Roadside Ghost

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This is something weird that happened to me a couple of years ago, a bit scary and certainly strange. I know what I am about to share was not imagined as my wife was with me the whole way.

Coming back from a social function on a Saturday evening on a back road that helps us avoid the weekend traffic, I was startled to see a man running towards the road from a near by field. I slowed up at this point and despite my wife being a little worried and unsure I pulled up to see if I could be off assistance as he looked very much in need of help. There was nothing striking about this man, he wore blue jeans, a blue jumper type thing and large beard that gave him an older look however if asked I would put is age at about 50. As I said, my wife was put at unease by him; so much so, that she elected to stay in car with mobile phone firmly in hand should anything go wrong.

Upon meeting this man I was immediately struck by how white he was, especially as he had been clearly running across a large field. He was also shaking quite badly and in a frantic tone he explained how he had been in adjacent field picking mushrooms (really) when he was set upon by two youths, he said that they were quite vicious in their intent but he was able to shake them off and get away. He claimed that he ran towards the road in the mad hope off seeing someone and even when he felt the attackers had given up the chase he would not slow down until he came to safety.

At this point I was starting to have some misgivings about his story as I could not see physical evidence that he had been attacked, I could see that he had a fright sure but nothing more. Upon asking how I could be of help he broke down in tears and explained that in order to make his way home, he would have to cross back across the field from which he had just come from. I offered him the use of my mobile phone but he declined saying that he lived alone and did not really know anyone. This part was not so unusual as we live in a small rural community about 40 minutes from a major town, that he should be one of the many who have chosen to live in isolation in some country shack was not that unbelievable.

So which much hesitation and evil death stares from my wife I offered to drive him back to his place. He said that from this road it would only take about 5 minutes if we took a dirt track or about 10/15 minutes if we used the road, needless to say we took the road option, even I at this point was starting to get a bit jumpy about this mans possible intentions.

As we drove along the man who had told us his name was Robert, talked quite openly about when he had moved into the area, his ex wife and the fact that he had no children. He spoke a bit more on the attackers he claimed he had been victim to, saying that he would drive into town tomorrow and make a report. We got to his home, which as I suspected was nothing more then a shack. Robert thanked us and got out of car, I know at this point I saw him make his way toward the door but in response to a desperate tug on my arm from my wife I turned my ahead for a split second and when I looked back, you guessed it, he was gone. Not hearing a door open or shut I started to get a bit freaked out, my wife said that she was not watching him as she was more focused on getting the hell out of there.

Now in moment of madness, I told my wife to stay in car while I checked to see if he was okay. Despite threats of divorce I turned off the car and got out, my wife slid into the passenger seat and said if I was not back in 2 minutes she would drive off without me.

So to finish this post let me just say that when I checked there was no one around, the house was open and completely empty and it was so overrun with cobwebs and judging from the smell, rats as well. I called Roberts name and got no answer, no one home. There was a broken down shed out back but no car, this whole place had a deserted air and as my wife was now revving the engine I run back to the car and we sped off.

I got the cold shoulder for a little while and my wife and I very rarely speak on this, we did ask around but no one seems to know about place. I am a skeptic from way back but this has led me to believe all may not be what is seems, very weird and believe me all very real.

Thank you for reading my post, sorry if it was a bit long.

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