Gray Lady, 25 Years Later

As the flowers started to bloom, I realized I had not had an incident with the gray woman in a few months. I was glad and grateful. If I didn't see or deal with any thing like her ever again, it would be fine by me.

My Mom found a new apartment, larger, brighter and in a bit of a better neighborhood. As my Mom worked several jobs and my sister and I were home for spring break from school, we began to do a lot of the packing.

I was packing my books in my room and that all too familiar chill filled the air. I froze in fear and panic. The laughter then started, filling the whole room. I remained motionless for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably a few minutes listening to the cackle.Again, thi shorrible laugh seemed to fill the entire air, as if coming from a stereo system. I finally turned around just in time to see the bed spread being yanked off my bed. It was tucked in tight as my mother had us make our beds with hospital corners. It was yanked off with force!

I ran from my room and sat on the couch breathing rapidly. My sister came out and asked what was wrong. I tried to fib and tell her nothing. She asked me, "It was her again, wasn't it, that lady thing?"

I told her I did not see anyone (which is not a lie, I did not see anyone). She stood there a moment and then advised me that she would be so happy to move out of that apartment and leave this lady thing behind.

These events took place around 25 years ago, and I remember them so vividly. I would like to say that when we moved, the gray woman stayed behind, but that has not been the case.

Whenever there is a significant event occurring in my life, she shows up. Weddings, funerals, graduations, children being born, you name it, if the event has significance to me; she will appear sometime and somewhere. Always with the piercing laugh, the bold stare, floating backwards and making just enough of a mess to be bothersome.

I have had each of the homes I live in blessed and have also used the sage and lavender. I am a Christian and attend church regularly. We have a Christian home.

She never does anything that is actually harmful, just frightening, frustrating and annoying. She has been around for so long, you would think I would expect to see her, but I don't and I never will.

Ghosts, Dreams, And People's Attitudes

I'm 19 years old and ever since I was little I've been having dreams that come true, see people that are not there, and know just by looking at someone who they truly were and behaved. As I got older I began seeing people.

Back then I called them angles, now I know they're ghosts. Recently this year while I was in the hospital I kept seeing a ghost of a woman with brown hair past her shoulders and about 5 foot tall. At first I thought I was just seeing things because of the medications. But when I got home I saw her more.

Every time I saw her she was smiling. Then I had a dream of a young woman that died in a hospital waiting room. A week later, the death I saw was in the news. I see her also. To put it all together I see 4 ghosts. My great grandma, the woman with brown hair, the lady from my dream, and a 10 year old girl who I've never seen before.

I found out the woman I was seeing is actually my boyfriend's mother, she died last year. I just can't figure out why I'm seeing her. When I saw her the first time I didn't even know him. And what about the other woman and the girl? Why am I seeing them also if I don't know them?

I don't know if this goes with this subject, but I'm able to tell if a person is nice, mean, shy, etc, etc just by meeting them. I don't know how. It's like I can see past their 'mask', if that's what you want to call it. Like, they can be smiling when I meet them and I can tell if they are truly a nice person or if they are just being nice.

When this happens its like someone is telling me the persons true...appearance. I guess you can call it that.

Can anyone help explain all this?

Ghosts Surround Me

First of all I come from Scotland, and most recently I have currently started to experience spirits again. I say again because I have experienced them before but they lay dormant for a year before they came back.

I will start off with some of my most recent sleep talking.

About a two weeks ago I had fell asleep quite early on in the night (around 9:30pm). I had gone to sleep perfectly happy. Now around midnight my mum tells me that she hears me screaming her name, so she goes through to my room and asks what's wrong, I say "My chest hurts, it hurts".

My mum says when she asked why my face looked really different, and when I smiled it was evil looking. She was really scared and I kept repeating "My chest hurts, it hurts" She asks me one more time why, now by this time I had come out of the trance and I say "I'm okay mum". But the weird thing is my chest didn't hurt when I came out of the trance.

Now the next day when I come downstairs my mum is sitting in the living room and she says that the kettle has turned itself on when no one was in the kitchen, I go through to see and I immediately feel I'm being pushed out, I tried hard to get in the kitchen but I couldn't do it. I had horrible dizzy sensation hours after I could not shake it.

The next day I go into the kitchen and everything is perfectly fine and I go round and clean up the kitchen, suddenly chest pain starts right in the centre of my chest, I had this pain all day (I'm getting it right now typing this) it would not go away. Now I have to add that the sleep talking happened days before all this and the kitchen sensation was really horrible (never experienced anything like it.)

Since around 16, I have constantly seen spirits they are always around me, I seen one once in our old house, that really scared me.

We eventually moved out and into our new house. Now for a year and a half nothing spiritually happened to me. But in the last year or so they have been coming back, they are there while I am at college and while I'm in my room and the house.

I sometimes don't see them in all their glory but I see orbs and on rare occasions when my mind is elsewhere they show themselves and I don't realize they are ghosts because they look like normal people.

Does anyone have any idea why these spirits are always around me? And to why I scream at night, right on the stroke of midnight?

Ghosts Of My Past

I am new to the site so please forgive me if I make a few mistakes in my tellings. For background information I am 29 and pretty level headed. I grew up in a sinti family (gipsy to you gadji)

And the occult and paranormal was a regular thing. I didn't even realize that others did not have such things in their lives until I started school. Well on to the beginning. When I was a baby my mother divorced my father and married again when I was 5. He moved us out to a nice single wide trailer in the country in Louisiana. It was there that the spirits of the past started to come to me and my sisters.

The land was part of an old plantation and was a tradition of the few neighbors we had for everyone to sit outside and listen to the sounds of an invisible horse and wagon pass. We could all hear clear as day the sounds of hooves on the gravel road, the clatter of the draw chains and the creak of the wood. It was never scary and now I know it was just a residual haunting. But the worst came at night.

I very vividly remember that trailer on that huge plot of land. Every night as a child I and my middle sister who shared a room with me would wake up exactly at the same time, as would my oldest sister who had her own room and my Mother. My step-father always slept through it all. We would hear the front door open and foot steps walking through to the kitchen then followed by the creaking sound of the cabinets and the scratch of the drawers drawing open. The trailer would plunge so cold you could see your breath no matter how hot it was. In the mornings we would get up to find every door in the house open, every cabinet open, every drawer pulled out. It used to infuriate my step-father since he thought it was a joke us kids were playing on him.

My mother and just about everyone in my family has the gift of one kind or another. So, tired of it my entire mother called it out. We all saw the form of a man appear in a misty darkness. It swelled from the floor and just glared at us like we were disturbing HIM! My mother told Him he was scaring us children and to leave. He just laughed and sank back through the floor. Things got worse after. In the dark I would waken to my bed shaking hard, the whole frame and mattress like someone was jerking hard on it.

Then from the side something would drag me to the floor. An evil looking thing, it kind of looked like those gremlins from the movie. But at that time I had never seen it so had no idea about it so was not a dream from watching it. Its skin would glisten slimy and its fingers were so cold they burned. To this day I remember the wicked grin on its face, devious and malicious like it wanted to eat me. I would scream and scream and my sister would start screaming because she would see it too. Finally my Mother started having us sleep with her. I never did find out what it was but I think was some earth bound spirit who was out to destroy the family.

Okay, that is all for now. I will be posting more of my story here later as it spans the length of my life and continues even now. If you have any comments or what no please feel free to offer any up. I ask though please to not be leaving negative like "oh you are dumb" or anything of the type. Thanks.

Ghosts & Dwarfs

From as far back as I can remember I've seen ghost not just once but I've seen them a lot of times and it doesn't matter where or what time of the day it is, I always see them, even at school.

I remember seeing this girl who just appeared in mid air. She was staring at me and smiling, I didn't get scared but I was paralyzed. A couple of days later whilst I was sleeping I suddenly opened my eyes to see someone in white laughing at me. I could not move. I was completely paralyzed. When I finally managed to move this white thing disappeared. I started screaming. Although I am getting used to seeing these ghosts I am starting to get scared.

Not only do I see ghost but I've seen dwarfs too. I know it sounds crazy but it's true, they watch me sleep. I have come to this conclusion as one night I was awoken by one standing near my feet staring at me as soon as I saw it; it ran off really fast and the door closed by itself after him. This did not scare me as I just went back to sleep.

I have had many more ghost experiences but I just want to know if they want to tell me something, or if they want to do something to me or they just wonder around. Sometimes I can't sleep because I can sense them and I get scared. I feel like they follow me everywhere and I want to know why.

Ghostly Whisp Of A Tail

This is my first of many stories I will write about. It kind of freaks me out and I wonder whether you could help me.

My first experience was when I was eight years old a month after we just moved into our house. I scurried to the bathroom to go "potty" as I was washing my hands I turned and nearly screamed. I saw a Ghostly whisp of a tail and the upper half of a body passing through my bedroom door which was closed. I high tailed it down stairs and told my parents. My parents said I was seeing things.

My second experience was when I was in the 4th grade. I got off my school bus, and walked towards my house. I turned the knob of the door. It was locked. I got very scared and kept pushing on the door until finally I gave it a little push and it popped open. I remember by the door it was oddly cold. I heard someone upstairs and called out thinking it was my mother or one of my three sisters. No one reply.

About 3 months ago I saw a glowing blue ball of light and later an image of a girl with blond, hair blue eyes maybe 13 the same age as me.

I remember brushing my teeth in the bathroom when I heard someone walking in the hallway. When I looked over there was nobody in the hallway. This has occurred many times.

I was at school in science class doing my work when my friend Hailey went to the bathroom. I heard someone come into the room about 5 minute's later, walk behind me and sit in the chair next to me. Thinking it was Hailey I looked over but there was no one there. About 1 minute later Hailey came in. She is also haunted by a ghost.

I got out of the shower and my mirror fogged up like always. I always lock my bathroom door too. When I looked at the mirror, there was a broken heart drawn into the steam on the mirror.

Can anyone explain or tell me how to communicate with my ghost a bit more? She also likes to walk around at night between 2-4 in the morning or tap on my door making it creak.

Thanks everyone!

Ghostly Phenomenon

GHOSTLY PHENOMENON - 1950s Haunting of the Long Family in Inglewood, California, time frame 1956-1960.

A Summary Overview:

There were several paranormal events that happened to me and my family back in the 1950s when I was a boy.

First was a fire demon which appeared to me in the dark when I was 4 years old during Christmas time in 1951 when we lived in Renton, Washington, near Seattle.

