Pure White

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Last night 10-Apr, I had been in bed about ten minutes, when I was closing my eyes, and as they where nearly shut I saw this bright pure white glow race across my vision, the only light from my room was a mute green numbers on my clock and I sleep with an eye patch on my eyes, because in my old house there was two street lights that used to shine through a small window in my room and everything was too bright, now I can't sleep well without it!.

Anyway, half an hour or so later, I had rolled to the other side, and I was facing the wall, about 30cm, from my face was the corner so I was basically right in it, with my back to the muted green numbers of my clock, and everything else, my eyes were closed, and I saw it again, this time coming from the top going down rather than across.

My back is to any source of light, my eye patch is on, and the lights have been turned off for a good forty minutes, so there is no way it could be light imprinted on my eyes, like you get sometimes, and my eyes were closed and when you see light through your closed eyelids it's all red and pink from the skin it travels through, and I was wide awake.

It was pure white, and bright, and what I saw of it, it was pretty, both times I saw it after 'what was that' when through my head I thought of it as "pure" "soft" "bright" "cloud" "feathers" "delicate" they ran though my head as describing it. It is hard to describe, you know those soft feather boas soft like that but the middle was light.

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