Shaking Bunk Bed

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It was a Saturday night and my step brother and sister were staying at my house. My step sister was around 15 at the time. It was a two story house so my mum, dad, and step brother were down stairs in the rumpus room. My little sister and I were in the lounge room while my older step sister was in the spare room going to sleep.

I was watching TV on the couch when all of a sudden I heard my older sister scream. I ran in and asked her what was wrong. She told me that the bed was shaking. I told her to grow up and stop trying to scare me. So I went back out to the lounge room and sat back down to watch TV. About 15minutes past and I heard my older sister scream again. I ran back down the hall into the spare room and screamed "What?"

Again my sister said that the bed was shaking. As I went to walk away it was shaking right in front of me. Quiet violently, as if something was holding onto it. My sister started crying and jumped off the bed. As soon as she did this the bed stopped shaking. I checked under the bed thinking that my step brother may have been playing a trick but he wasn't under there.

Could this have been a Poltergeist of some sort? I still to this day don't know if I was imagining things. But I and my older step sister have not spoken of it since.

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