I was getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and the house was all dark except for a fire burning in the old pot-bellied stove in a corner of the living room down the hall from my bedroom, and the bathroom was in between. When I began to go into the bathroom, something bright flashed in the corner of my eye and I turned to look toward the pot-bellied stove, with the warm orange flicker of fire over the dark living room, when suddenly a being made of fire, about 3 to 4 feet tall, shot out of the stove and began dancing across the room in front of me! I was terrified and wet my pants.

This weird thing had flames for a body, and big red fiery eyes. I ran to my parents' bedroom and jumped in their bed, but my mother noticed I was wet and crying, and she got up to help me, while my dad just rolled over and went back to sleep. I was too scared to go into the hallway again so my mother had to change me in her bedroom as I hid under her blankets. I never again saw anything as weird as this, not even the ghost I saw in 1958.

Then a house my family moved into in Inglewood, CA. Suburb of Lennox in 1956 was haunted and there were all sorts of frightening and scary ghostly and poltergeist phenomena experienced by my entire family in that house over the next 3 years.

It began soon after we moved into the house at 10130 Condon Avenue in 1956. All four of us kids had to share the same room for a while, three brothers and one sister, and we were all young children at that point. I was 9, my sister was 8, and my two younger brothers were 6 and 4. We slept in U.S. Army surplus bunk beds, one on each side of the room.

The haunting began one night after the whole family had gone to bed. I was just going to sleep when suddenly I heard scratching sounds coming from underneath my bed, on the bottom wood frames of my mattress box springs. It was unnerving to say the least, and very frightening. Then the scratching noises, like fingernails on wood, would suddenly begin somewhere else in the room, either on the wall, or underneath the beds of one of the other kids. It scared the hell out of all of us, and made my younger brothers cry.

These eerie sounds were sometimes, but not always, accompanied by knocks or raps on the walls or floor. These strange things would continue over the next two years, and although they were not a nightly occurrence, they did happen frequently.

Then in 1957, something new started, along with the rappings and scratching. Our house was old and had old hardwood floors with no carpeting, only area rugs. We began to hear the sounds of feet, bare feet, walking on the bare hardwood floors at night after the family had gone to bed after 10 PM. They sounded like the person who was walking was old and frail, because the footsteps went 'swish-swish' on the floor as the walking moved around the house, like the person couldn't or wouldn't lift their feet up off the floor, and just shuffle along.

Well, if you think the scratching and knocks were frightening, then you have to know that we were all horrified at the sound of ghostly feet moving around the house! None of us ever saw anything, but we all, at one time or other, heard plenty of weird, unexplained sounds of an invisible ghostly person moving about the house.

On one occasion I especially recall, which still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, we had all gone to bed and all the lights were off, (except that ever since the ghostly phenomena started, my parents made sure there was a night light in our bedroom so we weren't completely in the dark) the scratches began under my bed and then under my brother's bed across from me, and he let out a yelp.

The scratches moved back to under my bed, and something knocked on the window between us. Then we heard the sounds of the ghostly footsteps starting from the dining room, and then coming into the hallway, and then into our bedroom. The door was closed but not locked, and something opened it up and it opened all by itself, with the ghostly footsteps coming into our room toward the foot of my bed. I looked and there was no one there, and I could see all the way down the hall to the closed door of my parents' bedroom at the back of the house. In between that was the bathroom off to the right, and a hall closet to the right which was closed with a door.

Our family cat, Snowball, was curled up asleep at the foot of my bed, at my feet, when all of a sudden; something struck the foot bed frame of my bed with a loud, resounding clang! Instantly, our cat jumped up, arched her back and hissed in anger. I was terrified, to be sure, and hid under the covers. My brothers were both screaming and crying and my sister was yelling bloody murder for my mom and dad. They both came running down the hall from their room and turned on the light, and demanded to know what was wrong now. We told them the ghost came into our room to scare us, but we couldn't see it, only hear it. My mother told me she had also heard the ghostly footsteps, and she told me she knew the house was haunted.

On another night, the ghostly footsteps came into our room, then turned back and moved back down the hallway, then the closet door opened by itself, and a basketball which my dad had thrown up onto the top shelf came bouncing down on the hallway floor, and began dribbling by itself, bouncing up and down from about a 3-foot high level. My dad flung his bedroom door wide open, came bounding down the hall, grabbed hold of the ball as it hung in midair, and threw the lights on. Of course, nothing was there, and we were all in our beds, terrified with fear. Dad told us all to try to settle down and go back to sleep, and said he didn't know why the ghost was haunting the house. When he went back to bed, he took the ball with him, and all was quiet for the rest of the night.

In April 1958 my brother and I both saw a real ghost - the same ghost at the same time, of a tall, thin, gaunt and wrinkled old woman in a white lace wedding dress. We ran away screaming! We were chasing each other, playing, around the dog run around the garage and lean-to shed at the back of the garage, on an afternoon after school.

This first house was a 1920 vintage wood and stucco Spanish-style 2-bedroom home, with a front and back yard, and a separate garage in back of a dirt driveway, with a lean-to shed built onto the back of it, with one door that was always padlocked, and with one window which faced onto a dog run around the garage, surrounded by property borderline trees and a fence.

It was inside this shed that we, my brother Bob and I, saw the ghost of the old woman in the wedding dress standing inside, looking out at us with cold, dark, stony stern eyes, through shabby white lace curtains, next to an old steamer trunk. We knew this room was locked and there was no way anyone could be inside of it.

We later discovered from a relative of old Mrs. Dillon, when he came to empty the contents of the storage room, and opened the trunk in front of us before loading it onto his truck, that the white lace wedding dress had belonged to a woman who had died in the house in 1955, and was folded up neatly inside of that steamer trunk. That woman was the man's grandmother, old Mrs. Dillon, who had died at age 77 in November 1955 of pneumonia in the back bedroom occupied by our parents. He also showed us a picture of Mrs. Dillon, and it was the same face we had seen on the ghostly apparition!

Other strange poltergeist-style phenomena that happened in that house is that many times objects would move about by themselves at all times of the day or night. Cups, glasses, saucers, pens and pencils, and salt & pepper shakers would move around on the dining table, or move back and forth from the dining table to the mirrored sideboard of the cupboard. One time things my mother had put on the dining table returned to the kitchen by themselves when all of us kids were outside playing. Another time a glass of water tipped over by itself in the kitchen while my mother was peeling potatoes. And yet another time an ink pen shot past my face and embedded itself in the wall - right past my nose!

There were neighbor houses on both sides, fairly close together. The same was true for the second house, which was an old white wood frame house, in the ranch and prairie style, with a large front and back yard. There were no nearby bodies of water, since these locations were in the major Los Angeles area. Both houses are located under the flight path of airliner planes coming in for landings at LAX - Los Angeles International Airport. Yet this did not account for any of the unusual phenomenon we experienced.

In 1959 my family moved to a different house in Inglewood's Lennox district where more ghostly phenomena occurred over the next year.

Strange and bizarre things happened to my family until the end of 1960 when it all came to an abrupt end when we moved out of that house to one in Norwalk.

This paranormal activity occurred over 45 years ago. It took place mostly from 1956 to 1960, about 4 years, but the worst of it was in the first house, from 1956 to 1959. The last activity occurred right after a fire which burned down our garage in October 1959, when a ghostly bizarre face kept appearing at the windows of the house from the outside at night, glaring at us. It was startling and very scary.

The main thing I remember about the second house we lived in was its old-fashioned charm and quaintness. The walls were covered in varnished knotty pine boards in some of the rooms and it was much larger and more spacious than our previous house. It had a large kitchen area and pantry, laundry room, and dining room. My room was right off the kitchen which was great so I could sneak a snack sometimes in the middle of the night.

A few times I recall the covers being pulled off me as I slept in bed. There was no one there, and it gave me the creeps.

Most of the strange ghostly phenomena occurred in my sister's room in the second house. She kept being smothered by some large heavy entity which had a very bad smell and labored breathing, and pressed her down into her bed until she had to scream very loudly, and then it suddenly released its grip on her. She said it felt like it was trying to choke her to death.

Also, at the second house, there was a large black walnut tree spreading over the back of the house. We would always hear the walnuts falling on the roof of the house, but that did not explain how the walnuts would appear in piles in my sister's bedroom at the back of the house in the mornings, or sometimes appear near the ceiling and roll down the inside walls of my sister's room and then roll across the floor by themselves. Sometimes the walnuts would appear to drop down from the ceiling and land on my sister's bed as she slept and then wake her in terror. Other times the walnuts would appear on the floor in nice neat little piles.

There was no way the walnuts could get into my sister's room. Yet they did-almost every day! There was no squirrel or other animal that was doing this, we would have discovered it. And why no broken walnuts or shells? This bizarre yet harmless paranormal activity still remains a mystery to all of us to this day.

The first house, located at 10130 Condon Avenue, was built in 1920 and was owned by a family named Dillon, and the ghost was that of old Mrs. Dillon, who had died in the back bedroom of the house of pneumonia in November 1955. The house remained there until the year 2000; when it was torn down to make space for a parking lot for a storage rental company. I visited the residents who lived there in the house in the 1970s, and they told me they knew the house was haunted, and they experienced some of the same weird ghostly phenomena that my family had experienced first-hand. They told me that sometimes the candles would light themselves, or that someone unseen would blow them out, or move things about when no one was looking.

The second house, located at 10529 Grevillea Avenue, was built around 1910 and originally was a farm house when there were no other houses around it.

The second house stood until sometime around 2001, then was torn down and a new house was built on the site.

My whole family experienced these strange and amazing frightening ghostly phenomena. My dad, John A. Long, was an engineer with North American Aviation in El Segundo. My mother, Lila Long, was a housewife.

My name is Don J. Long, the oldest of four children; my sister's name is Bonnie Long; my two brothers are Robert and Kenneth Long. There were no photos, recordings, or any other form of evidence other than our family experiences, sorry to say.

I grew up to know and believe that there is a spirit world which exists in the same space as the material world we live in, and paranormal phenomenon is the evidence of that spirit world. Because of these scary and startling experiences with the supernatural world, it was no big leap of faith for me to become a born-again Christian when I grew up, and have remained so to this day.

Who knows if these things are caused by evil spirits, or by the ghostly spirits of the departed dead?

We do not need any help, but we wanted to tell our story if anyone wants to hear all the incredible details. You may contact me via my e-mail address if you are interested.

Thank you. Don J. Long

Ghostly Footprints

This is something that had just happened yesterday, and now after about 20 years I'm starting to finally possibly put some pieces together. As a child growing up at my parent's house a good 3-hour drive south where I live now. I remember that on certain occasions (particularly mornings) when it was wet outside either from morning dew, rain or snow, I would notice small footprints made from shoes on the front porch.

