Please Help, I Do Not Want To Ever Feel This Again

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I am a fourteen year old teenage boy who has been experiencing some weird things lately. About three months ago, I decided to sleep at the opposite end of my bed where I usually sleep. Usually my head would be facing north and my feet south. But this time my feet were facing north and my head was facing south. That's when the painful experiences started.

I woke up in the middle of the night and could not move. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't. I could only struggle to move my eyelids. I could not completely open them. Did I mention that my new dog was sleeping next to me on my bed? People tell me that animals are supposed to sense spirits and scare them away by barking or growling at them. But my dog was sound asleep. My dog is not like other dogs though, he has a more gentle and lazy spirit.

My arms felt like they were being held down by someone or something. This had happened to me before but this time was much more painful. My body was tensed and it started hurting after awhile. Knowing that you were awake and could not move was really scary for me.

When I could move, I did not go back to sleep until the sun rose. A couple of days later, I was feeling tired so I went to sleep at about five in the afternoon. I slept in my room with the curtains pulled down tightly and so my room was dark, like it was night. This time, I could hear someone, a woman, whispering or chanting in my ear. I could not move but this time I rolled my eyes all the way back and saw a single eye looking down at me. I was freaked so I closed my eyes.

The weird thing was that, I could see my dog crawling and scratching at the door, but when I woke up he wasn't there. The time that this happened, it was only between two to five minutes. I checked the time before I went to sleep and checked it again when I woke up. But despite all that, it seemed like I was stuck in bed struggling to move for several hours. And now, just ten minutes ago it happened again. But this one was also painful and frustrating.

I was starting to doze off, suddenly the air got colder. I thought it was just the cold weather, then my forehead had an itch or it felt like it was being meddled with. So I just scratched it. When I went to sleep, everything was fine, until I woke up. Again, it felt like someone was holding me down keeping me from moving. But this time was in my living room.

Most Asians have a tradition to put a chapel in the living room with pictures of Buddha and monks to keep evil spirits away, but despite sleeping in front of the chapel, it happened again. My mother also gave me a chant to say in my head if this was to ever happen again. The chant was like a calling to Buddha, a cry for help. I was chanting in my head, and then I could hear it out loud and clear. The ghost was repeating what I said, like it was mocking me. My body then seemed really soar, like someone was wrapping themselves around me, squeezing the hell out of me.

I looked back again and saw a dark figure, again scared and closed my eyes. When I woke up, I was breathing heavily. So I decided to check the net for answers, then I found this site.

Again when this happened, my dog was in the same room. To all the readers that this has happened to, the key to get the ghost off you is to resist and never give in. People from the last generations tell me that they either want to take over your body or just mess around with you. If you give in, well you will be possessed. Not only that it's a danger to you, but to your family as well. If you give in, the ghosts will use your body for bad intentions. It will harm your body or even make you kill yourself. Or even worse, it will make you do things to your family that even cannot be spoken of.

Remember to resist. And readers please help me with your kind words and compliments. I hate the feeling of being attacked by a ghost. Please give me advice and help me find a way to get rid of my problems. My family and friends won't, they just listen and laugh.

Thank you for reading my story, and I would like to say that this is no joke, sometimes I wish it was. Again, thanks for reading.

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