that I will take to my grave (excuse the pun) and will ever doubt all these things happening. I had just met my now boyfriend and was spending heaps of time with him to the point where I was barely spending any nights at home.

I remember coming home on morning about 7 or 8 am before my boyfriend had to go to work. My friend was asleep in her bed and as she heard me come in, she invited me to come and sit on the bed with her. She told me about how the night before, she swears that she could hear footsteps and people running on top of the roof, she said she even called the police to investigate but nothing was found. I thought she needed more sleep.

That night I didn't end up seeing my boyfriend as he was having a boys night out. So for once I was staying at home. I don't fully remember the first thing that happened but the things that happened that I do remember were the ones that scared me the most.

Sitting in my lounge room, little sparks of light started to dart around the room. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination so I asked Kat. She saw it too. I moved into the next room and it was still doing it. When these sparks touched me it was like a little sting, that only lasted for a moment. Kind of like a small electric spark.

I started to feel uneasy but I tried to ignore it.

To stop freaking out I decided to put some music on to lighten the mood. This was one of the scariest things I have have ever experienced The song by Rhiannon called SOS was playing and I was in the kitchen with Kat. Next thing it started to slow down and it sounded like a record being played really, really slowly. Next thing a high pitched scream, maybe not a scream but a noise (like something was trying to speak to us, or for us to notice it) came from the cd player and I froze. Kat went running to it to turn it off and kicked it broken instead. This noise was child like, it freaked me out. I saw that movie White noise and remember thinking that it so stupid. But trust me, that movie was made by someone who really experienced it!

Now, we started noticing the markings on the wall. Funny though cause we noticed them when we first moved in but now they actually started to look like drawings. My bedroom, which mind you I never ever felt comfortable in. Which funnily enough I never unpacked anything for the whole time I lived there. I didn't even put my bed together. Figures of crosses and a man by a graveyard started appearing. It took us ages to tell what it looked like and then as soon as we did, the pictures on the walls didn't stop.

Down the hallway the figure of like a large shark head (sounds like a stupid story but I swear this is true) it looked like it traveled down the hallway with its mouth wide open. It got smaller each time as it traveled down the hallway. You could feel the bumps where the eyes were in the picture. Behind the front door you could see marks of a man hanging and the door knob was its noose.

But there was one figure that would never stop appearing. One of a man in a black cowboy like hat. His face never appeared. He hid underneath it but you could see his eerie smile. It was everywhere all through the house.

The one picture that I will never forget was the one of him outside my friends bedroom which all the bad things happened near. It looked like a comic book story on the wall but it was taller than us. First it was him walking up the hallway, behind him he held a gun which you could see in his hand, then the next he was closer and you could see a body lying on the floor with him pointing the gun towards it. Then the last was him with a close up of him in his hat. Walking away. With that smile. I will never forget it until the day I die.

That house has something very wrong with it. You would hear running up and down the hallway. I would be sitting on the bed and you would hear and feel something jump on to the bed next to me. You would even see the sheets move. Instead of black finger marks above the doors the finger marks were white. Bad things have happened in there. I could feel it. Everything sounds so far fetched I know. But there is so much more to this story but I don't have enough time to type it all down now. I feel so much better actually getting all of this out for the first time.

Has anyone else experienced pictures appearing on the walls? The more you let them know that you see them the more intense it gets. Does anyone know any good books that I could read about things like this...?

To this day I drive past that place and still get an uneasy feeling from it...

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