Seeing Shadows And The Aboriginal Burial Site

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For about one year just every couple of months I would see a person all dressed in white, very pale skin and with long dark hair. They would just be standing in the hallway or in garden out the window or something. Then one day I went to dads. I had never seen one of these apparition's at my dad's before until one day I was looking in the fridge, when I turned around I saw it standing there then it ran through the lounge-room and down the hallway, it was probably the fifth time I had seen it. So I asked my dad if he had seen it and he said no. So I just forgot about it.

I didn't see anyone or anything like that for about 6 months, until the other day. I think the first one was when I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep, the light was off but it was still light enough to see because my iPod was on the iPod dock charging so it was lit-up. I just randomly opened my eyes and saw like a silhouette of a person standing there and then it just disappeared. I forgot about it and went back to sleep. The next day, I was home alone for the day, and I kept seeing the person-looking-thing everywhere, it wasn't all dressed in white though it was just like the silhouette again, and I would just look around the room and see it standing there. A few times it looked like it ran away and then disappeared. Then I saw it outside the window next to the door.

I started getting a bit scared now, but then my dog who doesn't stay still even in her sleep went and sat in front of the window and just stared with her ears perked up like she was looking at a dog that was outside or something. She didn't move when I called her name or anything, so I looked around out the window and nothing or no one was out there, so went and patted her on the head and she snapped out of it, then she walked away and sat looking into the lounge room the same, not moving and with her ears perked up. I don't know how long she was sitting there but when I looked at her and then up to see what she was looking at I saw the person-looking-thing again.

I looked on Google to see if dogs can like "see: things we can't or something, and there was a lot of stories saying they could. I was pretty much freaking out by now, so I went and watched a DVD, and the dog went back to the window and stared again. Then she just randomly started barking and growling at something outside the window, I looked again, and didn't see anything.

The house over the road from us, in the direction that the dog was looking, has also had some weird things happen, like the family that lived there said the micro-wave would turn itself on in the middle of the night, and a weird smell that only females could smell.

Then the husband committed suicide, and the wife got one of those things done to get rid of spirits and ghosts (can't remember what it's called). She found out that their house is built on an aboriginal burial site and the lady next doors sister said she saw an aboriginal lady standing in the corner of the dining-room.

Just writing this now I saw the silhouette person standing next to the wall to my right and a shadow of something running past behind me.

Can anyone tell me what I am seeing or what is happening?

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