Pinned Down to Bed

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I've been reading some of the stories on here and felt relieved to know that what happened to me was not abnormal. Here is my story. About 15 years ago when I was still living in my family home in Sydney, Australia, there was some strange goings on in my bedroom. It was a very very cold room always.

A few times I swear I saw some kind of mist in the shape of a person by the foot of my bed. I found the room unsettling and eerie. On one occasion it felt as though someone had hopped into bed right beside me, as I felt the bed depress. I moved my foot over to that side of the bed and of course there was nothing there.

One early morning I had woken up feeling a little off and was just laying in bed with my eyes lightly shut trying to get back to sleep when something grabbed my pony tail and was pulling it through the slats of my bed head. Then I felt my shoulders being pinned down and a heavy, restricted feeling in my chest. I tried to scream, but nothing was coming out other than a low growl. I could not move at all, until suddenly I was able to move one of my arms and was trying to thump it against the wall in the hopes someone would hear and come and rescue me. Meanwhile I could hear my sister wake up and switch the cartoons on in the lounge room and my mother arise and come downstairs to make her morning coffee whilst this was all happening to me.

I kept struggling and fighting to try and get this thing to let me go. Eventually it eased off and I was able to get up. When I came out of my bedroom my sister and mother were exactly where I had heard them go to in the house, so this confirmed that I was not asleep and dreaming all of this.

I refused to sleep in that room for 2 weeks until my father had spent a couple of nights in there. I also burned a white candle one night and asked the ghost to go towards the light. Then I hung a crucifix in my window and placed a bible on my bed head. There were no more experiences for me after that.

However, when we sold the house some years later the neighbors found the new owners teenage daughter wandering the street muttering and crying, during the middle of the day. She said she was home alone and had seen a ghost. She refused to go back in the house. Very quickly the new owner moved out and leased the property to someone else. Further confirmation of ghosts in that house.

To this day I have always wondered what was happening to me. Was it an angry spirit perhaps? Whatever it was it did not like me being in that room.

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