Poor Mother

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I'm new here and got many experiences with the "unknown", ever since I was young I would have dreams (being awake or sleep) that would often come true, also see hear and feel, my sister is also very similar, seeing faces in trees flowers etc... We don't like it as we don't understand it, my nana is the same as her mother and grandmother was. Now you know a little about me I will continue.

One of my experiences was a few years ago I was a single mum with two boys age 2yrs and 4months, just splitting with there father and needed a home I took the first one that was available. It was a nice 3 bedroom home slightly chilly but it was a home. Moving my things in I could smell a sweet smell but it had some sort of disturbing smell after it, I ignored it thinking it was flowers outside with compose. The first night I was so tired I feed my boys had long hot shower and just hit the pillow, I was woken about 1am by the sense of someone there, but couldn't make out who it was. I jumped up turned lamp on then the smell sweet but off smell, feeling cold and not noticing anyone I got up to make sure the windows where tightly closed and checked the kids, all was well so back to bed I went.

Then dreaming, a lady sitting on my bed just talking, smiling, like she missed chatting, her name Julie, short dark brown hair, gentle face. I woke up feeling a little strange about my dream knowing it was more then that.

I had a friend come stay the night to help me unpack a few more boxes and just get a little more settled, and bring over our puppy, everything was going really we put music on packing things away and chatting, then that smell! My puppy backing up fur standing up and barking wildly and cold chill, my friend and I just looked at each other and I put my puppy in the laundry to clam her down.

When I came back into the kitchen my friend was shaking, I asked her what's wrong, "the pantry door just opened and closed" she told me, I told her not to worry. I turned off the music and made us a coffee. At 7:30pm foot steps heard down the hall way, sweet smell chill then footsteps got really fast then BANG! My 2yr old sons door slammed shut, I ran into the room to him crying from the sound of the door as he was fast asleep, after I put him into my bed and back to sleep I went back out to my very freaked out friend. As I walked down the hall way, passing my sons room I saw her, Julie, in the corner of my son's room, she was looking at me but with fear almost as if I was scaring her, I just let her be and walked away.

That night I had the same dream as night before exactly the same. I woke to my 4month crying. I walked into his room (different room from older brother) only for him to stop suddenly smile at the wall and drifted back off to sleep, but his room was very cold. I started to get a little interested in the history of this house. I spoke to the family next door who have lived there for many many years, they told me that few years back a lovely lady and her son moved in, she had also just recently split from her husband and was happy to take on this place, she lived there for about 5years before she started dating a nice man, at about 7:30 one night her ex broke into the home. They don't really know what happened but heard a lot of screaming and yelling so they called the police, but it was to late, the ex husband killed poor Julie in front of there 11yr old son in the first room (my 2yr old room) the ex tried to kill himself all because of jealousy but the police turned up.

He has been put away but poor Julie is not at rest, she is a mother who still sits in her son's room, which explains why she seemed so scared.

I moved out shortly after getting confirmation from the real estate, I'm not sure if she is still there or if she has found peace yet, I was there 4months and she seemed a lot easier when she spoke (in dreams) so I hope finding out what happened helped her.

My sons would play and be so happy there I think she had a helping hand, but as for sweety our puppy, she would still back off barking and never wanted to go inside the house, so puppy training also goes to Julie:)

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