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Hello, my name is Cocaracha! Something really strange happened to me one week ago! It was about 11:00pm and I was watching TV with my boyfriend, when suddenly I heard footsteps. I asked my boyfriend if he heard something and he said no, so I thought that it was only my imagination and ignored it.

But after 10 minutes I heard somebody screaming I was scared, I looked out of the window and I saw a girl with long black dress walking on the yard in my house! I said to my boyfriend that something is on our yard, but he looked outside the window and he saw nothing! My boyfriend told me to calm down and hugged me. I couldn't sleep all night. I was thinking only about the girl that I saw in my yard.

The next day, I asked my neighbors if they saw the girl that I saw and they said that 34 years ago, one 15 year-old girl died in fire. I told my boyfriend that I want to move in other house and because he loves me, he agreed with me. So now we are looking for a new house. I also told my mom what I saw and she said that probably it's just my imagination, but I know it wasn't. I clearly saw the girl in a black dress.

The day after this, it was 10:00pm and my boyfriend and me were kissing, when again I heard somebody screaming. I can't wait to move away from this house!

I hope you liked my story!

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