The interesting thing about these footprints was the fact that they were rather small as to be made by a child maybe around the age of 7 or 8. And none were to fit any shoes or size of anybody's feet in my household... And I always would notice them often when I was the first one outside that day. To be honest, I thought it was interesting but for some reason it never really bothered me, plus I would try to make up some logical excuses in my head even if they didn't quite fit or make sense.

Another incident that had happened when I was a child that I remember, was a time when my family and I was getting ready one Sunday morning to go to church. I happened to look outside in a large pine tree and quickly saw a figure with a red shirt on that was in the pine tree. When I looked again it was gone, I told my parents and they brushed it off as though I was probably just seeing things and my wild imagination. I remember going out to the car with my parents and looking up at the tree to not see anybody or anything, so I kind of thought the same thing.

That day we had come home from church and our house had been robbed! I had thought that maybe I had seen the person in the tree that had robbed us, and I even told the police what I had seen. But once again, me being a small child everybody just kind of brushed it off.

Well yesterday morning my girlfriend who lives with me went outside to let the dog out and was very concerned about these wet footprints all over the porch. Instantly hearing this, it jogged my memories of when I was a child, and I asked her, were they small footprints as of that of a child, and she said yes! I had then went to take a look for myself and they were the same types of footprints I had seen as a child. Seeing this had made me start to think about things again, and I now think a little bit differently about things.

Since I had met my girlfriend about five years ago, she seemed to be plagued with extremely bad luck with all aspects of life, to the point where we were looking into ways to remove curses, bad spirits, etc. She had even experienced some strange paranormal type things. People whispering her name in her ear and nobody there and coffee cups that seemed as if somebody hit the cup out of her hand and across the room.

And since we moved to this new place little things like the lights going off/on. Television turning itself off, and just weird feelings on occasion... But not usually on a regular basis, just once and awhile. Although the night prior to yesterday morning when we found the footprints, she mentioned how weird it was that she felt a cold draft just on her, and how incredible odd that was.

Now I have just been trying to piece all of this together and this is my theory... Is it possible that perhaps these footprints that have only been around me throughout my life were that of some type of spirit that has attached itself to me and feels the need to protect me? Would this explain the footprints outside wherever I live as if it was guarding my house? Is the bad luck and incidents with my girlfriend happening because for whatever reason it feels threatened by her?

And last but not least... Maybe the person I saw in the tree wasn't the robber... Perhaps it was this spirit? I'm not 100% sure. Maybe I'm just nuts and blowing this whole thing out of proportion! I just don't know for sure. Has anybody else ever had an experience like, or heard of anything like this? Is this unusual?

I would love anybody's input or advice on this... Thanks for reading!

Ghostly Experience At Funeral

Ghostly Experience at Funeral

I'm 44 years old and my paranormal experience spans over 41 years. There is so much for me to write and truly by the time I'm finished writing I'd probably have forgotten just as much all of this is true and I will tell you as best as I can remember.

My first experience was when I was 3 years old I was at my grandfather's funeral. He died in 1968 I remember not really understanding what was going on and I found myself standing alone at the back of the gathered mourners, I remember seeing what I would describe as a very short dark person or child he was running very quick, probably about 25 meters away from me. He stopped all of a sudden behind a headstone.

What happened next did frighten me; he tilted his head from behind the tombstone and looked straight at me. I remember crying and running to my mother, that was my first ghostly experience, I won't forget that one.

Guardian Angel

When I was about 7 years old I remember going to bed about 8 pm and like most children I slept with the light on. I shared the room with my two brothers and that would explain why my bed was directly under the light. I remember laying flat on my back my face was now in align with the light when suddenly I felt these hands come under my armpits and pick me straight up very urgently, my legs were still flat my top half was upright. Then about 3 seconds later, the light bulb exploded and landed exactly where my face previously was. I don't know who that was but it was the first of quite a few times I cheated death or serious harm.

Holy Ghost

I think those who have felt the presence of the Holy Ghost will know what I'm talking about here. It happened only once in my life, I was about 16 and I guess my faith was at its highest point. I'd just finished reading scripture and was spiritually reaching out when I felt a most wonderful spiritual uplift, hard to explain, I remember years later just after I lost my father, my mother who was not practicing religion was very depressed.

She explained a similar experience, one night when she felt like giving up, some type of spiritual entity reassured her and made her feel better. Over the years I have questioned my beliefs and at 30 years old went into denial and became a skeptic. I know some of you are looking for answers, I don't proclaim to have them, but its interesting mum and me having a similar experience with different beliefs.

Ghost's Playing With My Lights

Lately my parents have been yelling at me for leaving my bedroom light switched on. But the problem is that I don't leave them on.

This started last year. I was getting ready for school when I heard someone whisper my name. I thought it was my nana but she was downstairs and when I asked her, she said she didn't say anything. So I started to get freaked out. Since then my lights have started to do what they do now. When I leave for school I switch them off and when I come home I get yelled at for leaving them on.

A few weeks ago I was straightening my hair in the bathroom. I had switched off my bedroom lights. I then heard kids laughing followed by a woman's voice saying, "Come on now kids don't go in there." I thought it was my nana watching T.V so I went to check but the T.V wasn't on. I went in my room to see if my T.V was on but it wasn't but my light was on. This freaked me out a lot.

What happened last night scared me even more. I have a bunk bed. By my bed I have a touch lamp on a shelf. When I went into my room to show my friend something the touch lamp was on. You have to touch it hard because it is broken and I haven't used the lamp in a long time so this really scared me.

I have tried to tell my mom that I don't leave the lights on but she does not listen.

So if you have any idea of what might be happening please tell me.

Ghost That Follows Me Around?

However, upon investigating literally moments later there was no one upstairs. A little spooked, I went downstairs and spoke to my Mum about it. It was then she told me that there were a few incidences since I'd left home. She would often see a figure leaning over our stair banister watching her whilst she worked in the kitchen. She also mentioned that a little baby girl had died in my bedroom when the house was built years ago in 1923, and she would hear the baby's pram. All these incidences at my parents only happened when I visited.

After I had moved out to several places here and there, I went to live in a place called Luton when I was 24 as a tenant in a small two bedroom house. My bedroom there was incredibly small but it reminded me of home. One night, I was all alone in the house and asleep in my bed (I'm a very light sleeper and I wake up from the slightest noises sometimes) and I heard my bedroom door open and then I felt some sort of pressure next to me, like something was sitting beside me near the top of my bed.

I woke up and noticed my bedroom door was wide open and the lights were on in the landing. I also heard running water coming from the bathroom. I didn't think much of it as I thought it was my house mate so I got up and looked into the bathroom, both sinks taps were running. I turned them off and noticed that there were lights on downstairs so I wandered down there, had a look around but no one was there. I turned off all the lights and checked my house mate's bedroom but he wasn't there.

I was quite freaked out by now but nothing prepared me for what happened the following night. I heard some sort of growling noise in the middle of the night which woke me up and remember it being very cold. I couldn't open my eyes and it felt as if I was pinned to my bed. I had to fight to move my arms or legs and eventually I managed to move my after a massive jolt of my body. This scared me so much to the point I packed my things up and left as soon as I could.

I had no incidences since that day until I visited my parents for the summer holidays this year, 2 years later. The other day, I found myself very restless and unable to sleep. At one point I must have drifted off and I was lying on my side. Once again I heard the growl but this time felt something creeping on the other side of my pillow. I was unable to move again but I told myself that I had to move and roll over no matter how scared I was, which eventually I did. I didn't want to go back to sleep afterwards. I've not had any further experiences since I've been here.

To me, this sounds like a very sinister ghost and I'm not sure why it seems to attach itself to me. It doesn't sound very friendly at all and I'm just scared to go to sleep sometimes. During the times when I've been asleep, I'm not sure whether I am actually completely awake and whether this is part of a dream but it feels very real.

I've had dreams where you think they're real before but nothing like this. If they are dreams then I don't want to have them anymore and if they're not then I'd rather not experience this again. I hope someone can help or give some advice on what's going on. I've told this to a few people before but no one really believes me. Thanks for your time.

Ghost Or Sixth Sense?

It was strange, but I only passed it off as my own fault. But now that I think about it, even when asleep there is no way I'd be able to do that.

I was sitting in the basement, just hanging out surfing the web on my laptop. I had music playing, but even though I was listening to music it sounded really strange that I heard singing without my headphones on. I heard different types of voices, nearly trailing me around for a little while. I got up to get some water, and I heard a young woman's voice, saying something like, "Come one, you gotta get ready to go now." I even heard my name being said, but it didn't sound anything like my mom, or anyone else I know. I brushed it off as only being my imagination, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following me.

Visiting a cemetery is basically my worst thing to do in the world. I can't go near the tombstones or the grass. Stepping near anything beyond the concrete pathway sends shivers up my spine, and causes my stomach to feel frozen over. I become choked up, and I start to loose my vision. It's strange and I have tried to get over it, but the more I try the more I nearly pass out. Thinking of the ones that are in the cemetery grounds, makes me want to crawl into a corner and cry for hours. It's not much of a ghostly experience, but it's still very strange.

This one was the craziest experience ever. I was sitting at my desk, in school. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw this black figure go running down the hallway. There was nothing, but locked doors at the end, but whatever it was had disappeared. I looked over and saw the kid beside was looking in the same direction, a strange shocked look on his face. I asked him if he had seen something, and he said yeah. I didn't say anything about it and only asked what he had seen. What he described was exactly the same as what I had seen. I felt a little uneasy the rest of the day after that. The fact that he had seen it as well, made me believe it had really been there, and that it wasn't just my imagination."

I thought an entity might be residing in her home but once she told me about her experiences in cemeteries, school and what happened earlier today with that young girl, I am starting to believe that she is more in tune with these things than others, that she has a sixth sense if you want to call it that.

We really need advice in figuring out what is going on and we would really appreciate any comments you leave for us and if you could give us a bit of advice about what is going on and what we could do about this.

Thanks for taking the time to read this story and if you comment, thanks again!

Ghost Copying People and Other Things

I haven't been around as of much lately, mainly because I've been busy with school and work and I've been lurking on paranormal forums around the web. I've decided to come here again because I like the general atmosphere and how people here can actually have a serious discussion about the paranormal.

In my last story I wrote about an experience I had at my boyfriends parents house, since then we have moved twice, we rented an apartment for about 2-3 months and now we've bought a home. I've had experiences in both places that I'm going to write here because of the stuff that happened in the apartment are too short to put in a different story.

We moved there in October last year. We were living on the top floor in the middle, the smaller apartment. With the apartment you get a decent sized storage place in the basement, which just looks normal, nothing creepy, painted white, the floors were carpets, but I couldn't go down there. The reason for this is because I'm rather sensitive about spirits and I've always felt a dark angry spirit there. I just hated going down there I'm not sure what it was, so I just let my boyfriend go down there.

