Slumber Party Gone Wrong

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My friend was having a slumber party for her birthday and she invited me. It was me, Anna, Jodie and Alise. We were mucking around, telling scary stories, making some up and real ones that we experiencd. Just at thw time when jodie told hers, there was a big bang at the door. We were all scared because Alise's mom and dad had gone out that night, so we were home alone. We decided to lock all doors and windows and then we met back at the room we slept in. Jodie didn't come back, and when we got back, the window in that room was open. We assumed Jodie went out there to try and scare us, but thinking back, Jodie is the most scared of us all. We were scared.

We checked out the window and no one was out there, so we locked it. We checked the whole house downstairs, then checked up, and we heard screaching. We went in the room we thought it was coming from and there was Jodie trying to shut a window that screached when it grinded along the bottom. Then as we all tried to shut it, it just shut. Like that. No screaching. It was as if someone or something was holding it shut. Then the bang at the door again. 5 times. We decided to check it out. As we went down stairs, they all voted me to open it. So I did. Nothing.

Then, as I shut it, something held it and something said: "let me free". We didn't understand it. What does this mean? We decided to let it go. Besides, we were kids, what were we going to do? No one would believe us. From that night on, we dreamt about it but when we tried to talk about it, we just couldn't. It was strange.

Thank you for hearing my story I just had to let it out.

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