The ghost in our apartment seemed to be rather friendly, he didn't do much except move the toilet paper and hide things, he never really scared me. He copied things we said, which only happened on two occasions that I remember.

First incident was when me and my boyfriend were going to go to bed, and all over a sudden the porch door bursts open, now this is in winter in Iceland so it was windy and rainy, so my boyfriend runs and closes the door (Nothing paranormal with the door, the handle was broken, we had to tie the unbroken part to the oven so it would stay closed, we forgot to do tie it that night) Now he's struggling the door and I'm laying in bed when I hear something standing in the doorway talking exactly like my boyfriend and saying "omg" over and over, my boyfriend has a habit of doing that so I just thought it was him, the figure walks over and sits on the bed, I just thought it was my boyfriend until not 2 minutes later my boyfriend comes in and goes to bed.

During Christmas break we had our friends over every night until the wee-hours, we'd play guitar-hero, board games, Dungeons and Dragons and did whatever we felt like.

On one night we were all playing D and D, our friend who was the dungeon master (He plays all the characters we encountered) would change his voice for each character he was acting, one in particular was a character named Kurt. We played all night and when they left me and my boyfriend just went to bed, not feeling very tired.

After a while I hear "Kurt" talking, it startled me but it was over quick, I remembered then reading about ghosts that sometimes copy what you do and shrugged it off as just that.

In January we moved into the house we are in now. It sends a welcoming vibe, it's old compared to other houses here and I feel in love with it as soon as I saw it.

Before we moved in we wanted to do some painting, my boyfriend works as a fisherman so he wasn't there at the time, I was painting and listening to music when I heard little kids running on the stairs. I knew for a fact that there weren't any kids in the house. I just smiled and kept painting.

A few nights after that I invited some friends over to help me paint the living room. I had to go pick one of them up, when we were driving back I saw this eagle fly past my windscreen, probably bigger than me, nonetheless I slammed the brakes, then realized that they aren't any eagles here. I'm not sure whether this is related but it scared me.

We arrived the house and start painting, we were getting into it and I felt something touch my hair. I looked around that there was nothing that I could've caught my hair like that, I accused everyone for touching my hair, and they just thought I was crazy.

So after we moved in and have been living happily, everyone says that this house has a good vibe. But there is some strange activity going on.

Firstly when we are upstairs in bed we keep hearing a clicking sound coming from downstairs, like someone is turning the light switches on and off. Each time we go to investigate it stops. My boyfriend has twice heard a strange sound that he can not describe and friends tell me they sometimes hear strange voices (other than my own) when they're talking to me on the phone and I'm alone.

I had an experience a few nights ago actually, I was sitting here in the computer room, now we have an airmatress here so whoever is using the lappy can sit comfortably while the other is on the PC, I saw a little grey spotted kitten walk over the mattress. We do have a cat, but she's completely black. Sunday morning our little ghost kitten came up and laid on my bed, our living cat was outside, and when I turned to look at the kitten she was gone. I named her Julia after that.

And last night we saw her again, walk from underneath the closet. There was also strange music coming from downstairs, that stopped as soon as my boyfriend went to check on it.

I work in the evenings in the Icelandic equivalent of UPS, I drive out packages and stuff like that, so I'm usually alone in the post-house at nights. There's a guy there that walks past the beeper that beeps when people are coming in.

My friend (Who is very sensitive to ghosts) was helping me work one night as soon as she went into the building she had this horrible feeling of dread and hate. She just wanted to lie down and die.

Another work related incident... I was going to someone's house with a package, when I saw a little boy standing behind me, I jumped and thought maybe he lived there. When I blinked he was gone.

I found it strange that within the last few months I've seem to been experiencing more than I do usually, I'm wondering whether this is a warning

But alas, I have written enough for one night, I'll keep you updated if you're interested.

- Patch

Just to add one thing; I saw fire in my window yesterday, I poured the nearest liquid over it, but there were no burn marks (Window is made out of wood) Could this be related?

Free Us

Hi everyone. I haven't updated anything in a long time. Busy and the page is always down when I get the chance to write. But here is what's been happening. This happened to me only a few hours ago. I was walking from my bus stop to my house which I would say is a good quarter mile. I kept getting this weird feeling like something was watching me. Well wait let me back track to last month. I went to a concert that I shouldn't have. There was a lot of hate and death thoughts. At the concert I saw two very tall figures staring at me. They followed me home and joined my beast in tormenting me.

So back to today. I could feel a pressure all around me which hurt at times and was like suffocating. I got to my house and no one was there. I don't like being home alone much anymore because my experiences happen most often when I'm alone.

I had to go on my computer to work some things out for school so I was sitting there when I heard someone calling my name. It was a whisper at first but it grew louder calling, "FREE US FREE US FREE US..." I didn't know what us was. Then my beastly voice broke into call this calling. He laughed his normal hideous laugh and said "are you going to free them...Tiersa?" I couldn't take anymore and ran out of the computer room but stopped in the hallway. The beastly one was at the end of the hallway. He was facing the front door so his side was to me.

My room is next to the computer room so I backed up slowly so he wouldn't see me and hurt me or anything. There is also a mirror at the end of my hallway. I saw three figures in it. One of my beastly fellow and two from the concert. I hid in my room until I heard the front door open. I jumped up and looked to see if anyone was home but no one way. I figured one of them must had opened the door.

Michael suddenly came to mind I called out to him. "Michael please make them leave, make them just go away..." I heard heavy breathing on the other side of my bedroom door and then it was silent. I could hear the rain falling but it wasn't raining. And I can still hear "Free Us" in my head.

Does anyone think that is weird, I could hear the rain falling but it wasn't raining? Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do about my new comers. I've tried to use the dirt/sand salt and water thing but that isn't working now. It's getting out of control now. I really need some help!

Footsteps Upstairs And The Amateur Typist

My wife and I were living in a tiny two bedroom apartment when we found out my wife was pregnant with our beautiful son. We were both in the Navy at the time, so it was hard to do extensive house shopping. I was always out to sea for a few weeks, then home for a few weeks and so on. We found a home, close to base, in Newport News, VA. It's located in a nice golf course community called Kiln Creek. We thought the home was beautiful. It had two stories and plenty of room for the little guy.

The first creepy thing that took place happened in broad day light. The bedroom closet on the first floor was not painted when we moved in, so I took it upon myself to paint it. We were still settling in, so the sound of foot steps upstairs was no cause for alarms, until I heard my wife yell from the kitchen, "What are you doing up there?" That's when I stopped painting and I walked out and looked at her. I startled her because she thought I was upstairs. I checked the house and nothing.

There would be other subtle things such as a bright flash coming from the second floor loft, as if a camera flash went off. Whispering could be heard upstairs as well. I never slept one complete night the entire 2 years we stayed there. My wife and I deduced that whatever was in the house, it was upstairs.

The final straw was when my wife woke me up at approximately 3am. She was trembling with fear, almost crying. I asked her what was wrong and she told me, "shhh, just listen." That's when I noticed that a light was on in the loft. It wasn't just any light it was the light of my computer monitor. The same computer I ALWAYS put on sleep, meaning the mouse must be moved or keys must be stroked to bring the screen up. Then I heard it typing. It sounded like an amateur typing one key at a time with his/her index fingers only. The sound took my breath away. It was distinct, the same sounds I hear as I type this experience. I mustered as much courage as I could, protecting my wife and child. I picked up my 22inch mag flashlight and crept to the loft. I figured my best move was to jump out and try to startle whoever was there. I jumped out from behind the wall and screamed! As soon as I turned that corner the typing stopped and my computer chair spun a 180 until it stopped facing me. I have never had goose bumps run down my legs but I sure did when I was standing there, frozen with fear, anticipating something terrible.

That was the last night we slept upstairs. We spent the last 7 months in that house, sleeping on a mattress on the floor of our living room with our son always between us. I do believe something attached itself to us. Everywhere we go there are always little things that happen. Voices, kids' toys turning on and playing by themselves.

I feel better now than I did then. I feel like my soul is in a healing process, and hopefully one day, I'll no longer be scared.

Footsteps On The Stairs

In my life I have had a number of odd and unexplainable things happen to me. I have been have possessed, I have been attacked by a malicious entity. So far as I know all the houses I have ever lived in has been haunted. As unfortunate as this sounds, the house I am living in now, has more of a kinder entity inhabiting it. I only know that we have an old Indian burial ground close to my house so this is a possible place the spirit might have come from.

Anyway, I experienced something I'll never forget. I was lying in bed one night, and I couldn't sleep because I could hear footsteps going up and down the stairs. I was so frightened that I ran down the stairs to my mom (as the footsteps walked past me). I told her why I couldn't sleep. She told me that she had heard of a similar story and told me to tell the spirit to leave me alone. I walked slowly up the stairs listening for the footsteps. I crawled into bed and laid down. After a few minutes the footsteps started again. I lay in fear as the footsteps walked past my door. I struggled to find the words to tell the spirit to leave, without angering it. I could bear it no longer. I heard the footsteps approaching my door and so I sat up.

"Please,", I said, " I need to sleep and your footstep's are keeping me awake! Please go away!"

I quickly lay down just in time to hear the footsteps slowly fading away.

I never heard the footsteps again, but a number of unexplainable things still happen within my household.

Floating Above The Surgical Team

I was eleven years old when my appendix burst. It was the worst pain I had ever felt and I felt hot. The nausea would come in waves and my parents didn't understand what was happening to me. I was sick, really sick and no one seemed to take me seriously.

When I started having seizures, my parents realized the severity of the situation and they rushed me to the doctor. It was back in the day when you see the family doctor for everything. As soon as he saw me, he knew I needed to get to the hospital, right away.

In less than half an hour, we were loaded up and off to the nearest hospital. I was scared, sick, and hallucinating. I was told my fever was pretty high at that point.

The doctors said I was septic and rushed me into surgery. I remember falling asleep almost right away. I found myself hovering over the doctors. Yes, I was floating above my actual surgery and I wasn't scared. There were Angels with me and they made me feel so safe. I could see other beings in the room but they weren't clear like the Angels. They seemed to float in and out of the room.

I remember asking the beings around me if I was dead. They smiled really big and I could hear a beautiful music in the distance. I wanted to go there but they told me I needed to wait. They said, "It's not your time yet, you must be patient". It sounded like their voices had blended into one beautiful musical voice.

I watched the surgery as though it were happening to someone else. It didn't scare me and I watched with a kind of detachment. I heard every word that was said and I saw every last stitch they placed in my body. They cut me from hipbone to hipbone and it didn't bother me to see them trying to clear away the damage. I saw them flushing out the area around my intestine. I stared with curiosity at the black tube sticking out of my mouth. I felt happy. It was a strange place to be in and I didn't have a care in the world. I didn't care about the body on the table.

I remember the Doctors talking about my irregular heartbeat and my dangerously low blood pressure. I heard them talk about my short stature and how I didn't look like a girl, who was about to turn twelve.

The Angelic beings floated around my body and they stayed close by. The two nearest my floating form was the hardest to see. Three Angels were floating above my body on the table. I think they must have been my Guardians but I can't say for sure.

Before I knew it, the Angels and the other beings said it was time to go back and I didn't want to go. It felt like my Soul was being sucked back into my physical body.

Next thing I knew I was waking up in recovery. When I could talk, the Doctors were amazed at my story. I told them I was floating above the surgery and hearing every bit of their conversations. I remember a few other Doctors entering the recovery area-to hear my tale. It didn't seem like that big a deal to me at the time.

Now I know how special it was but it wasn't to be the last time. I will have to save those stories for another time!

I don't fear death. It is just a small part of the journey.

Flashing Lights And Scraping Footsteps

One time in Chesterfield, my cousin, aunt, mom, friend, and I were camping and we were talking about a ghost that followed my aunt around since she was 7. She saw it by looking out her window and seeing a girl that was wearing a white dress. Well once she finished her story, we had to go to bed.

I woke up for no reason and I heard a scraping foot steps outside the tent but everyone was in our tent so no one could be outside. I looked out from the door and saw a white figure of the girl my aunt had described. I didn't tell my aunt because she hates to be woken, so I just went back to bed thinking of the girl.

The next morning I asked my friend if she heard anything and she said she heard a scraping sound but she thought it was someone outside (I didn't ask my cousin because she is a big tattle-tale and if I told her she would have told everyone). My aunt apparently forgot to say that the girl liked to play pranks on people. So, the next night I felt someone tickling me, poking me and it was really annoying.

Another incident with the girl was when me and my cousin were sleeping in the basement when I noticed that the lights were going brighter and dimmer because we have those kind of lights but you have to twist the knob. So I asked my cousin if she noticed it to but as soon as she said "no" the lights went totally pitched black and went back on really bright, brighter than it should have, then it went normal again.

I got really scared because I know the lights aren't supposed to do that so I yelled for my aunt and said "Tell your ghost to stop bothering us!" and she could hear the fear in my voice because she practically flew down the steps. I started to hear my cousin cry and knew my voice had probably scared her. I also heard a soft whimper not of my cousin and I heard "I just wanted to get her attention, I'm sorry".

Those are the only time that I have had incidents with the girl, but I probably will have more when my aunt comes over again.

First Paranormal Experience

He first paranormal experience I had was when I was in the 4th grade. My Mom and Dad split up and we moved to a new house. Up to this point my older sister and I shared a bedroom. Needless to say it took me a little while to get used to having my own room.

When I would go to bed at night I could swear I heard footsteps going up and down the hall just outside my door way. When I would go downstairs and tell my mother, she would tell me it was the baseboard heat making the noises. I tried to tell her I new the difference in the sounds, but she didn't want to hear it.

One night I was sleeping, when my foot brushed up against something at the end of my bed. I woke up and looked down there to see an older man standing there looking at me. He was kind of short and older looking. He was wearing a blue "Dickey's" outfit like a repairman would wear. He stared at me for about 30 seconds with a soft smile on his face. He slowly faded away and I heard his footsteps go out my door and walk up and down the hallway 3 times then stop. During this I was scared but not scared.

I now knew where the footsteps came from. Every night after that as soon as I went to bed he would start at my doorway and walk up and down the hallway 3 times and stop at my door. About 4 years later I took over my sister's bedroom at the other end of the hall. I listened the first night going to bed and he was right there to pace and protect me.

Family Of Sensitives Or Are We All Haunted?

I wanted to share with you some experiences we are having at our home and actually have had for a number of years. I have to say I am a little hesitant to talk about this for many reasons but lately we have seen an increase in activity and I am not sure why.

We live in a normal suburban home built in the early 80s (I think). I do know the previous owner of the house met an untimely end in a car accident with a drunk driver a few miles from the house. I also know the following occupant lived there many years but is also now deceased (not related to the house as far as I can tell).

I moved into the house in May of 2007 and almost immediately began to experience a few small unexplainable things. My son is very sensitive and he saw someone several times in the kitchen area, I personally heard someone talking (unintelligible) when I was in the kitchen and he was in the living room but it sounded like a female voice. This was two years ago. Since then the activity has been fairly sporadic... Increasing from time to time - subsiding in others. Mostly we have experienced odd noises - voices, a repentant "swooshing" sound like material being moved about, both my son and I have seen a woman in the kitchen/laundry area, the sound of the front door opening and closing at all hours of the day and night (but the door does NOT actually open, it just sounds like it does) . My dogs also hear these things and look toward the apparent source of the noise.

Lately in the last six months the activity has increased. It seems primarily centered around my 21 year old son and 15 year old daughter. Items disappearing and reappearing, the swooshing noise, the sound of a car driving through the rain - except it is INSIDE THE HOUSE - and we haven't had any rain in over a year. Now not only do we get the door opening sound, but also the phone is ringing - ok actually the phone doesn't register a missed call, but the three of us have HEARD the phone ring - it stops before you get there. My son has had his hair pulled so hard it bruised his scalp. My youngest daughter (12) has been awakened by someone tugging on her foot. My dogs have days where they go nuts... Very nervous barking at nothing all day and night.

Last night around 4am my dog started barking, a very agitated and angry bark. This went on for about 2 minutes. As I got up to see what was going on I was putting on a robe and I heard the front door slam shut. I went to the door and as I walked toward it - I heard the sound of someone vigorously sweeping. I couldn't tell if it was inside or just outside the door. The door was locked as it should have been. I opened it - still heard the sweeping noise but - there was no explanation of where it came from. I went outside onto the front step (the sweeping was either just inside or just outside the door but in that area) - and the door slammed shut on me. It wasn't locked and I was able to go back inside but as soon as the door shut - the sweeping noise stopped. I never made it back to sleep.

Okay believe it or not with the exception of the hair pulling and foot tugging I could probably actually live with all of this - except, well here is where the story gets complicated.

This is not the first house where we have had issues. When my son was 6 and my daughter was an infant we lived in Germany. At that time I was fairly agnostic toward the paranormal... I wasn't sure if I believed or not. After living there I was convinced. I have never felt or seen or heard anything that strong in my life. There was a female and male entity in that house that not only we saw /experienced...people from outside of our family saw and heard the same things. We actually had some negative altercations with those entities and we ended up moving out of the house because of it. Both of my older children experienced phenomenon in that house.

Now this is what has provoked me to write to you. My kids have not spoken with each other about their experiences. But the older two have both come to me within the last month and told me that they believe the ghost is not attached to the house but attached to them personally because they have experienced these issues at different houses. Also they have both mentioned they felt it was both a male and female entity. I was talking about this to my mother and she brought up some things I didn't remember - when I was a child and a young adult I experienced similar things. Items moving, lost and found items, an entity touching my mother, inanimate objects moving (yes we could visually see them) and I was able as a child to look at it and say "stop that" and it stopped. I also know my father was able to see spirits and that he and I were oddly linked by - dreams and emotions but then that is another story.

Now - I don't want the world to know these things; I know people will say/think we are a family of freaks. I am pretty comfortable with "other than worldly" influences in my life so I am not asking for an exorcism and anything like that. I think I really would just like to understand better. Actually I just want to know if there is something that follows us around, or if we are just collectively sensitive to the things that are around everywhere in the world. I am curious about similarities in experiences between myself and my children and between different locations. (missing/reappearing items, sound of water, female voice) etc. And why sometimes the experiences are strong and frequent and other times are not so much.

Experiencing Paranormal Activity

When I was about six years old, I was playing with my barbie dolls in my room of our new house. It's a big beautiful new house. Yes, the house was new. I looked up, and I saw a ball of light. I didn't feel threatened at all. As a matter of fact, I believed it to be my dead grandmother whom I've never met; an angel. So, of course that sparked my interest.

From then on, I was interested in the paranormal. As a 10 year old, I was always on the internet looking for ways to explain what I experienced when I was six. I never knew my curiosity would spiral me into this world in which I do not belong.

I figured out how to harness my natural psychic ability. (I believe everyone is born with it.) I always liked to believe that there were spirits around me, giving me the protected feeling that my grandmother would have given me. I frequently would venture into places that I probably shouldn't. And search for entities. I would snap pictures and things like that, but I never came up with anything. It was a bit disappointing.

When I was the sixth grade, I became friends with a group of people who shared the same interests as I did. This was very exciting, since I no longer felt like the oddball in the group, and I felt like I could talk about things more openly than I could before.

They invited me to a Halloween party that fall. One of my friends said there would be an ouija board there. I was so excited to hear this. The night of the party, we were all in her room and talking to 7 spirits already. One particular spirit seemed interested in us. He was 18, I think. He told us he died in a car wreck. And I could relate because I almost died in one when I was 8.

Well, anyway, when I got home, and was lying in bed, I felt a presence in the room. But I looked, and there was no one in the door way. I played it off. I just thought I was scaring myself. For a child of 12, I was pretty level headed. As I was staring at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to come, I felt two hands run down my torso, gripping my 12 year old curves. I felt paralyzed. I didn't know what else to do but sit there and wait for the sensation to leave my conscious mind.

Ever since that incident, I've been experiencing more and more paranormal activity. I frequently feel energies around me. And I've become able to distinguish paranormal energy and energy created by man made things. And I often smell roses, cheap perfume, cologne, cow manure, and other smells that shouldn't be there, you know?

I also get pushed and touched quite often. I passed these things off as possibly paranormal. But I couldn't be sure. It wasn't until recently that I thought of the possibility that this thing that's stayed with me through the years could be responsible for my depression. I have gotten help, and I'm okay now. But for 5 years I was depressed and cut myself. I'm wondering if that night with an ouija board ruined my chances at a normal life.

There's so much more to my story, but I'm just giving the gist, because I need some answers. I want to know if I'm in any danger because of this thing I let into my life. If anyone has advice, or anything you think could help, I'd be more than happy to hear from you.

Evil Encounters

My mother, myself, my sister, and my Autistic brother, had just moved into a house in Hazel Park, Michigan. The house seemed okay at first, but there were times where I heard weird noises. I wasn't the only one; the rest of my family had mentioned they heard things as well.

Our house had an attic, it creeped me out really bad, and I never went in it. It had one of those pull down ladders. Well one night my brother, and sister was sleeping, and my mother and I were sitting on the couch talking.

All of a sudden I heard what sounded like someone wearing boots walking down the hall towards us. Our house had wooden floors, and they made noises, but this was a distinguishable noise.

I tilted my head to look toward the hall as our couch was at an angle where you could see down the hall way. I didn't see anything. I asked my mom if she heard it and she said she did. It stopped and we continued to converse.

About 5 minutes later, the same noise started again, and this time it sounded like it was getting closer and closer. I freaked out, and told my mom to get my sister, and brother, that we were getting the heck out of there.

We woke everyone up, and told them come on, my sister was asking what the heck was going on, and I told her to just get in the car that we'd explain once we were outa there. We told her what happened, and she believed us a little bit. We drove around for about 2 hours, before deciding to go back.

We honestly thought that a "real" person like someone homeless was living in our Attic. I finally agreed to go back, and when we pulled in the driveway, a sense of fear was overcoming me again.

My mom went in the house first, looked around, and came back out. She said she didn't hear or see anything. We would have called the cops in case it was a real person, but we didn't see anyone, only heard the sounds, and other frightening paranormal things happened before.

So, I got the courage to go back inside, and the minute I put my foot into the house, a loud BANG sounded over my head in the Attic, at that second, I screamed, ran out of the house, jumped in the car, and locked the doors.

My mom told me to unlock the car door, and when she opened it to see why I screamed, she noticed how scared I was. I was shaking extremely bad, and I went into a panic attack. She decided it was best that we stayed somewhere else that night, and we ended up sleeping at my Grandmas house.

I probably wouldn't have been so scared but so many other things have happened in that house. As I said in my profile, I have experienced paranormal things all my life, but nothing like that time.

To me that house was evil, there was a day when I was in a bedroom with a friend, and suddenly I felt strangled, I was choking and when my friend screamed for my mom, my mom rushed in the room. Obviously no one had really choked me, but I did have a hand print on my throat.

There is many times where I feel a "presence" but I usually just ignore it, and don't think anything of it. However there are times like the one's mentioned above where I have a bad feeling, I'm very afraid, and the presence feels evil.

That's one of my real experiences. I will share more in the future.

Early Memories

This story is a two part both taking place in my childhood. As I said before I've experienced things as long as I can remember, which my memory is quite extensive. The first part took place in a town called brilliant. My family and I lived in a duplex when I was two years old up until I was three. Yes, I know some don't start containing memory until after this age but not in my case. I guess you could say it is because of the type of memories.

It was morning and my mother was hassling with my older sister to get ready for school, my sister's worst nightmare you could say. My sister and I shared a room at the time. I was playing in our up stairs bedroom while Amy (my sister) was fixing her hair. She finished quickly and left he room. As she did the bedroom door slammed shut and locked with me still inside. Now being only two years old, I was unable to reach the door handle to help myself. I immediately started screaming and crying. My mother rushed up he stairs to the door with my sister at her side. My mom automatically assumed that Amy had locked me in the room because of her rotten streak. My mom quickly got a screwdriver and was trying to pry open the heavy wooden door to get to me, but the lock wouldn't budge.

There was never a key to that door either. Ten minutes passed of my screaming and my mother trying to get the door free. All of a sudden, as I sat there on the floor waiting the lock just flipped open with no explanation as to why. The door swung open. My mother had a look of surprise on her face. She was still on her knees trying with the screwdriver. Till this day my mother says it was my sister who locked the door but I know better. The question is if something locked me in there why did it let me out or was it something else?

After that day I remember talking to things my mother said weren't there. One in the basement and one in my room. I can't remember exactly what I all said to these things. I just remember one sentence that scared the living day lights out of my mother. While standing close to the basement door which was in the kitchen, where my mother was with me, I said "mommy I don't wanna help with laundry because the man behind the steps will get me". Also I remember in the mornings that I was let out of my crib by someone that wasn't seen by anyone else. My mother would always wonder how I got out so she watched me one morning.

She tells me the story today of how I was sleeping soundly as the crib door gently slid down. I awoke five minutes later and climbed down the bars and was on my way to breakfast. All my life I have encountered these things and still do. For all the moms out there that believe their child has an imaginary friend think again.

Some call me tortured, some call me blessed, but to myself I'm just trying to live with the images I've seen. As I stated in the first part of this, I've seen things and remember since the age of two. This story takes place at the age of five in a place called Salt Run Road. I was living with my family in a large trailer. I say this because it was quite large and extravagant for being what most would call a trailer. It was late on a summer night and it was bath time for me. I always enjoyed bathing in my parents master bathroom due to the large tub. For most kids bath time was horrible but for me I saw it as immense fun.

I was in the tub mucking around with bubbles and bath toys. My mother was in the kitchen finishing up the dinner dishes and was in no way visible to me or vice versa. To give you an idea what the bathroom was like for later in the story, it was a large room with a spa tub and a standing shower on the other side of the room. Now when you would walk into this bathroom the shower is behind the door to come in and the tub to the far side.

In the midst of my bath I happened to look toward the shower. I was frightened out of my mind at what I seen. The shower curtain began to draw back by a set of fingers that looked as if they were burned. Almost like a hotdog that was made on the grill. Now everyone knows that a hotdog if cooked too long it has flaky burnt pieces on it. The fingers I saw had the same effect but ended with long nails. As the curtain went further to reveal the figure behind I began to scream for my mother. I could indeed see that it was a woman with a strange glow around her.

It took my mother a few minutes to hear my screaming due to the distance away. She finally heard me and came running in to the bathroom. I'm glad she did at that time because I knew the woman in the shower was going to come out. All I could reply to my mother were the words "there's a witch in the shower..." My mother exasperatedly said finish your bath and get out. I continued to beg and plead with her to look in the shower telling her that someone was there.

Now with the door to the bathroom being open, my view of the shower was completely gone. My mother finally gave in to me and checked the shower. She was oddly surprised to find traces of ashes on the shower floor. Thinking it was strange, she remained in the room until I was through with my bath. We both know it couldn't have been my sister pulling a prank because she would have been spotted exiting the room by both me and my mother.

After that night, bath time was like being sent to my room without supper. It never appeared again though I do have a fear of closed shower curtains. Whenever I enter a bathroom, if the shower curtain is closed I immediately open it just to be cautious.

Dark Spirit Always Near

My first encounter was when a child living in Jacksonville, NC and felt a strong presence each time I entered the house. There was one room particularly strong where the spirit would pull you out of the bed or shake you violently at night and the spirit was often visible in the hallway at night. Doors would slam shut and there would be tapping of glass windows. The spirit remained after several attempts by pastors to remove it. To the best of my knowledge the property was not of any historic importance. (My parents are of the Christian-Baptist faith).

After high school I moved across the state and presumed that the spirit would remain behind, but this is not the case. I have since moved 2 more times and each time the spirit is still with me. I have seen it take on different forms, but most commonly is a transparent dark cloud like entity. I always feel as though I am being watched by this spirit. I can hear the spirit going up and down stairways at random times and the cats behave oddly when the spirit is strong.

As of late, I have felt the spirits presence in places other than the home as well. I fear the spirit will become violent or cause ill will.

If anyone can help, I would be very grateful.

Dangerous Spirit?

First, if you're reading this, you probably should read my other two posts, as this is a continuation, of how things have gone from bad to worse. Before, I was only bothered in my dreams, in my head, in the things that I alone could see or feel. I had never been physically hurt, or bothered. But, a few weeks ago, things changed.

I was spending the night with a friend, so I had to share a bed with her. That's a girl thing I guess, because guys would just sleep on the floor, but I consider this girl the sister I never had. So I'm in the bed, preparing for what I thought was yet another sleepless night, (I've come to love and dread my insomnia in equal proportion, because it keeps away the nightmares) when I fell asleep. Normally, I don't have the dreams of my spirit(or whatever he may be, but that's what I will call him, as spirit sounds better than thing) or of anything else connected to the abnormal, ghosts, etc. when I'm at her house. But, that night I did, and it was an awful sort of dream, the sort you can't remember when you wake up, save for bits and pieces, all you get is that horrible fear, and paranoia.

But, in this dream, something grabbed me. And, at the exact time, my friend grabbed me in my sleep. That would not be so weird, maybe even sort of funny in a way, but she has never once in all the years I've known her, and there's been a lot, ever been the sort of sleeper to do that. She mostly snores, and doesn't bother the person next to her, unless they bother her, which usually means her kicking me back after I kicked her for the 100th time that night.

So, I scream, and jump up, out of the bed running to the door, because I know something is there, and it wants to kill me. Later, the rational part of my mind tells me I ran because I thought that it already got my friend, and was going to get me too. But, that was what I wanted myself to believe, not what I really thought, because what I really thought, was the thing from my dream, it was there, it was in her, and it was going to use her to hurt me.

I wasn't coherent enough to think the word possession then, but later that's what I came to. I know, that in spite of the myths, actual possession is pretty rare, so they may not have been the case, and I hope to God it isn't, because that would mean I somehow put one of my friends in danger.

Thinking that what meant to harm me was in her, I ran. I wasn't running from it, I was running from her, because even if something bad was using her to hurt me, it was still her, and I would never hurt her, even to defend myself. She's been my best friend since we were little kids, and I couldn't bring myself to that.

So, I ran, still screaming apparently, because my friend's sister ran to the door. Now, whether this was sleepwalking or not, I'm not sure, because I can remember screaming, jumping up, and starting to run, but this conversation I can't, and I have been known to talk in my sleep. And I have slept walked before in the past, only once, but it could happen again.

According to her, I told her 'there's something there' I said it a few times, and I was really freaked out, really afraid. She told me it was my friend, and that when she did, I gave her this weird look, like I was confused, and didn't know what she was talking about.

After that, I crawled back in, and my friend asked me what was going on. She was lying down, but when I jumped off the bed, she had been sitting up. That seemed weird to me, but I was so embarrassed I had one of my screaming dreams there, I didn't mention it. No one really knows about these things, as I don't want them dragging me off to seek mental help, for my own good, as I can hear them saying.

I blew it off, decided it was just one of those things happen. Then, a few days ago, I woke up, in the middle of the night, and heard something moving around in my room. It felt like it was in my closet, or my bathroom. Sort of like a mouse moving around, but ten times louder. And a sort of rattling, clicking sound. I wanted to get up, to go see, but this voice in my head told me not to, saying "if you open the door, whatever it is will kill you..." so, I was going to listen, but I was tired, so tired of being afraid to even sleep at night, so I was going to get up, that voice in my head (the voice of common sense, most likely) arguing with me all the while. Then, in the end, I decided not to, fear not stopping me, but modesty, as I was only wearing one of my dad's old tee shirts, and it didn't cover much skin.

Still I sat there, trying not to breathe to loud, praying harder than I ever prayed, for God to please, please, whatever it was, to not let it hurt me. Which says a lot, since I haven't been praying that much lately, or even been the best Christian I could be. I guess life has me questioning my faith occasionally, and I wanted to take some time to figure that out in my head. Not that I don't believe, I do. God is love. Everything else can kind of of slip away from time to time I think, as long as you believe that God is all that is good. But this isn't about religion, although, in some cases, the things on this site and it can be tied together.

I haven't slept since then. Not more than about thirty minutes at a time. Which, isn't all that bad, because I don't want to wake up to that again.

What scares me, is what if I was right, and my friend was possessed? That would mean I brought this on innocent people. I knew there was something bad at there, my spirit warned me of something once, though I can hardly remember. I know it would never be my spirit, he is more likely to play the role of guardian, or protector. He would never hurt me. I care for him, if I'm honest, even love him, in a strange sort of way.

The thing is, I'm pretty sure whatever this bad thing is, I could bring it to me. I've heard of people who are very in tune with each other, having the same dream. And, if its possible I can talk to spirits in my head, then I'm sure me and my best friend having the same dream is possible. And, what if, somehow, I let it get her? If she was in fact possessed, which I do not like to believe.

I think maybe I could somehow accidentally call it to me. Once, it was around a year or a year and a half ago, I was able to call my spirit. Or, maybe that's not the best way to describe it, and I haven't ever really discussed it in detail before, because it really does make me sound loopy.

What happened was I was convincing myself he was not real, that he was some silly, illogical childhood fantasy that I had created, and was crazy enough to believe. But, I couldn't let him go without saying goodbye, so I tried to find him, to get him to me. But I couldn't, so I brought myself to him. I was lying in bed, not asleep, but eyes closed, concentrating. Then, after a while, I was in the place where we always were, in the dark, and he was there.

I could still feel my body in the bed, every nerve felt alive, could feel the bed under me, but I felt everything that happened there too. I cried there, and I could feel it in my bed, though I wasn't crying in there. I hugged him, spoke to him, and I felt it, in both places. I don't know what to call it, but it was like I was actually there, and still at home in bed at the same time. It could be an out of body experience, but I don't think it was. I only know that I was there, that I had made us meet, and I didn't know how.

I could never make it happen again. Which was fine, as it gave me the worlds worst headache trying. But, what if I did it and found the bad thing?

The other day, I was walking, and out of nowhere, I had a scratch on my arm. Not deep, sort the scratch you would get if someone caught your arm to get your attention, and their nails scraped you by mistake. But it was there, out of thin air. I told my family, and they told me I must have ran into something and not noticed until then. I am clumsy, so that could be true, only it isn't, I know it. I feel it.

When I sleep, I wake up, my whole body hurting, my head splitting. When I dream, I wake up, terrified, but not remembering. The only dream I remember is me, lost in a forest, its snowing, I come to a clearing, fall, give up, the my spirit is there, and holding down a hand to help. I take the hand, then I wake up. That is okay, because I'm happy to have my spirit back, but I wonder why he is back, and think it may be because the other things. He may really want to help me.

What's worse, is I think this other thing, the bad one, may want to hurt my spirit. And I can't let that happen. I love him, as if I really knew him. Maybe I did, in a past life or something. But, in my dream, when he puts down his hand to help me up, it's like I've found something I've been searching for my whole life. That sounds like something in some corny romantic comedy, but it isn't like that. It's like feeling whole. I know I'm becoming to attached to him, I go months without seeing him, then when I do, in spite of why, I'm happy.

I want him to find peace. I think he wants me to help. But this other thing, I think its in his way. I'm not sure, me and my spirit don't talk much these days, its always the same darn forest, and the same darn ending.

But, if I can hear this thing physically, if it can touch me, and it can possibly possess someone I know, then I think I'm in over my head. I don't want it to hurt me, and more importantly, I don't want it to hurt someone I love, my friends, my family.

I don't know what to do. I don't know how to make it go away. So, if anyone knows how to handle it, please tell me. Thanks for reading.

Cuts And Shadows

As I've stated in my previous story about my house, the presence comes and goes. I also said that the basement gave this dreadful feeling and I never liked being there alone. But being that I am now 19, I decided I had to face my fears. I decided I'd sit in the basement while alone in the house. I know growing balls right.

Well I would spend time in the basement; I always made sure I was occupied so I wouldn't think about the goose bumps forming on my arms. Days went by and it was uneventful, the floors didn't even creak. So I considered the ghost (s) gone.

I thought all was fine until I felt my face hurting, over my upper lip. I touched it and it felt like a fresh cut. So I looked in the mirror and realized I did in fact have a cut on my face. Mind you, I bite my nails down until I don't have any. But still, I created some excuse in my mind.

Again, I spent all day in the basement until my mother got home around 2pm. After she'd get home, I would go upstairs. So I felt the need to take a shower since I didn't do so upon waking up. While washing, I looked on the inside of my arm and found yet another scratch. It was minor and I didn't even feel it but I was confused about where it had come from. I never felt the sensation of being cut!

Another day went by and I had yet another cut somewhere on my body. This happened awhile ago so I don't quite remember where this last one was. So I stopped going to the basement alone!

Now, a few weeks ago during my break from school, I was just roaming around in the kitchen. I decided to look out into the backyard because it was a full moon and it was shining bright. As I was looking through the window, I could see the reflection of things behind me. I thought nothing of it until I saw a dark shadow move by, blocking out the light. I stood up straight and thought maybe I did it but I had been standing off to the right side, the light got blocked on the left. I wasted no more time and returned to my bedroom. I felt the feeling of something over my back again. My guess is, whatever is in my house, it has returned.

A few years ago, I had been sleeping in my bed but I randomly woke up. Ever wake up and look directly at someone because you know they're in your room? Well I slowly sat up and looked towards the end of my bed. And there, was a young woman smiling at me in that dreamy like way. Kind of like she adored me. She had her hands under her chin, propped up by her elbows and she was leaning onto my bed, the rest of her body on the floor. I stared at her longer and realized she looked a lot like a friend of mine. She eventually disappeared and I went back to sleep. I wasn't afraid or alarmed; I was just upset I had been roused out of my sleep because of her presence. I definitely woke up later completely confused as to why I would see my friend in my room admiring me.

Cursed Family

First of all my girlfriend and I moved into this house about 4 months ago. It is a old house built in about 1915! When we first got here everything seemed nice and pleasant. But there is a bedroom which is connected to the master bedroom. That gives me a strange feeling! I have 3 cats and always keep the doors to that spare bedroom closed, because whenever that room is open our cats go in the room and crap everywhere! They always use their litter boxes and never go crap anywhere else in the house!

Also about a week or 2 ago I had my niece over; who is about 1 year and sum odd months old, when my girlfriend and I tried to make her go into the spare bedroom she just would not step foot into the room and started crying. Once not near the room 2 secs later she seemed just fine. I don't know what is going on!

ANOTHER thing happened last night which made me subscribe to this site! First off my sister-in-law's mother died 2 days ago. (don't know if this has anything to do with anything.) But just last night while I was upstairs asleep, or trying to sleep, my girlfriend was downstairs in the living room watching TV and browsing the internet. (by the way the lights were off!) She said that she was just sitting there when all of the sudden she heard some thing. All of the cats were in the living room in her sight. The noise kept happening and then the cats looked like they were staring at something! One of the Cats hair started to stand up on her back. My girlfriend then called my name and heard me respond from upstairs. My girlfriend was wondering what was going on so she got up and flipped on the lights to find out that the cats food dishes made their way from the kitchen to the front door area. (not very far to kitchen to front door, about 15-20 ft.) She then came upstairs and told me what had happened.

I do believe her because one time at my mothers house which is old too, my mothers dog had died. A couple of days later my girlfriend and I were sitting in the living room when no one else was home and it was silent as can be, we heard my moms dog whining just like it did a few days ago when it was alive. I have always had some what weird stuff happen. I have older brothers that have had a lot of crazy stuff happen to them. (seeing stuff, things moving, hearing stuff!)

My question is - is the house I am living in haunted or is it just me? IS MY FAMILY CURSED? I have always thought that my family and I were haunted, we always have to worst luck in the world and the bad stuff only happens to my family and no one else. Crazy questions always cross my mind that I do not like to think of. (did one of my ancestor sell their soul to the devil? To curse this family. Am I crazy?)

PS. My father had committed suicide and I think that his sprit lives in my mother's garage. A place where he spent a lot of time. Working on cars, stuff like that. Even thou the event did not take place there. Sorry for rambling on but bad and weird stuff has happened to me and my family members alike. So is it the house? Me? Family? I need answers! ASAP. If anyone knows or as had things like this occur let me know.

Crying Out For Help

So I am afraid to submit story just in case I invoke them to come after me again. Since a child I have seen weird and wonderful thing, but I don't want to cower forever I want the facts and I want to know how to protect myself.

First memory ever, I must have been about two years of age. The house was filled with smoke and I sort of totted over to my mother who was standing at the window looking out. Our house was situated behind the town tennis courts then and what I saw was burnt into my memory. A bunch of cloaked men, humming words I didn't understand and they had burnt the star of David or something similar, satanic star I don't know, into the thatch roof of the rondavel and watched it burn down. That's my first memory ever!

All through my life I have had experiences, mostly unpleasant. Sleep paralysis being one of them, being held down in my bed, awake inside and the feeling of something feeding on my soul, entities floating above my bed at night, air would feel thick, battling to breathe... I even got to a point of how to use energy against others but could only use it once threatened enough or protection of others then I could release it but otherwise forget it- my ex husband used to get possessed and his eyes would change, weirdest thing ever, it was like the soul had been removed for that time being, no life in his eyes.

I see things all the time yet not as in person, almost like distorted energy and then my mind can see the detail - I can't explain it and I don't know why - I have tried to go to mediums to see why this happens, some refuse and others say they can't read me, I once went to a angel card reader and I pulled all the trump cards, she said this never happens and I have more power than I can imagine and I need to use it but my question is - FOR WHAT AND HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF?

I have a little girl entity in my house, she runs around and laughs and breaks things but sometimes she lashes out and grabs my feet when I sleep. My boyfriend bought me a St Christopher which I wear all the time even when I bath and that has worked. Yet lately I feel the darkness coming back. The air goes thick in my house and I can feel it watching me and the thing is that this thing follows me wherever I go or move so what I am asking for is help?


Hey, my name is Lotus; I'm from Denver, CO. I'm 30 years old and I have 3 children ages 10, 6, 5. I also have 4 babies that I had to give back to the Lord. I am a pastor's daughter, have been my whole life. I'm even a woman's leader in the church, but I haven't always had my face turned to God. I was Pagan for a while in my teens and early 20's but its funny I would always go to church wearing Slayer shirts with my eyes painted black and wearing rosaries just to screw with the stupid people that would brown nose me because of WHO my father was in the church and they just wanted to get close to him. I did it mostly for shock value and being a stupid rebellious spoiled brat. The church I grew up in is called Vineyard Christian Fellowship. I'm far from super religious, I just love Jesus and know the truth, however I have friends of many beliefs and it's awesome to learn about every different one, I NEVER judge anyone for what they believe and I'm not one to shove the bible down anyone's throat. I'm just real and basically down with anyone who respects me. I've dealt with spiritual warfare ever since I can remember. I thought everyone could see spirits, angels and demons and speak in tongues and witness the power of the Holy Spirit and the enemy for that matter because it was such an every day thing for me and my family. I'm telling you all this crap so you can kind of get an idea of who I am and these situations. I have 2 older sisters. My parents have been married for EVER like 40 years. My mother has 2 other daughters from her first marriage. When I was 4 we moved from California to Colorado, my half sisters stayed in Cali because my dad was a jerk to be honest and they were teenagers and you know that teens are emotional as well as hormonal, 'specially girls'. My two full sisters and I were still real young. To be honest I don't think my dad knew how to be a dad to teen girls having had no siblings, he didn't know his father, so let's face it teen girls are insane.

Okay I'm going to start with my earliest memories of the house we moved to in Golden, Colorado. It was an old house, so cute, warm and bright in the day time, but at night it took on a totally different feeling. There were three bedrooms 2 baths, a kitchen, dining room and living room on the ground floor as well as a basement. In the basement (uuuhg, the basement!) there was 1 bed room a laundry room and under the stairs you could get to a bigger space on the other side but I NEVER went over there at all. Whenever I was down there I was in my oldest sister's room with her or under my moms feet while she was doing laundry, you know like every kid is. I know I trip over my little ones all the time; it comes with the territory of being a mother, like I always have an audience when I use the restroom. You know what I mean if you have kids. Anyway, no matter what time of day it was, when anyone would use the bathroom in the hallway which we called "the big bathroom" you would get flashes of pornographic images. The wall paper was pink and gold and it started to peel eventually. My mom found pictures glued to the wall of porno under the wall paper. We would have other pastors from different states and what not stay with us every once in a while for Koinonia as well as my dads concerts (he is a worship leader and an evangelist, as am I now) so when they would stay they would be like "Danny UH, there's some crazy stuff going on in that bathroom" My parents knew the house was demonized but not until after we moved in. I don't think we even lived there for a year. But I was 4 like I said and my older sister and I shared a room and used the other room for a play room. When winter came our stuffed animals would be frozen to the wall higher than either one of us could reach.

At night we would hear something sliding down the hallway on the heater vents. Our dresser would shake violently and we would run to tell my mom. She would just be like "there's nothing here but us and Jesus" which we all knew was bull but she just tried to keep us from being afraid. We didn't have much money at the time so she really had no choice but to deny it to us girls. I understand that now. But when I would sleep at night there would be a hand high up on my thigh and a face right next to the left side of my bed, all night but see I wouldn't notice it until my MIND woke up before my eyes opened, do you know what I mean? Like I didn't notice it until it was absent. I never told anyone until like 9 years ago when my older sisters, my father and I were talking about the house and what we had gone through there. My sister explained that she would feel the exact same thing that had happened to me but I never told her that just justified and validated my experiences EVERY night. It was chilling to realize that it wasn't just my imagination.

Once my mother got pushed down the stairs, the stairs were half spiraled and after the thing pushed her it slammed the door in my face. I was behind her following her as usual while she did laundry. 911 didn't exist at the time I was so terrified my mommy was at the end of the stairs hurt. The door wouldn't open, she was yelling casting the demon out in Jesus' name and I did the only thing I knew how and called "0" the operator. My mom and I were the only ones home. My sisters were at school and my dad was at the church working. She got up out of the basement and could open the door before the rescue got there. Her knee is still messed up from it. The thing that pushed her we would see walk through the kitchen to the top of the stairs turn its head look at us then proceed to walk down the stairs, it was a huge dark hooded jerk. While playing by myself my toys would get thrown at me I would get smacked and bit, pinched, tickled.

Eventually there were an incubus and a succubus that would attack me and my dad. I didn't tell anyone or know about my dad having problems too until I got older. One spirit has stuck with me my whole life but it seemed when I was into the dark arts and on drugs being an idiot things would happen I would get attacked but very rarely. Those around me would get messed with. I would make the spirits leave but they always returned. I think it's because my face was turned from God and the enemy had me where he wanted me so he didn't start attacking me REAL bad until I changed my ways of faith and what not. When I was 17 I was driving to school. My steering wheel started shaking like crazy. I looked down for 1 second and hit a parked (yes parked lol!) trailer. I was so badly hurt I was in the ICU for 5 weeks. The trailer I hit had the number 213 spray painted in it; the enemy was always trying to kill me.

Now back to that house in Golden, my older sister which I shared a room with, she was born with a neuro tubular birth defect called Spina Bifida. She can walk but has no sensation in her lower legs and feet. Well one morning she woke up and she came into the living room where my oldest sister and I were watching my favorite show Pinwheel on nickelodeon. That's funny I just remembered that, but any who, she came out and we looked at her left foot. I think it was and there were huge teeth marks that were all bloody and from what I remember it looked like what had bitten her had a really wide mouth. She hadn't noticed it, not being able to feel obviously. My folks took her to Children's Hospital when it was in Denver. The Doc's asked if we had a dog. We didn't, she got a staff infection in the bite which she almost died from it. It seemed to me like she was always dying in the hospital, I felt really like, forgotten by everyone because a lot of focus was on her. She would always get presents, balloons and me being a little girl didn't quite understand. But she was sick, it wasn't like a positive thing she was getting so much attention. I know this now.

Now I live with my man and my children alternate between my ex husband and me every week. My oldest daughter Camille is such a sensitive, she has spirits talking to her and showing themselves to her all the time. She is young and gets frightened. I understand having gone through it myself, but as far as I know she hasn't been sexually assaulted by anything. It's really going to piss me off if my baby gets hurt like I did. My youngest two Sebastian and Savannah~Rose haven't showed any signs of being sensitive like Camille has her whole life. In this apartment we have two rooms a study two bathrooms with sunk in bath tubs a shower, two sinks in each and toilet in both bathrooms. A kitchen (duh) and living/dining area. It's pretty big. Camille and Savvy share a room and Sebastian has his own. Savvy (Savannah~Rose) does crawl into our bed often, but she was a preemie and always slept with me because I was so afraid she would die because she was so tiny. I had postpartum depression so bad; in 2K2 I had a bad pregnancy with my son Annakin. I had to deliver him at 30 weeks gestation, he had the same birth defect as my sister and 2 dead brothers Spina Bifida, and if I were to carry him full term he would have been in the hospital and died if he lived through birth he wouldn't last long, so I made the very hard decision to give him back to the Lord. I did this alone. I was going through a divorce with Camille's daddy my first husband. I was already involved with my second husband but we were just starting out, he did help me a lot but going through the divorce, grieving my son's death and having postpartum depression on top of it all I got pregnant with Sebastian two months after Annakin's birth/death. Sebastian came early, 1 1/2 months to be exact. My second husband guilted me into having sex with him before I was supposed to just four weeks after I gave birth to Sebastian early. Well I ended up pregnant with Savvy and I had to deliver her 8 weeks early too because every time I got pregnant I got sick with a gull bladder disease that produces too many bile acids in my blood which could have been fatal to both me and my baby. SO! I was a mess when Savvy was born to say the least. My second husband was horrible I came to learn sadly. So yes I kept Savvy with me at all times.

Now in this house, apartment really, in the day time its so nice but again at night I am so afraid I can't sleep, I have had sleep paralysis a couple times. I have been waking up with bruises and what not. My boyfriend will wake me up some times because he hears me moaning and yelling casting demons out in my sleep, I will JUST have drifted off and I can see my room as it is though. I will see a spirit and when I try to tell it to leave in Jesus' name, it feels like I'm too tired to get all the words out or it's just hard to speak. Sometimes I will feel a ball of electricity just fly into my head right when I fall to sleep as well. It scares my kids and my man to hear me yelling when I'm supposed to be asleep.

I have found out over the past two years I have cancer, Fibromyalgia, Lupus and I am in constant pain, I pass out all the time. I hit my head and knock my self out. I think it's spiritual, actually I know it. I'm sorry if this is crazy for you to read. But something will trip me or a dark hand will go in front of my eyes so I can't see and I fall and every once in a while the left side of my body will go numb for a few minutes.

When spirits approach me it's always to my left. I'm always being stared at during the night. I can't go to sleep unless my man stays awake and watches me, if he goes to sleep; I won't all night until the sun rises. I am exhausted to say the least its hard to care for my children or clean. I have even stepped down from the pulpit recently. I haven't been able to do my job as far as my ministry goes because of this war fare. There are also things that have happened that are just too morbid for me to submit to this site. I am constantly in prayer it seems. I ask the Holy Spirit to protect my children. I have read stories here on this site and commented even helped a few people who have contacted me outside of this site from seeing my comments here. But it took me so long to post this story because I'm afraid it will cause things to manifest even worse.

This story only scratches the surface of what's going on. I feel like I'm letting a lot of people down who have reached out to me for help because this sh*t is going down. I am sorry if this is too long or if its confusing, as some of you know when you actually sit down to submit your story its hard to keep on track some times and you just want to get as much down as you can for people to understand.

Thank you all so much for reading. ~~Lotus S. Dust~~

P.S.! Please if you want to help understand that I have had the house blessed, but I think it isn't where I live it's me and my family because it happens EVERYWHERE I go. I have even smudged every place I've been more than once. I try to do it every now and again just to stay on top, but this is just getting psychotic. I'm not a nut job; I'm not on dope I'm just at the end of my tether. I hate to admit I get afraid when I am the bravest, hardest chick I know. I am open and willing to any support or suggestions. I don't need anyone to preach at me, because I know the ropes. I'm no stranger to this crap, I am just desperate. I can't even believe I'm really opening this up and posting it. I've always tried to be strong and in control. This is devastating. I will however post more stories for I have many.

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